AUTHORS » Russell Schmidt

GCG Questions for Sermon on 07/22

This week Joe explained how we can know that Christ was the messiah; by His words and by His works. See for a complete list of scriptures used.

1. What did Jesus mean in Matt 5:17 when he stated “I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill the law?
2. What was Jesus’ relationship to the law?
3. What did Jesus mean when he said “The Kingdom of God has come upon you” in Matthew 12:28-29? What is the kingdom of God? (don’t just say ‘the church’)
4. What acts in Jesus’ life were direct fulfillments of scripture (e.g. His birth, baptism, death) What scriptures were fulfilled?
5. How can the information from this sermon help in evangelizing to a non-believer? Explain. Share?
6. Have you recently reflected on the fact that Jesus was the savior of the world and God incarnate?
7. Do you live each day in light of the fact that Jesus is physically reigning from heaven with all power and authority. Why or why not. Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 07/15

This week Joe discussed Christ’s view of John the Baptist. Matt 11:7-15 will serve as the main text for this weeks questions.

1. Are there any cultural or background issues that are important in understanding the listed passages?
2. What key word(s)/phrase(s) really stand(s) out to you in these/this passage(s) of scripture? Why are/is they/it important?
3. Compare the listed passage with at least 3 other Bible versions (NIV, ESV, NASB, NKJV, Ect.) What similarities/differences do you observe? Share with your group.
4. Are there any verbs, commands, prepositions, or conjunctions, that seemed to stand out (if any)? What? Why? Share.
5. Read through at least 2 commentaries on the listed passage and share what your learned with your group. Here are some free online resources. ( ( (
6. What was John’s Relationship to Jesus? Physically and spiritually.
7. Why was John seen as “The Greatest Prophet”?
8. How was John also Elijah? Why is this important?

GCG Questions for Sermon on 07/08

This week Joe discussed the significance of Jesus’ meeting with Moses and Elijah. Luke 9:28-36 will serve as the main text for this weeks questions.

1. Are there any cultural or background issues that are important in understanding the listed passages?
2. What key word(s)/phrase(s) really stand(s) out to you in these/this passage(s) of scripture? Why are/is they/it important?
3. Compare the listed passage with at least 3 other Bible versions (NIV, ESV, NASB, NKJV, Ect.) What similarities/differences do you observe? Share with your group.
4. Are there any verbs, commands, prepositions, or conjunctions, that seemed to stand out (if any)? What? Why? Share.
5. Read through at least 2 commentaries on the listed passage and share what your learned with your group. Here are some free online resources. ( ( (
6. Discuss the significance of Jesus’ meeting with Elijah. Why was it important? Support with scripture.
7. How and why are the Law and Prophets the pre-runners and pre-requisites for Christ? Explain.
8. How is knowledge of the Law and Prophets helpful in sharing the Gospel with a non-believer? Explain. Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 06/24

As you all know, the service last week was quite a bit different than normal. I hope that you were as blessed as I was to go through Emmaus’first corporate rite of passage ceremony. The following are some questions for your groups to discuss pertaining to the service.

1. What was the most powerful part of the Rite of Passage Service?
2. Why are Rite of Passage ceremonies so important for today’s youth?
3. What are some things that you want to/did include in a Rite of Passage ceremony for your child? (hypothetical if you have no children)Why? Explain.
4. How can you as an individual support the youth of Emmaus as they prepare and go through their Rite of Passage?
5. How can the chruch support the youth of Emmaus to ensure they devolop properly toward maturity and their Rite of Passage?
6. Spend some time in prayer for the youth of Emmaus and the Christian youth of America.

GCG (OIA) Questions for Sermon on 06/17

Hello GCG’s! Due to the continaul nature of the sermons, I found it best to change the title of the questions from OIA questions to GCG questions. This way, I am not bound to fitting the questions to a particular weekly structure. If anyone has suggestions, please let me know. Blessings to you all.

1. Are there any cultural or background issues that are important in understanding the book of Judges?
2. If you had to sum up the content of Joe’s sermon in one sentence, what would it be?
3. Read through 2-3 commentaries that give introductions to the book of Judges and share what you learn with your group. Here are some free online resources. ( ( (
4. Joe stated in his sermon that “human beings are deeply depraved”. What does this mean? Share with your group and support with scripture.
5. How has this sermon helped in your understanding of human behavior/nature? Share.
6. Why is it so dangerous/damaging to NOT view humans as being depraved? In other words, why does the belief that one has the ability within themselves to follow Jesus lead to theological discrepancies and difficulties living the Christian life? Share.

