Gospel Community Groups
What is the purpose of Gospel Community Groups?
Gospel Community Groups provide an environment where members of Emmaus are able to build deep relationships with one another. Members are able to love, pray for, learn from, rely on, and share with one another in practical ways.
Who is able to join a Gospel Community Group?
When a group forms it will remain open for about two months. Members of Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church may join the group by speaking to the leader or to a Pastor. If you have not yet become a member of Emmaus we ask that you would begin by talking with a Pastor to determine where best to begin the discipleship process at Emmaus. While Gospel Community Groups are well suited for those with Christian foundations, they do not provide the structure or systematic instruction needed by those young in the faith. The Introduction to the Christian Faith class would be better suited for the new believer or those lacking Christian foundations. Please speak with a Pastor soon to determine how best to progress.
What is the focus of the conversation?
The discussion within Gospel Community Groups will typically center around sharing life with one another and discussing the sermon from the previous Sunday. GCG Study Questions are posted each Sunday on the website and on The City.
How long will Gospel Community Groups stay together?
After the two-month “open” period the group will covenant together for 1 1/2 to 2 years and become a “closed” group. When the covenant is up the group will discuss the best course of action. Perhaps someone in the group will go through the training process and lead a new GCG; perhaps the GCG will disband, each member joining another group; or perhaps the groups will re-covenant together for another period of time. Our desire is that groups (leaders and participants) would regularly assess their effectiveness, the needs within the church, and their own personal situation in life.
What is the desired effect of Gospel Community Groups?
Beyond the obvious desire to see individuals encouraged in Christ, we would also like the see Gospel Community Groups encourage members to use their spiritual gifts within the church, community, and nations. Our hope is that group members grow in their love for God, their love for one another, and in their service as ambassadors for Christ in the community.
What should I do if I am new to Emmaus, am wanting to connect, but not ready to commit to the church as a member?
As you can see, Gospel Community Groups require commitment. They are for the members of Emmaus (or, under certain circumstances, those clearly committed but not yet members – please talk with a Pastor). Please keep in mind that there are a lot of others ways to get connected at Emmaus. For example, you can come to worship on the Lord’s Day regularly and stay afterward to visit with others. You can attend Emmaus Essentials classes before the service at 9:00. You can begin to meet with a Pastor for further guidance concerning involvement at Emmaus, or set up an appointment for counseling if there is something particular that needs to be addressed. you can attend men’s or women’s events, or simply begin to build casual relationships with others at Emmaus. We also offer discipleship groups which meet throughout the week. The reason we typically require membership for involvement in GCG’s is to maintain an environment where members can share openly, knowing that those in the group have committed themselves to the church in a meaningful way.
Why don’t Gospel Community Groups concentrate on topical studies?
Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church offers a more “academic” study of the scriptures through the Emmaus Essentials theology courses offered throughout the year. We separate the academic emphasis from the relational emphasis, not because the two are contrary to one another, but because we believe that greater depth will be experienced in both areas when separated in this way. We encourage regular involvement in Corporate Worship, Gospel Community Groups, and Emmaus Essentials.
» GCG Diagram
» GCG Covenant
Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26:14
posted on Saturday, January 18th by Joe
- What is the one thing all the members of a church can do for the good and prosperity of other churches?
- What, in particular, is the good and prosperity we should seek for our church and other churches? Hint: the last line of this paragraph defines what the good and prosperity is.
- What are other ways (besides prayer) that one church can seek the good and prosperity (peace, increase of love, and mutual edification) of other churches?
- How can elders, deacons, and gifted brothers from one church be used to bless other churches?
- What does it mean for churches to “hold communion together”?
Discussion Questions: Luke 18:1-8
posted on Saturday, January 18th by Joe
- How might disciples of Jesus be tempted to lose heart?
- What are remedies for a discouraged heart?
- Why is a widow a fitting symbol for disciples of Jesus?
- Why does Christ compare God to an unrighteous and loveless judge in this parable? How is this judge like God? How is this judge not like God?
- The judge was motivated to act by the persistence of the widow because he did not wish to be bothered by her anymore. What “motivates” God to act on behalf of his elect?
- What reason do we have to approach God in persistent prayer?
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