This Week’s Catechism – 7/7

Doctrinal Standard WSC #76 & 77

  • Q. What is the ninth commandment?
  • A. The ninth commandment is: You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
  • Q. What does the ninth commandment require?
  • A. The ninth commandment requires us to tell the truth and to maintain and promote it and our own and others’ reputations, especially when testifying.

Memory Verse(s)

  • I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth (I John 2:21, ESV).


  • Study Passage: John 14:1-17
  • Support Passages: Genesis 20; Genesis 27:1-27; Proverbs 11:13; Joshua 8:3-29; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25; I Samuel 16:1-13
  • Bible Story: Joshua 2


  • “ But what is truth? This is the question Pontus Pilate asked, and it has been asked again and again since man fell in Adam’s transgression. God created man to think his true thoughts after Him. So long as man accepted God’s word and obeyed His commands, he knew and spoke only the truth. But when the Devil deceived man he began to try to find the standard of judgment, or truth, in his own reason. He was thus the victim of the lie of Satan, and could not speak the truth. As Jesus once said to the unbelieving Jews: ‘Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murder from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it’ (John 8:44). Truth, then, is that which is in accord with the mind of God. And it is only the regenerated person – the person who repents and believes – who can again learn to speak the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. It is only when we are in union with him that we can really know the truth. This does not mean the converted person will, as soon as he is converted arrive at perfection in his knowledge of, and obedience to, the truth. No believer, in this life, perfectly attains unto truth. But he does come to know truth, and he does attain to a more and more perfect conformity to the truth.
  • In order to speak the truth, then, two things are essential. (1) First, it is necessary that we speak what we sincerely believe to be the truth. We cannot say that a person is truthful if he himself does not believe what he is saying. (2) But it is also necessary that we speak what actually is. We cannot say that a person is telling the truth unless he speaks what is in accord with existing reality. It is not enough, in other words, that we simply repeat something as true, which we have heard from others. For this reason the Bible condemns gossip. ‘Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people’ (Lev 19:16). The godly man does not take up ‘ a reproach against his neighbor’ (Ps 15:3). He doesn’t believe everything he hears, especially when it is an evil reports. Before he tells anyone else he wants to know whether or not it really is true.”[1]

Discussion Questions

  • What is the ninth commandment?
  • What does the ninth commandment require?
  • What is truth?
  • Provide a definition or explain what it means to lie?
  • How were lies a major part of Adam and Eve’s first sin?
  • How can lies destroy relationships?


[1] Williamson, C.I. (2003). The Westminster Shorter Catechism – 2nd Edition. Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA; P&R Publishing Company.

Catechism Insight – Doctrinal Standard WSC #40 & 41

Doctrinal Standard #40 & 41 (4 of 4 weeks)

  • Q. What rules did God first reveal for man to obey?
  • A. The rules He first revealed were the moral law.
  • Q. Where is the moral law summarized?
  • A. The moral law is summarized in the Ten Commandments.

Memory Verses

  •  “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:4–5, ESV).


  • Study Passage: Deuteronomy 6  
  • Support Passages:  Romans 7:14, Colossians 3:5, Proverbs 1:19, Matthew 15:4-6, Job 36:21, Hebrews 11:25, I Thessalonians 5:22, Genesis 18:19
  • Bible Story: Luke 10:38-42


  • When Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment  he responded with, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Matthew 22:37). Providing his response from Deuteronomy informs us that man’s primary purpose is to love God. Or as question one of the catechism tells us the chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. Scripture provides a clear explanation on how we are to love God. We are to obey him.  Jesus says in John 14:15, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Jesus is quoted in John 14:21, “whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” We love God when we keep his commandments and obey him.
  • It is important to remember the source and heart of this obedience towards God. We must always remember that our obedience will not and cannot be good enough to be accepted before God. It is only by the blood of Christ and His perfect life that we are accepted before him. But we must realize that Christ’S death and resurrection has not only made us acceptable before God but also freed us from the bondage of sin. With the help of the Holy Spirit we are able to live a life in obedience to Him. Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit helps to convict us of sin leading to repentance and guides our lives in obedience to God’s word. Because of the work of Christ we can show our love and gratitude towards God by following his commands. No longer are his laws a burden unto condemnation but rather a joy that is pleasing not only to God but also to the believer.

