AUTHORS » Russell Schmidt

GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/01/2013

1. According to the sermon, what were the three main reasons for the law? (See sermon outline at

2. How is “the Law” applicable to Christians today? Share, explain, and support.

3. What does it mean to be a child of God? Really think about it, don’t just give the quick textbook response.

4. Do you eve struggle with trying to obey Gods law under your own power? Explain. What was the outcome/what did you learn?

5. What does it mean for the law to be written on your heart? Explain and give practical examples.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 11/23/13

The following are review questions for Galatians chapters 3. Discuss in detail the questions that stand out the most.

What term did Paul use to describe the Galatians? (1)

How did they receive the Spirit? (2-5)

Who are the sons of Abraham? (6-7)

How are the Gentiles justified? (8-9)

Who is under the curse? (10)

Who is justified by the law? (11)

What did Christ redeem us from? (13)

Why did Christ become a curse for us? (13-14)

Who is the Seed of Abraham? (16)

What cannot the law annul? (17)

How did God give the inheritance to Abraham? (18)

Why was the law added? (19)

Is the law against the promises of God? (21)

What has the Scripture concluded? (22)

What function did the law serve? (23-24)

After faith has come what are we no longer under? (25)

What have we become through faith in Jesus Christ? (26)

What distinction no longer exists when we put on Christ? (27-28)

What have we become if we are Christ’s? (29)


*A written copy of the sermon manuscript can be found here.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 11/17/13

1. Why is Galatians 3:20 so difficult to interpret? Explain.

2. In 1-2 sentences, summarize Paul’s main point in Galatians 1-3.

3. If the law was not meant to bring salvation or justification before God, then what was its purpose? In the OT? In the NT?

4. What was the intra-trinitarian agreement between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in eternity past? Explain.

5. What has been the most enlightening thing you have learned from the book of Galatians up to this point? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 11/04/13

1. Are you currently trusting and resting in God or are you trying to rely on your own strength? Share.

2. What is the purpose and use for the “Law”? Explain and support.

3. Do you have any unconfessed sin in your life? Do you have any perpetual sin in your life? Are you willing to share with your group?

4. How could you help or encourage a fellow believer who is trusting in their works for salvation and is continuously in fear that they might lose their salvation?

5. How can your group pray for you this week so that you may grow in Christ?

GCG Questions for Sermon on 10/27/13

1. How would you answer the question “How does the Old Testament apply to the New Testament and why does the Old Testament still matter?”

2. In the incarnation and sacrifice of Christ, what was changed and what remained the same in regards to the Law and Old Testament? Explain.

3. How is your faith doing? Are you fully trusting in the grace of God? Or are you trying to rely on your own strength and ability?

4. Why is Abraham central to our faith, and the faith of every believer who has ever lived?

5. What areas of your life do you need to have more faith in? (the future, your current circumstances, your past, your person…)

GCG Questions for Sermon on 10/20/13

1. What insights did you gain in the reading out loud of Galatians 3, 4, and 5? Did any theme or particular point stand out?

2. How does the Holy Spirit work in the lives of believers? What does the Holy Spirit do and how does the Holy Spirit work? Support with scripture.

3. What do you think is the main point and core focus of the book of Galatians? Explain in a few words.

4. How does one live by the spirit and walk by the spirit. Explain and support.

5. Compare and contrast justification and sanctification. What does each look like and how are both similar and different?

GCG Questions for Sermon on 10/13/13

1. Have you ever been guilty as viewing another Christian as a “second rate” Christian? Why? Share. 2. What is the biblical definition of “justification”? 3. How would you explain the biblical concept of “justification by faith alone” to a non believer who is interested in learning more about the Christian faith? 4. If we no longer need to keep the law in order to be saved (justification by faith alone), then why do we still keep the Law? (I’m speaking of the moral law…i.e. 10 commandments) Share and discuss with your group. 5. Are you currently resting in the truth that your salvation is by faith alone? Or are you struggling with needing to do more for God? Why? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 10/6/2013

1. Have you ever had to confront a brother or sister in Christ? What was your experience? Was it productive?
2. What are the biblical guidelines and grounds for confrontation? When, how, and why should we confront? List and describe.
3. You do not need to share all of the details, but is there someone in your life right now that you need to confront? What is stopping you?
4. Can you relate to Peter’s weaknesses? How so? Share.
5. How can your group pray for you this week? Share.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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