Feb 24
- Having Jesus as Savior will cost you nothing. Having Jesus as Savior will cost you everything. How so?
- What can we learn from the exchange between Jesus and the first would-be disciple of Luke 9:57-58? Given Jesus’ reply, what was this man likely expecting? How, in particular, did Jesus call this man to count the cost?
- What can we learn from the exchange between Jesus and the disciple of Luke 9:59-60? Why did Jesus deny his request to return home to bury his father? Don’t the Scriptures command us to honor father and mother? What then are we to make of Jesus’ words?
- What can we learn from the exchange between Jesus and the would-be disciple of Luke 9:61-62? Why should we compare this exchange to the story of Elijah’s call of Elisha in 1 Kings 19:19-21? What are the similarities and differences between these stories? Why did Jesus deny the man’s request to return home?
- Discuss the potential costs of following Jesus in our time and place. Have you counted the cost? Is it worth it to follow Jesus?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Feb 24
- What is meant by “chiefly”?
- What are the two things that the Scriptures are mainly about?
- What does the Bible teach us about God?
- In what questions does our catechism teach what we should believe about God?
- How is the gospel of Jesus Christ presented in this section?
- What does the Bible say about what God requires of us?
- In what questions does our catechism teach what God requires of us?
- How is the gospel of Jesus Christ presented in this section?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Feb 24
- What was going on in the minds and hearts of the disciples at this point in Jesus’ ministry? How can we know?
- Why is personal pride incompatible with life in the kingdom of Christ?
- What is a party spirit? How would it have hindered the furtherance of the kingdom of Christ if not irradicated?
- How should the believer respond to their enemies under the New Covenant? Read Romans 12:19-21 and discuss.
- The kingdom of Christ is an upside-down kingdom. Discuss the meaning of this saying. Discuss the significance for our lives personally.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Feb 24
- What did Pastor Joe identify as the theme that runs through Luke 9:37-62?
- When Jesus rebuked the faithless and twisted generation, to whom was he speaking?
- What can we learn from the demon-possessed boy about Satan and our fallen condition?
- Jesus displayed his glory on the mountain. How did he display his glory when he came down from the mountain?
- What can we learn about Jesus and his mission from his act of delivering the boy from his bondage and returning him to his father?
- Why did Jesus warn his disciples at this moment that he would soon fall into the hands of sinful men to suffer?
- Why were the disciples of Jesus unable to comprehend his words? Why were they afraid to ask him what he meant?
- Why is it vital to identify with Jesus, not only in his glory but first in his suffering?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Feb 24
- What does the word “creed” mean? What does a creed express or declare?
- Who wrote the Apostles’ Creed? When was it written? And for what purpose?
- What are the core Christian doctrines expressed within the creed?
- What is the “shape” or structure of the Apostles’ Creed? Why is it shaped this way?
- What story does the creed tell? How does the creed tell this story?
- What is the focus of the Apostles Creed? How is the focus directed here? Why is this the focus?
- What are some uses of the Apostles’ Creed (and other creeds like it)?
- What are the two common misunderstandings about the Apostles’ Creed? How are they explained?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Feb 24
- What are the three different ways that we use the word “glory”?
- What do we mean when we speak of glory as a state of being?
- What are the states of being that man has existed in? (see Second London Confession chapter 9).
- What state were we all born into? Why?
- How is it possible for us to enter life in glory? What did Christ do to make this possible? What must we do?
- With this in mind, what was the event of the transfiguration all about?
- Why were Moses and Elijah there on the mountain in glory with Jesus? I gave five reasons in the sermon. There are probably more.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Feb 24
- Why is this question an important question to ask, especially in the 17th century when our catechism was written?
- Discuss the importance of reading the Scriptures. How can we do this well?
- Discuss the importance of hearing the Scriptures read and preached. How can we do this well?
- Discuss the importance of laboring to understand the Scriptures. How can we grow in our understanding of Scripture?
- Do you love God’s word? Why?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Jan 24
- What does the word Scripture mean?
- Why are the Scriptures called “holy”? How do they differ from other writings?
- Who wrote the Scriptures? (There are two answers to this question. Both are correct. One answer is much more important than the other!)
- Why does our catechism specify that Scriptures are the books of the Old and New Testaments? Go to our confession of faith, the Second London Confession, chapter 1, paragraphs 2 & 3. What do you notice about the relationship between our catechism and confession?
- What does our catechism mean when it refers to the Holy Scriptures as our “certain rule”?
- Why does our catechism specify that the Scriptures are our certain rule in matters of “faith and obedience”?
- How should this truth be applied by us? How should it change the way we think, feel, speak, and act?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by