Catechism Insight – Doctrinal Standard #4 (1 of 3)

Doctrinal Standard WSC #4

Q. What is God?
A. God is a spirit, whose being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth are infinite, eternal, and unchangeable.

Scripture Memory

“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24, ESV)

Study Passage: John 4:1-26, 38-42
Support Passages:
I Timothy 1:15-17, 6:13-16; Isaiah 40:12-31, 45:5-25
Bible Story:
I Kings 18:21-40;


God is a spirit. He is not a material being nor is not confined to one location. We are called to worship God in spirit. The worship of God the Father must be done with the understanding that His Spirit dwells within the individual believer and that we are accepted by the Father because of the death of Christ for the punishment of our sins. Furthermore, God is Spirit He is not confined to a single place therefore we are able to worship God at any location that we may be. Last, God is a spirit that is unseen therefore our worship is out of faith of the unseen.

We are to worship God in truth. Worshiping God in truth starts with the understanding Jesus is the only way to the Father. If we are to worship God in truth it must be done through the redeeming power of Christ blood. We must also worship God in accordance to His everlasting attributes and in the manner by which he prescribed in His commands.

Discussion Questions

  • What does it mean that God is a Spirit?
  • If God is a Spirit why is He described as having physical features of humans (eyes, hand, etc)?
  • Is God the only spirit?
  • If God is a spirit then why did Jesus come as a man?
  • Why should we be careful to only think of Jesus as a physical being?
  • What does it mean to worship God in truth?
  • What can we learn about God from His attributes?
  • Can God’s attribute’s conflict with one another?




"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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