Ministry to Youth

Emmaus’ youth ministry does not take the place of our regular Sunday worship service. We believe that our young people are a valuable and significant part of the congregation, and therefore, should regularly attend our Sunday worship services where they will learn from the teaching of the scriptures, worship, and interact with the adults of Emmaus.



Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26:14
posted on Saturday, January 18th by Joe

  1. What is the one thing all the members of a church can do for the good and prosperity of other churches?
  2. What, in particular, is the good and prosperity we should seek for our church and other churches? Hint: the last line of this paragraph defines what the good and prosperity is.
  3. What are other ways (besides prayer) that one church can seek the good and prosperity (peace, increase of love, and mutual edification) of other churches? 
  4. How can elders, deacons, and gifted brothers from one church be used to bless other churches?   
  5. What does it mean for churches to “hold communion together”?

Discussion Questions: Luke 18:1-8
posted on Saturday, January 18th by Joe

  1. How might disciples of Jesus be tempted to lose heart?
  2. What are remedies for a discouraged heart?
  3. Why is a widow a fitting symbol for disciples of Jesus?
  4. Why does Christ compare God to an unrighteous and loveless judge in this parable? How is this judge like God? How is this judge not like God?
  5. The judge was motivated to act by the persistence of the widow because he did not wish to be bothered by her anymore. What “motivates” God to act on behalf of his elect?
  6. What reason do we have to approach God in persistent prayer?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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