Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26.7

  1. How does Christ call his church into existence? (see 2LCF 26.5)
  2. How does Christ institute local churches? (see 2LCF 26.6)
  3. How does Christ order his churches? (see 2LCF 26.7)
  4. What is meant by church “order”?
  5. What are the two things mentioned in 2LCF 26.7 that Christ orders by revealing his mind (will) in his word?
  6. A form of independent or congregational church government is expressed in 2LCF 26.7. Where is this expressed in the paragraph?
  7. What are the implications of this teaching? Why does this matter?  
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Discussion Questions: Must Christians Tithe?

  1. What does the word “tithe” mean?
  2. Must New Covenant Christians tithe? 
  3. Must New Covenant Christians give?
  4. To whom?
  5. What is the money that Christians give to be used for?
  6. How should Christians give? In what manner or way?
  7. What should our motivation for giving be?
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Discussion Questions: The Power Of Christ: His Act Of Calling, Second London Confession 26.5

  1. Who is the head of the church? Who has all church power been given to? Who gave it to him? Why has it been given to him? Why does this matter?
  2. What is the first thing that Christ does in the execution of his church power?
  3. What does it mean that “the Lord Jesus calleth out of the world unto himself, through the ministry of his word, by his Spirit, those that are given unto him by his Father”? For help, see Second London Confession (2LCF) chapters 3 and 10.
  4. What do these words refer to: “that they may walk before him in all the ways of obedience, which he prescribeth to them in his word”?
  5. What does this phrase mean: “Those thus called, he commandeth to walk together in particular societies, or churches”?
  6. What are the two purposes of the church membership mentioned at the end of 2LCF 26.5?
  7. What would you say to a professing believer who says, I love Jesus but I don’t want anything to do with the church?
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Discussion Questions: Luke 15:11-32

  1. Why is it important to keep the situation described to us in Luke 15:1-3 in mind as we seek to properly interpret The Parable of the Prodigal Son?
  2. The Parable of the Prodigal Son is a good name for this parable. What does the word “prodigal” mean? If we aren’t careful, How might the name mislead us? 
  3. Who does the younger son represent? What can we learn about sin and repentance from what is said about the younger son?
  4. Who does the father represent? What can we learn about God the Father from this parable?
  5. Who does the older son represent? What can we learn about sin (of another kind) and repentance from what is said about the older son?
  6. Where is Jesus in this parable?
  7. How will you apply this text of scripture to your life today?
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Discussion Questions: Christ, The True Head Of The Church, Second London Confession 26.4

  1. Who is the head of the catholic church? If you asked 100 people from the community this question, what answers do you think you would receive?
  2. Jesus is called “Christ” in the first three paragraphs of Second London Confession 26. Why do you think he is called “the Lord Jesus Christ” here in paragraph 4?
  3. When we say that Jesus is the “head” of the church what does that mean? In what sense is he “head”?
  4. Who appointed Jesus Christ as head of the church? For what reason?
  5. Our confession says that “all [church] power… is invested [in Jesus] in a supreme and sovereign manner.” What does this mean? What is meant by supreme? What is meant by sovereign?
  6.  What does it mean that Jesus has all power for the, one, calling, two,  institution, three, order, and four, government of the church?
  7. How do these four principles relate to the next four paragraphs of 2LCF 26? Please read them to see. 
  8. Why is the principle that “the Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church” so important to grasp? 
  9. Keeping what is said in the first half of 2LCF 26.4 in mind, why does our confession state that the Pope of Rome is “that antichrist” in the second half of the paragraph?
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Discussion Questions: Luke 15:1-10

  1. What do the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son share in common? What was the occasion that prompted Jesus to tell these parables? Who did he tell them to? What effect were they to have on the two different audiences?
  2. In the parable of the lost sheep, who does the shepherd represent? Who do the 99 sheep represent? Who does the one lost sheep who is found represent? 
  3. What does the parable of the lost sheep have to do with the prophecy of Ezekiel 34?
  4. In the parable of the lost coin, who does the woman represent? Who do the 9 silver coins represent? Who does the one lost coin represent? What do the lighting of a lamp and the sweeping of the house represent?
  5. In both parables, there is rejoicing on earth and Christ explains that there is rejoicing in heaven when a sinner repents. What effect was this to have on the two groups: the scribes and Pharisees on the one hand, and the crowds who followed Jesus on the other?
  6. How do these two parables apply to you today?
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Discussion Questions: The Local Church: True Churches: Second London Confession 26.3

  1. Is a Christian ever to judge in his or her capacity as a member of a local church? If so, when, how, and by what standard? 
  2. What are the qualifications for membership in the local church?
  3. Under what circumstances is a member to be removed from the church? 
  4. What is the connection between membership in a local church and the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper?
  5. When a local church receives someone into membership, what is the church saying about that person’s profession of faith? When a local church removes a member through excommunication or exclusion, what are they saying about that person’s profession of faith?
  6. How does Second London Confession(2LCF) 26.2 & 3 help us judge rightly when receiving members and in matters of church discipline?
  7. How does 2LCF 26.2 & 3 help to ensure that we do not judge too stringently when receiving members and in matters of church discipline? In other words, how does our confession help us to be patient and gentle with one another, forgive, work to maintain the unity of the Spirit, and welcome the one who is weak in the faith (see Romans 14:1)?

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Discussion Questions: Luke 14:25-35

  1. These words of Jesus are shocking: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). How do we know that Jesus does not literally mean that we are to hate these. 
  2. What then does Jesus mean when he commands his disciples to hate parents, spouse, children, and even their own life?
  3. What does Jesus mean when he says, “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:27)?
  4. In Luke 14:28-35, Jesus presented three illustrations urging the multitude to count the cost and to avoid making a false profession of faith. Discuss the meaning of each one.
  5. Jesus was not interested in having a large following. He was interested in having a faithful and sincere following. The same is true today. Discuss. 
  6. Not all disciples are called to die the death of a martyr, but all are called to bear their cross daily. Not all disciples are called to give up everything they own, but all are called to “renounce all” they have (Luke 14:33). How can a disciple renounce all they have without actually giving it up?
  7. Read Philippians 3:7-11. Have you counted the cost of following Jesus and do you agree with the Apostle that it is worth it?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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