

The elders of Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church have been entrusted with the responsibility and privilege of shepherding this local congregation. To effectively provide pastoral care, the elders have established the following membership process and request that all who attend Emmaus progress through it. By doing so, individuals will grow in their understanding of the doctrines of Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church, commit themselves to this local body of believers, and entrust themselves to the loving care of the elders and deacons. In cases where the prospective member is new to the Christian faith, the elders may request that they progress through An Introduction To The Christian Faith, a 24-lesson study through the Baptist Catechism as a part of the membership process.


A member of Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church must:
1. Trust in Christ alone for their salvation, living in a way that agrees with biblical faith.
2. Have been baptized upon profession of faith.
3. Be aware of and in general agreement with the doctrines of this church as described in the Core Documents of ERBC, being willing to humbly submit to the loving care of the elders, and eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace within this church where questions or differences of opinion may exist (see Ephesians 4:3; Romans 14:1).


Step 1: Schedule Pastoral Interview #1

  1. Please take two packets from the back of the sanctuary on Sunday: 
    • The Membership Forms Packet
    • The Membership Lessons & Core Documents Packet
  2. Fill out the Prospective Member Questionnaire in the forms packet.
  3. Schedule a meeting with a Pastor to discuss the questionnaire (email 

Step 2: Engage With Teaching Material And Foundation Documents 

  1. Please listen to four audio lessons. These lessons are linked below. Outlines to the audio lessons can be found in the Lessons & Core Documents packet.
    The four lessons are:

  2. While progressing through these lessons, prospective members should:

Step 3: Schedule A Meeting With The Elders

  1. Once the steps above have been completed, prospective members should schedule a meeting with the elders to discuss the lessons, core documents, book, remainder of the forms, and testimony. Though the elders are able to meet at other times, they have regularly scheduled elders’ meetings in the evenings on the second and fourth Wednesdays of most months.  

Step 4: Be Presented To The Church As A Prospective Member

  1. Be presented to the church as a prospective member. Your written testimony will be shared with the membership shortly after you are presented. 
  2.  After one month, be received as a member by vote of the congregation.
  3. When baptism is necessary, the congregation will vote to receive members pending their baptism.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church