Ministry to Children
Emmaus’ approach to ministering to children is different than many other churches in that we do not provide a separate service for them during corporate worship. At first glance, this might seem like we are indifferent to children and their spiritual well-being, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. We believe that Jesus cares for the young and calls them to worship his name. There is no better way for our children to worship our Lord than through the means of grace that God has ordained. We believe that God has called both young and old to worship him through the teaching of His word by qualified and appointed men, observance of the ordinances (baptism and Lord’s Super), fellowship, and prayer. Below, and on our Ministry to Parents page, you will find information and resources regarding our approach to children’s ministry.
The word catechism comes from the Greek word Katēcheō which simply means, “to instruct systematically; by questions, answers, and explanations and corrections.” We find this word in scripture when Paul says in Galatians 6:6, “One who is taught (Katēcheō) the word must share all good things with the one who teaches (Katēcheō)”. In 1 Corinthians 14:19 he says, “Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct (Katēcheō) others, than ten thousand words in a tongue.” In Luke 1:4 Luke explains that he wrote his book so that, “4 that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught (Katēcheō).” Katēcheō, or catechism, is the means by which one methodically instructs a believer about the truths of scripture.
Catechism is a means to an end. It is one of many tools we can use to teach our children “the faith” and to “observe all that [Christ has] commanded” (Matthew 28:20). We must never forget that there is no power in the catechism itself. No sermon, curriculum, or systematic study of scripture can change a person. The heart change that we desire to see in our children comes only from the Father, through the Holy Spirit, because of what Christ accomplished on the cross. While God is sovereign in redeeming and transforming His people, He has chosen His church to be a part of the process. Therefore, we have the responsibility to make every effort to bring our children up in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). The catechism is an effective means by which this process can take place.
Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church uses the Baptist Catechism of 1693. We believe that it is an accurate and faithful summary of the teaching of Holy Scripture concerning the basic and essential doctrines of the Christian faith.
Why has Emmaus chosen to keep children in the entire church service and not provide a separate gathering for them?
Emmaus believes that God has ordained the church to be multi-generational. Therefore, when the church gathers together for worship the entire congregation, young to old shall gather together to worship the Lord. We find this evident in the early church. Paul, in Ephesians chapters 5 and 6, speaks to husbands, wives, and children regarding their roles and responsibilities in the family. This letter to the Ephesians was passed from church to church and was read and taught during their worship service. Paul specifically addresses the children that would be present in the service, “children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 ‘Honor your father and mother’ (this is the first commandment with a promise), 3 ‘that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.’” If children were not present during the regular church service Paul would have never formally addressed them regarding their responsibility to their parents.
What are the benefits of keeping children in the service?
To teach children how to worship – Worshiping God aright does not come naturally to us. We must be taught how to worship God. Children are very observant and learn much from watching and listening to things around them. As children listen and watch during the service they begin to develop an understanding of how to worship God through prayer, song, teaching, and the Lord’s Supper. Children first learn from observing. Having children worship with their parents builds the foundation that they can build upon as they cognitively develop. As the weeks, months, and years progress so does our children’s ability to comprehend and participate in the corporate worship of God.
To provide an opportunity for parents to assess the spiritual state of their child – worshiping with your child allows parents to observe how they respond to the various phases of a service – song, prayers, the teaching of the Word, etc. These observations can provide great opportunities for parents to affirm what they have witnessed and inquire further to help foster spiritual growth.
What methods can I use to teach my child to behave appropriately during the service?
Strategic Seating – Sitting in a section away from your child’s friends could help eliminate unnecessary distractions. Depending on the age, sitting near the front allows the child to see easier making them feel more involved in the service and put fewer distractions in front of them.
Divide And Conquer – Separating children with an adult or older mature sibling in between can help manage and keep children engaged in the service.
Solicit Help From Others – While God has placed the responsibility of raising a child upon the parents, He has also given us the church to help and support one another. Soliciting the help of others in the congregation to sit with you and your children can be of great help to those with many children or single parents.
How can parent(s) prepare their children for Sunday worship?
One of the greatest ways to prepare a child for Sunday worship is to have consistent family worship within the home throughout the week. Family worship consists of a combination of prayer, reading of God’s word, and song. This prepares children for Sunday worship in that is requires them to sit still, listen, and participate in the same type of things the church does corporately. You are likely to discover that children will display the same type of behaviors during family worship as they will during Sunday worship. It is within the home that parent(s) can specifically address these behaviors, training and instructing the child how they shall behave and worship the Lord both within the home and corporately.
Each week, a household worship guide is provided. Within the guide, the upcoming sermon scriptural text and worship songs are provided. Reviewing the scriptural text with your child throughout the week can provide opportunities to become familiar with the text, specific vocabulary, and various queues keep them focused. Incorporating the upcoming worship songs into family worship throughout the week helps children memorize the songs and prepares them to participate in corporate worship on Sunday. This is especially beneficial for those younger children who cannot yet read.
How can parent(s) help their children understand and apply the teaching of God’s word?
One way to help your child understand and apply the teaching of God’s word is by reviewing the scriptural text throughout the week leading up to Sunday.
Are my children expected to be silent?
The short answer is no. It is unrealistic to expect our younger children to be completely silent throughout the whole service. Both the teaching pastor and the congregation of Emmaus expect that there will be some noise from young children during the service and are prepared to stay focused during those times. We think a little noise is worth it! In our experience, most parents feel like the noise from their child is a bigger distraction than it really is. With that being said, we do request that parents work to train their children to be silent during the worship service. If the noisiness is prolonged and is distracting to others (prolonged crying or babbling), parents should stand in the back or exit the sanctuary with their child. The sermon is streamed onto a television in the training room (called such because it is intended to be a place for training children to sit through a worship service — it is not a place for adults to visit). The sermon is also audio streamed outside. Parents may also stream the service on their smartphones and use headphones while tending to their little ones. In our experience, ages 1 -3 are the most difficult. Children that age can be difficult to console. They can also be difficult to reason with. Parents should remember that these seasons are brief. Parents should also solicit help from others in the congregation, especially if they are “outnumbered” by their small children.