Discussion Questions

  • What is the greatest commandment?
  • What is man’s problem in obeying this commandment?
  • What needs to take place before an individual can obey this command?
  • How can you love God with all you are?
  •  What gives us the ability to obey the commands of God?
  • What does obeying God’s commands prove?
  • Are God’s commands a burden or liberating? Explain
  • What does your answer reveal about your heart?

Catechism Insight – Doctrinal Standards WSC #21 (1 of 2 weeks)

Doctrinal Standard WSC #21 (1 of 2 weeks)

  • Q. Who is the redeemer of God’s chosen ones?
  • A. The only redeemer of God’s chosen is the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, who became man. He was and continues to be God and man in two distinct natures and one person forever.

Scripture Memory Verses

  • “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6, ESV).

Study Passage: I Timothy 2:1-7

Support Passages: Matthew 7:13-14; John 1:9, 6:35-40, 10:9, 14:6, 17:1-3; Acts 4:12, 2:23; Hebrews 9:11-15; I John 5:12, II John 9

Bible Story: II Kings 5:1-15

Insight and Application

  • We often think of Jesus as a physical being who was born in Bethlehem. It is important that we remember that Jesus has always existed as God. There is no beginning and no end to Jesus Christ. He is the second person of the Trinity.
  • “Because we are alienated from God by sin, we needed someone to come between God and ourselves and bring us back to him. We needed a mediator who could represent us to God and who could represent God to us. There is only one person who has ever fulfilled that requirement: ‘There is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus’ (1 Tim 2:5). In order to fulfill this role of mediator, Jesus had to be fully man as well as fully God” (Pg. 541)[1] 
  • In order for Jesus to be an effective mediator He first had to be our ransom and redeemer. 1 Timothy 2:6 says, “that Jesus gave himself ransom for all.” The term ransom means that there is a payment for liberation. Jesus’ death is a ransom or liberation from sin. Scripture explains that sin does two things; it enslaves and it kills. As a result of Christ death the Spirit of God is able to free an individual from the bondage of sin and give life to a dead soul.
  • Jesus Christ is also referred to as a redeemer.  “Jesus had taught them that ‘everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin’ (Jn. 8:34). In line with this, Paul can think of himself as ‘carnal, sold under sin’ (Rom. 7:14), sold as under a cruel slave-master. He reminds the Romans that in earlier days they had been ‘slaves of sin’ (Rom. 6:17). From another point of view men were under the sentence of death on account of their sin. ‘For the wages of sin is death’ (Rom. 6:23). Sinners are slaves. Sinners are doomed to death. Either way the ancient world would have regarded the situation as being in need of redemption. Failing redemption, the slavery would continue, the sentence of death would be carried out. The cross of Christ is seen against this background. It is the price paid to release the slaves, to let the condemned go free.[2] 
  • 1 Timothy 2:2-7 is the study passage for this week because it address the important doctrine that Jesus Christ is our mediator and the only way to God. With that being said 1 Timothy 2:3–4 could potentially bring up questions in light of the previous catechism question regarding election.  1 Timothy 2:3–4 says, “this is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”  The area of focus is with the words “desires all.” In the preceding two verses Paul tells Timothy that, first of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way (1 Timothy 2:1–2). Then in verse three and four he explains that God desires all to be saved. It appears to me that when Paul tells Timothy that prayer should be made for all people he is referring to all types of people. This would include rulers and people in authority as Paul mentioned, it would also include both the poor and the rich, and every ethnicity. Therefore when Paul says that God desires all people to be saved, He is means all types of people. The Jew and all the Gentiles, people of every economic  status, and people in every level of authority. It is God’s desire that the Gospel go forth throughout the nations and people repent and turn to Him. This is God’s desire and it is something that will and is being accomplished.

Discussion Questions

  • Who is Jesus?
  • What does mediate mean?
  • What are some every day examples?
  • Who does Jesus mediate for and does He do it?
  • How is Jesus our redeemer and ransom?
  • Why is Jesus the only way to have fellowship with God the Father and get to Heaven?


[1] Grudem, Wayne (1994). Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA; Zondervan Publishing House.

[2] Wood, D. R. W., & Marshall, I. H. (1996). New Bible dictionary (3rd ed.) (1003). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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