Missions Update – September 2016

Here are some recent updates from the various missions efforts that Emmaus is supporting. Please read the summaries below, but we encourage you to follow the links to get a more in depth look at what is taking place.

Owen and Nansi Paun

In August, Owen had the opportunity to visit a church that is evangelizing in a unique area of Europe that contains a people group that are muslim converts dating back to the Ottoman Empire. During this visit he was able to take part in an art workshop held at a public school for children to paint and draw things related to biblical events.  Owen gives an interesting history of this area as well as posts many pictures. Please take the time to read his post in more detail: http://mydailytestimony.com/ministry-to-muslims-in-kardzhali/

Also, consider signing up for Owen and Nansi’s personal email list so you can receive live updates from their mission field.

Heart Cry Missionary Society

Some of you may know that India and Nepal are special places to me, so I was drawn to this post by a Nepali evangelist, Sannu. I was particularly drawn to his title of the post, “Eating Meat and Witch Doctors”. Sannu made one of his regular visits to a Hindu believer to discuss God and Christianity. He was questioned as to why Christians think it’s okay to eat meat. Please take the time to read his full post to find out his response to that question as well as why he wrote about a witch doctor: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/asia-blog/post/eating-meat-and-witch-doctors–nepal-



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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church