This Week’s Catechism – 5/12

Doctrinal Standard #69

  • Q. What does the sixth commandment forbid?
  • The sixth commandment forbids taking one’s own life or the lives of others unjustly or doing anything that leads to suicide or murder.

Memory Verses

  • “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord’ (Romans 12:19,ESV).


  • Study Passage: Romans 12:9-21
  • Support Passages: Deuteronomy 32:35; Matthew 5:38-48; James 2:1-13; Genesis 9:1-7; Romans 5:20-21; Acts 25:11; Luke 23:39-43
  • Bible Story: Acts 21:1-14


  • Below is taken from Training Hearts, Teaching Minds page 229-231.
  • “Murder is an act that God forbids. Hatred and holding grudges are attitudes that God forbids. Hatred for someone usually begins with anger over something the person has done that we did not like. This kind of anger is self-centered and therefore sinful. Today, people teach that we must be sure to feel enough anger when someone wrongs us and we should express it freely. If we do not, these people tell us, we will not be healthy. People who have been hurt are encouraged to keep thinking and talking about what it was that hurt them and to keep feeling the anger again.
    The Bible teaches exactly the opposite. When people hurt us (and they will), we must forgive them and go on with our lives. The 37th psalm speaks of wicked people who hurt others. Even with people like these, this psalm tells us, we should trust God to take care of us and to do what is right in judging them. The psalm tells us several times not to ‘fret’ over what people do that is wrong. To fret over something is to continue to think about it and to continue to let it bother you. When we fret over what someone has done to hurt us, we nurture our anger and cause it to grow. It will quickly turn into hatred. God condemns both anger and hatred, not just murder. Read Psalm 37:7-9.”
  • Not only does this commandment forbid the attitudes of hatred and anger because they are the beginnings of murder, it also forbids the attitude of indifference. To be indifference is to be unconcerned, to not care. There are many people who need food or shelter and who have no money to buy what they need. Their needs are so great that they will die if someone does not help them. When we are aware of people like this and when we have enough money that we could help them, this commandment forbids us to be indifferent. It forbids us being unconcerned and ignoring such people. Job said that whenever he knew of someone in need, he helped him because he knew if he did not help him, he would be sinning against God. Read Job 31:16-23.” [1]

Discussion Questions

  • What does the sixth commandment forbid?
  • Before a person commits murder what is in their heart?
  • Is God only concerned with the act of murder itself? Explain.
  • How are we to guard ourselves from being murderous people in our heart?
  • How are we to help preserve life? Provide practical examples.



[1] Meade, Starr (2000). Training Heart, Teaching Minds. Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA; P&R Publishing Company.

Catechism Insight – Doctrinal Standard WSC #35

Doctrinal Standard #35

  • Q. What is sanctification?
  • A. Sanctification is the work of God’s free grace by which our whole person is made new in the image of God, and we are made more and more able to become dead to sin and alive to righteousness.

Memory Verses

  • “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:1–2, ESV).


  • Study Passage: Romans 7-8
  • Support Passages: I Thessalonians 5:23, II Thessalonians 2:13, Romans 6, I Corinthians 6, Philippians 3:1-16, Romans 12:1-2, I Peter 1:13-21
  • Bible Story: Genesis 12-25:11


  • “Sanctification is the continuing work of God in the life of the believer, making him or her actually holy. By ‘holy’ here is meant ‘bearing an actual likeness to God.’ Sanctification is a process by which one’s moral condition is brought into conformity with one’s legal status before God. It is a continuation of what was begun in regeneration, when a newness of life was conferred upon and instilled within the believer. In particular, sanctification is the Holy Spirit’s applying to the life of the believer the work done by Jesus Christ” (pg. 980). [1]
  • While justification and sanctification are connected it is important to understand the distinction between the two. Justification is what saves an individual from their sins and allows them to be accepted before God. This is made possible through the righteous life and death of Jesus Christ (see lesson #48-49). Justification is applied to an individual through faith and by faith alone. While sanctification does not save an individual sanctification is the response to the justification in the life of a believer. Sanctification is the “progressive work of God and man that makes us more and more free from sin and more like Christ in our actual lives” (pg. 1259).
  • Romans chapter seven and eight is an interesting passage of scripture that explains the connection between God’s Law, justification, and sanctification. In chapter seven, Paul explains that God’s Law is good and it is the measure by which man must perfectly live by in order to be accepted by God. Paul goes on to explain that it is impossible for man to live up to this expectation. In fact, the more Paul understands the Law, the more he realizes how much sin is in his life. Paul teaches that’s it’s the imputed righteousness and forgiveness in Christ blood that takes the place of man’s efforts to keep the Law and be accepted before God (justification). Does this mean that the Law is done away with? Paul says no! While there is no way man can keep the Law to be accepted before God, with the Spirits help we are called to live pure and holy lives which the Law points towards (sanctification).

Discussion Questions

  • Explain in your own words sanctification.
  • How does sanctification differ from justification?
  • What is the measure of sanctification?
  • Is sanctification an option for believers? Explain
  • How does God play a part of sanctification?
  • Does the sanctification process ever stop for a believer?

[1] Erickson, Millard J. (1998). Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA; Baker Books.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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