Missions Update – September 2016

Here are some recent updates from the various missions efforts that Emmaus is supporting. Please read the summaries below, but we encourage you to follow the links to get a more in depth look at what is taking place.

Owen and Nansi Paun

In August, Owen had the opportunity to visit a church that is evangelizing in a unique area of Europe that contains a people group that are muslim converts dating back to the Ottoman Empire. During this visit he was able to take part in an art workshop held at a public school for children to paint and draw things related to biblical events.  Owen gives an interesting history of this area as well as posts many pictures. Please take the time to read his post in more detail: http://mydailytestimony.com/ministry-to-muslims-in-kardzhali/

Also, consider signing up for Owen and Nansi’s personal email list so you can receive live updates from their mission field.

Heart Cry Missionary Society

Some of you may know that India and Nepal are special places to me, so I was drawn to this post by a Nepali evangelist, Sannu. I was particularly drawn to his title of the post, “Eating Meat and Witch Doctors”. Sannu made one of his regular visits to a Hindu believer to discuss God and Christianity. He was questioned as to why Christians think it’s okay to eat meat. Please take the time to read his full post to find out his response to that question as well as why he wrote about a witch doctor: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/asia-blog/post/eating-meat-and-witch-doctors–nepal-



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Missions Update – July 2016

Here are some recent updates from the various missions efforts that Emmaus is supporting. Please read the summaries below, but we encourage you to follow the links to get a more in depth look at what is taking place.

Owen and Nansi Paun


Owen Paun recently attended a church planting learning community hosted by the Bible League of Bulgaria. In his blog post he says, “Some of the highlights were learning about ways that these communities are facing significant resistance from local churches and pastors, who the typical church planter is and the struggles they face, and also how different countries are reproducing some successes from other fields.” You can read the full blogpost as well as watch a video made by Owen describing his experience: http://mydailytestimony.com/balkan-church-planting-learning-community/

Also, if you’d like to “take a walk through the neighborhood” of the Paun family, Owen has put together some pictures that you can view on his website: http://mydailytestimony.com/a-walk-through-our-neighborhood-in-sofia-bulgaria/

Heart Cry Missionary Society

Heart Cry is providing support to indigenous missionaries throughout the world through finances, theological training, Scripture and literature distribution, and the supply of any tool necessary to facilitate the completion of the Great Commission.

A recent update from Heart Cry highlights a church planter and evangelist, Nathanael Armisen, who pastors a newly planted Evangelical-Reformed Baptist Church in Wetzlar, Germany. To read the full testimony of Nathanael, as well as read updates from missionaries and ministers from around the world, please visit the Heart Cry website: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/mission-updates

Posted in News, Posted by Janna Thezier. Comments Off on Missions Update – July 2016

Missions Update – May 2016

Here are some recent updates from the various missions efforts that Emmaus is supporting. Please read the summaries below, but we encourage you to follow the links to get a more in depth look at what is taking place.

Owen and Nansi Paun

Public aggression and violence are common in Bulgaria due to the ineffective justice system. Owen and Nansi were recently involved in one of these incidences where they felt threatened. Please pray for their safety as well as for reform in the justice system. Also, continue to pray for their ministry as they seek to evangelize in Sofia: http://mydailytestimony.com

The Pauns are still requesting prayer for their new internship program. They are looking for recent high school or college grads who will serve with them in Sofia from October 2016 – June 2017. Please visit the following link for more details: http://mydailytestimony.com/ministry-internship-in-bulgaria/

Heart Cry Missionary Society

Heart Cry is providing support to indigenous missionaries throughout the world through finances, theological training, Scripture and literature distribution, and the supply of any tool necessary to facilitate the completion of the Great Commission.

A recent update from Heart Cry highlights a missionary from Nepal. He writes about evangelism among the Buddhist people and how some of his personal relatives have turned to Christ and started going to church. Pray that these people can stand firm in their new faith as they are experiencing the pressures of their society. Please visit the Heart Cry website to read more updates from around the world: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/mission-updates

Posted in News, Study Guides, Posted by Janna Thezier. Comments Off on Missions Update – May 2016

Missions Update – April 2016

Here are some recent updates from the various missions efforts that Emmaus is supporting. Please read the summaries below, but we encourage you to follow the links to get a more in depth look at what is taking place.

Owen and Nansi Paun

Owen and Nansi recently started hosting a game night held in the downtown hostel of their city. It is an evangelistic outreach that includes a time set aside to discuss a spiritual topic. Please pray for this new outreach ministry and read more about it on their website: http://mydailytestimony.com

The Pauns have also requested prayer for their new internship program. They are looking for recent high school or college grads who will serve with them in Sofia from October 2016 – June 2017. Please visit the following link for more details: http://mydailytestimony.com/ministry-internship-in-bulgaria/

Heart Cry Missionary Society

Heart Cry is providing support to indigenous missionaries throughout the world through finances, theological training, Scripture and literature distribution, and the supply of any tool necessary to facilitate the completion of the Great Commission.

One of the recent posts on the Heart Cry website is a prayer request for the aftermath of the recent terrorist attack in Belgium, as one of their believers was killed at the Brussels Airport. Pray that this tragedy might be used to the furtherance of the gospel. Please visit the Heart Cry website to read more updates from around the world: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/mission-updates

Posted in News, Posted by Janna Thezier. Comments Off on Missions Update – April 2016

Missions Update – March 2016

Here are some recent updates from the various missions efforts that Emmaus is supporting. Please read the summaries below, but we encourage you to follow the links to get a more in depth look at what is taking place.

