OIA for sermon on 01/29/12

OIA questions based on sermon given 01-29-12
The sermon this week focused on the nature of God through His creation, the fall, and redemption. The scripture references come from Genesis 2:1-25. The following is a series of observation, interpretation, and application questions based on Genesis 2:1-25.

Who is the intended audience in this passage?
Are there any cultural or background issues that are important in understanding this passage?
When was this scripture written?
What key word(s)/phrase(s) really stand(s) out to you in this passage of scripture? Why are/is they/it important?
If you had to sum up all five of theses passages of scripture in one sentence, what would it be?


What does Genesis chapter 2 teach about man’s (and woman’s) purpose in life? How does this    apply to Christians living today? Give examples.
What does Genesis chapter 2 teach about mankind’s relationships? (i.e. with God, with others, etc.) Explain and share with your group.
What does Genesis chapter 2 reveal about the nature of God? Try to find specific aspects and terms and share with your group. (Hint: Joe’s 3 point message is a good place to start.
How does Genesis Chapter 2 change your current perception about people (mankind) in general? About God? About creation?
How can Genesis 2 be helpful in the context of evangelism? Explain.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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