OIA for Sermon on 06/10/12

This week Joe reviewed the five Epochs of Biblical History and discussed how Christians should view the exodus of Israel. Hebrews 3 will serve as the main text for this weeks questions.

1. Are there any cultural or background issues that are important in understanding the listed passages?
2. What key word(s)/phrase(s) really stand(s) out to you in these/this passage(s) of scripture? Why are/is they/it important?
3. Which scripture passage did you find most intriguing or interesting? Why?

1. Compare the used passages with at least 3 other Bible versions (NIV, ESV, NASB, NKJV, Ect.) What similarities/differences do you observe? Share with your group.
2. Are there any verbs, commands, prepositions, or conjunctions, that seemed to stand out (if any)? What? Why? Share.
3. Read through at least 2-3 commentaries on the listed passage and share what your learned with your group. Here are some free online resources. ( ( (

1. Take some time to discuss and review the 5 Epochs of Biblical History. What are they? Why are they important? Which Epoch did the exodus take place in?
2. How is the exodus a picture of salvation? Explain.
3. What other symbols of Christ can you find in the Exodus story? (Exodus 3-17) Share with your group.
4. When was your last “wilderness” experience? What did God teach you during it? How did you grow from it? Share.
5. How would you explain Hebrews 3:16-19 to a new believer who did not understand what was being said in the biblical text?

OIA Sermon on 05/27

This week Joe discussed the application of the Law in New Testament Christianity. Several passages were used. See for a complete list of scriptures used.

1. Are there any cultural or background issues that are important in understanding the listed passages?
2. What key word(s)/phrase(s) really stand(s) out to you in these passages of scripture? Why are/is they/it important?
3. Which scripture passage did you find most intriguing or interesting? Why?

1. Compare at least 3 of the used passages with at least 3 other Bible versions (NIV, ESV, NASB, NKJV, Ect.) What similarities/differences do you observe? Share with your group.
2. Are there any verbs, commands, prepositions, or conjunctions, that seemed to stand out (if any)? What? Why? Share.
3. Read through at least 2-3 commentaries on the listed passage and share what your learned with your group. Here are some free online resources. ( ( (

1. What were the three types of “Laws” discussed in the sermon?
2. Why is the Law still important for believers today?
3. What did Jesus mean when He said “I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill the law”? Matt 5:17
4. How did the sermon about the Jewish Passover help in your understanding of the Law? Share.

OIA for 05/06/12

This week Joe discussed the mystery of Christ in both the Old and New Testaments. This is another week where large amounts of scripture are used, so a majority of your time will be in the application questions.

1. Are there any cultural or background issues that are important in understanding the listed passages?
2. What key word(s)/phrase(s) really stand(s) out to you in these passages of scripture? Why are/is they/it important?
3. Which scripture passage did you find most intriguing or interesting? Why?

1. Compare at least 3 of the used passages with at least 3 other Bible versions (NIV, ESV, NASB, NKJV, Ect.) What similarities/differences do you observe? Share with your group.
2. Are there any verbs, commands, prepositions, or conjunctions, that seemed to stand out (if any)? What? Why? Share.
3. Read through at least 2-3 commentaries on the listed passage and share what your learned with your group. Here are some free online resources. ( ( (

1. Explore each of the following Epochs and discuss how Christ was “prefigured” in each. If he was not prefigured in the event, discuss how the event was in some form pointing to His coming. Also, discuss why it is important to see Christ as being at the core of each of the following events.

1.Burning bush
2.10 Plagues
3.Exodus (1446 B.C.)
4.Red Sea Crossing
5.Law Given on Sinai
6.40 Years of Wilderness Wandering
8.Time of the Judges
9.Reign of David (1010 B.C.)
10.Reign of Solomon (970 B.C.)
11.The Kingdom Divided – Israel and Judah (931 B.C.)
12.Assyrians Conquer N. Kingdom – Israel/Samaria/Ephraim (722 B.C.)
13.Babylonians Conquered S. Kingdom – Judah (605 B.C.)
14.Fall of Jerusalem (586 B.C.)

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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