Reformed Reading Group

Brothers and Sisters,

The purpose of the Reformed Reading Group is to expose the Christian reader to biblically sound and theologically significant books from a confessionally Reformed perspective.

You’ll notice that these books are divided into six categories. It is helpful to read from a wide range of disciplines in order to understand and appreciate the richness of Christian doctrine. We will move at a pace of about 5 pages per day. When a book is finished we will switch to a book from one of the other categories until all books have been read.

It was challenging to form this list because there are so many excellent books to choose from. The books were selected because they seem especially foundational. We are indebted to the Reformed Forum and their recommended reading list which is broken into seven categories, with three levels in each category (the seventh category on their list is “Classics. Etc.”, which contains some wonderful titles). Most of the books on our list were drawn from levels one and two of their’s. Members of this reading group are encouraged to continue on with the books on their list if they so desire. We have adopted a shorter list in an attempt to progress through the books in a reasonable amount of time (it will take about four years to get through ours compared to, perhaps, ten years to get through theirs!).

The first book we read was, “How to Read a Book”, by Mortimer J. Alder and Charles Van Doren. If you are joining the RRG later in the process we would encourage you to read this book first.

May this endeavor give glory to God, contribute to the advancement of his kingdom, and move those involved to keep his will with a spirit of humility.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Pastor Joe

Reading List

Biblical Studies & Hermeneutics (781 pages)

√ Ridderbos, Herman N. Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Publishing, 1988. (91) [Read from March – April, 2017]
* Poythress, Vern S. God-Centered Biblical Interpretation. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Pub., 1999. (248)
* Beale, G.K. The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2008. (300)
* Poythress, Vern S. Understanding Dispensationalists. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R Publishing, 1993. (142)

Biblical Theology (948 pages)

√ Ridderbos, Herman N. When the Time Had Fully Come: Studies in New Testament Theology. Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2001. (100 pages) [Read from March – April, 2017]
* Poythress, Vern. The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1995. (422 pages)
* Vos, Geerhardus. Biblical Theology. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 2000. (426 pages)

Systematic Theology (3,169 pages)

√ Murray, John. Redemption, Accomplished and Applied. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1955. (192 pages) [Read from March – May, 2017]
* Warfield, B.B. The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible. Philadelphia, Pa.: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co, 1948. (446 pages) [Began reading in July, 2017]
* Young, E.J. Thy Word is Truth. Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1963. (280 pages)
* Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1990. (1,822 pages)
* Ferguson, Sinclair. The Holy Spirit. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1997. (288 pages)
* Kline, Meredith G. Images of the Spirit. Eugene, Ore.: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 1999. (This could also easily fall under biblical theology.) (142 pages)

Apologetics & Philosophy (1,156 pages)

√ Machen, J. Gresham. Christianity and Liberalism. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2009. (189 pages) [Read from May – June, 2017]
* Bahnsen, Greg L. Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith. Covenant Media Press, 1996. (289 pages)
* Bahnsen, Greg. Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended. Powder Springs Ga.; Nacogdoches Tex.: American Vision Inc.; Covenant Media Press, 2008. (314 pages)
* Oliphint, K. Scott. Reasons for Faith: Philosophy in the Service of Theology. Phillipsburg, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 2006. (364 pages)

Church History & Historical Theology (864 pages)

* Chadwick, Henry. The Early Church. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993. (320 pages)
* Baptists through the Centuries: A History of a Global People: Baylor University Press, 2010. (320 pages)
*Hart, D. G. Deconstructing Evangelicalism: Conservative Protestantism in the Age of Billy Graham. Grand Rapids MI: Baker Academic, 2004. (224 pages)

Practical Theology (582 pages)

√  Clowney, Edmund P. Called to the Ministry. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, 1976. (90 pages)
* Warfield, B.B. The Religious Life of Theological Students. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing. (15 pages)
*Hart, D. G., and John R. Muether. With Reverence and Awe: Returning to the Basics of Reformed Worship. P&R Publishing, 2002. (203 pages)
* Powlison, David. Seeing With New Eyes. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing, 2003. (274 pages)


"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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