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Sermon: Selected Texts: Some Thoughts on the Doctrine of Salvation

Sermon Audio

I do hope that you’ve been encouraged and edified in our study through the gospel of John. 29 sermons have beed devoted to this book so far, and we have just recently completed our consideration of chapter 6. A few weeks ago I had mentioned that, after working through chapter 6 verse by verse, I would devote one sermon to discussing the doctrine of salvation. This is that sermon. My reason for doing this is to, hopefully, bring clarity to some of the difficult things that have been stated in John 6.

It is here in John 6 that Jesus himself reveals that some people have been given to him by the Father. It is those – all whom the Father has given to him – who will come to him and believe in his name (6:37-39). It is here that Jesus reveals that no one can come to faith in Christ unless the Father draws that person – no one is able (John 6:44, 65). It is here that Jesus reveals that the will of the Father for him is that he would loose none of those whom the Father has given to him, but raise them up on the last day (6:39-40).

To state things in a most direct way, a careful consideration of John chapter 6 demands that the Christian come to terms with this truth: that it is God who determines the salvation of sinners. God not only provided the way for salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Son, but he is also at work applying the salvation earned by Christ to a particular people – to an elect and chosen people – as he effectively draws them to himself through Christ and by the Holy SpiritRead the rest of Sermon: Selected Texts: Some Thoughts on the Doctrine of Salvation »

Posted in Sermons, Doctrine of Salvation, Calvinism, Doctrine of Salvation, Free Will, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Sermon: Selected Texts: Some Thoughts on the Doctrine of Salvation

Free Will and Calvinism – Thoughts from Greg Koukl

One of the objections that I have heard concerning Calvinism is that if it were true, we as human beings would have to be like robots, existing without free will. Truth be told, godly men have effectively explained the interaction between the sovereignty of God and man’s free will throughout church history. Martin Luther, and Jonathan Edwards wrote extensively on this issue hundreds of years ago, and men like R.C Sproul, John Piper, and J.I. Packer (along with many others) have written effectively on this topic in modern times.

The scriptures are abundantly clear that God is completely sovereign and yet man is morally responsible for his choices. I have posted a link to a video by Greg Koukl (a Christian apologist) where he wrestles with the nature and extent of the freedom of the human will.

Please click HERE to view the video.

In His Grace,


"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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