Ministry to Youth

Emmaus’ youth ministry does not take the place of our regular Sunday worship service. We believe that our young people are a valuable and significant part of the congregation, and therefore, should regularly attend our Sunday worship services where they will learn from the teaching of the scriptures, worship, and interact with the adults of Emmaus.


  • Upcoming Events

    Youth Ministry Add to google calendar
    Wed, March 5, 2025
     at 6:00 pm

    The youth of Emmaus (grades 6-12) gather at the church on the first and third Wednesdays of each month to discuss the sermons from the previous Sunday.

    Please reach out to Pastor Russell if you have any questions: [email protected].

    Wed, March 19, 2025
     at 6:30 pm

    The youth of Emmaus (grades 6-12) gather at the church on the first and third Wednesdays of each month to discuss the sermons from the previous Sunday.

    Please reach out to Pastor Russell if you have any questions: [email protected].

    Wed, April 2, 2025
     at 6:00 pm

    The youth of Emmaus (grades 6-12) gather at the church on the first and third Wednesdays of each month to discuss the sermons from the previous Sunday.

    Please reach out to Pastor Russell if you have any questions: [email protected].


Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 44-47
posted on Sunday, February 16th by Joe

Discussion Questions: Luke 18:15-17
posted on Sunday, February 9th by Joe

  1. Some who believe that the infants of those who have faith in Christ should be baptized attempt to use this passage to justify their practice. How so?
  2. Should Christian parents bring their children to Jesus? If so, how? Does this mean that infants and children must be baptized before they make a credible profession of faith and show evidence of their conversion?
  3. What do we learn about our Savior given that he received little children? 
  4. What does this passage teach us about what is required to enter the kingdom of God?
  5. What about children is worthy of emulation? In other words, what are the childlike qualities that Christ puts forth as requirements for entering the kingdom of God? 

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church