Owen and Nansi Paun

This missionary family recently was moved from their ministry in Russia due to difficult visa laws, relocating them to Sofia, Bulgaria. After spending some time studying the spiritual situation in Sofia, the Pauns recently decided to start a home fellowship weekly to reach out to people who have stepped away from the church. Many of these families in Sofia became Christians directly after the fall of communism, but over time left the church. To read more about their home fellowship please visit their website: http://mydailytestimony.com/bulgarian-bible-study-and-book-translation/

Heart Cry Missionary Society

Heart Cry is providing support to indigenous missionaries throughout the world through finances, theological training, Scripture and literature distribution, and the supply of any tool necessary to facilitate the completion of the Great Commission.

One of the recent posts on the Heart Cry website highlights a pastors’ conference held in the Middle East. The conference included all missionaries from that country supported by Heart Cry. The goal of the conference was to encourage the pastors and to teach on topics of Biblical theology. To read more about what’s taking place in the Middle East as well as many other areas of the world please visit the Heart Cry website: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/middle-east-blog/post/salam-church-m-east-pastors-conference

Posted in News, Missions, Posted by Janna Thezier. Comments Off on Missions Update – March 2016

Politics, the Church, and Abortion

As a Pastor I’m relatively reserved when it comes to making political statements, especially from the pulpit.

I have my reasons. To state it most concisely, I believe that the mission of the church is to make disciples through the proclamation of the gospel, the preaching and teaching of scripture, and the administration of the sacraments (Matthew 28:18-20). The church, as an institution, is to devote itself to the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. Pastors, accordingly, have this charge: “Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (2 Timothy 4:2, ESV) It is shame when Pastors loose sight of this task and exchange it for another (perhaps political activism). I’m a Pastor. I’m a minister (servant) of the gospel. Therefore I am concerned to give attention to, and place emphasis upon those things which coincide with my calling and the mission of the church.

It would be a mistake, however, to assume that I, as an individual, am unconcerned with politics. It would also be a mistake to assume that I, as a Pastor, am unconcerned with how you, as Members of Emmaus Christian Fellowship, live within the political realm.

As individual Christians you and I live in two Kingdoms simultaneously. We are at once citizens of the Kingdom of God and citizens of a kingdom of this earth. God is Lord of both. He has ordained both. He has given specific responsibility and authority to each to fulfill particular purposes. The Kingdom of God is eternal; the kingdoms of this earth will pass away at the consummation. As Christians we are to live in both of these spheres, giving proper respect to each (Romans 13), all to the glory of God, who is Lord over all.

The gospel informs, not only our life in relation to the Kingdom of God, but also our life in the common kingdom. My job as a Pastor is to preach and teach the scriptures. My hope and expectation is that you would then take the principles clearly taught in scripture and apply them to the great variety of political issues that arise in our day. In that sense I suppose everything I say from the pulpit is in fact political!

When I say that I am relatively reserved when it comes to making political statements, I have specific and authoritative statements in mind: “Vote for this candidate!”, “Vote against that proposition!”, “See things this way or that!”

Why am I am typically silent when it comes to speaking boldly in this way? In short, it is about protecting Christian liberty – it’s about honoring your freedom in Christ.

I would argue that most of the political issues we face are far from black and white – far from cut and dry. It is possible for Christians to agree on the gospel, and yet disagree on how to best apply the principles of the gospel to the political circumstances that are always before us.

The scriptures simply do not say, “thou shalt vote for proposition forty-whatever”, or “vote for Mr. So-and-so”. But they do provide us with principles – moral guidelines – a worldview. Christians are to prayerfully, carefully, and winsomely, apply the principles contained within scripture to the issues of our day. The way you vote, and the way that you engage politically, is a matter of Christian liberty.

That said, some of the issues of our day are more clear than others.

January 22nd marks the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize abortion in this country.

The scriptures speak most clearly to this issue:

Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

Job 10:8–12: “Your hands fashioned and made me… You clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews. You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit.”

Psalm 139:13–16: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”

Deuteronomy 5:17: “You shall not murder.”

Matthew 22:39: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Matthew 23:23: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.”

On January 24th, 2015 Christians from this community will come to stand against this great injustice. If you are so inclined, please come to Gibbel Park (Florida and Kirby) at 10am for a brief meting before participants carry a total of 3,000 crosses to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (on Sanderson and Menlo) in remembrance of the 3,000 innocents who die by abortion each day in the United States. The crosses will then be displayed on the church property. RSVP here.

That Christians should view abortion as a great evil is clear from scripture. How Christians respond to this great injustice is a matter of Christian liberty. May I encourage you to pray, act, and vote with wisdom and discernment, and always in love.

In His Grace,

Pastor Joe

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Register Today for Emmaus Essentials – Reformation Profiles

Hello Church,

Just a reminder to register for Emmaus Essentials, Reformation Profiles. This study will run 6 weeks starting September 14th. You can engage online, in class (Sundays at 8:30am), or both. Each lesson is about 30 minutes long. If you plan to engage online then please set up an account today. The process should only take a few minutes. This system works well on mobile devices as well as personal computers. Please let us know if you need any help!



Posted in News, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. No Comments

Read Through the Gospel of John

Brothers and Sisters,

As you know we will be starting a sermon series through the Gospel of John in the next couple of weeks. I’d like to encourage you all to read through this wonderful book once or twice in preparation for the series. I’ve attached a preaching series outline which also serves as an outline of John’s Gospel. Please read being mindful of the question, “who is Jesus?” That, indeed, was the one question that John was seeking to answer when he wrote – a question that, without a doubt, still needs to be addressed in our day.


Pastor Joe

Preaching Series Outline – Gospel of John 

Posted in News, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. No Comments

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church