AUTHORS » Russell Schmidt

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 01/20/13

Scripture Text- 2 Peter 2:1

1. In the context of 2 Peter 1, what are “apostates”?
2. What are some significant “false teachings” that are affecting the church today? List and share.
3. What are the two possible interpretations for the term “bought” in 2 Peter 2:1? Which interpretation is most likely in this particular scripture? Why? Support.
4. Have you reflected recently (really reflected) that you were bought with a price by God? Why did you need to be bought? Do you regularly praise God for this purchase?
5. How can this scripture and teaching help you minister and evangelize? Share. Explain.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 01/13/13

1. What is limited atonement? What scriptures support this doctrine? Share with your group.
2. Can everyone in your group recite the TULIP acrostic from memory? Give it a try!
3. Why is the belief of limited atonement important in the life and faith of believers?
4. How could a belief in unlimited atonement cause problems and issues in the life and faith of a believer?
5. Where is your current level of faith? Are you struggling? Are you falling into sins? Share with your group.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 01/06/2013

1. What spiritually oriented resolutions do you intend to make for 2013? What would you like to do different from 2012? Share with your group.
2. How did you see God work in your life during 2012? Share brief stories with your group.
3. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the greatest, how would you measure your current level of Love for God? Appreciation? Reverence? Awe? Share.
4. How would you respond to a fellow brother or sister in Christ who used John 3:16 as the foundational verse in their disproving of the doctrine of election?
5. Name 3 unbelievers that you will dedicate yourself to pray for and evangelize to in 2013. How can you ensure that you will continue this throughout 2013? A memo? An iPhone reminder? A stationary note? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/30/31

1. How did your perspective on “time” change after hearing Dr. Jennings message on “time”?
2. What “season” of life are you currently in. (Difficult, joyful, blessed, grieving)? Share with your group.
3. According to Dr. Jennings’ sermon, what is a “biblical perspective of the future”? Explain. Share.
4. What are some prominent “myths on adversity” as we face trials in our lives?
5. Are you currently “embracing” God’s will for your life or are you struggling with trusting The Lord? Share with your group.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/23/12

Enjoy this Christmas/Advent Season with your family and brothers and sisters in Christ. Unto us a Savior is born! Blessings.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/16/12

1. How can we comfort one another, including ourselves, in the midst of the tragic elementary school shooting in Connecticut? Any Scripture passages come to mind?
2. How can we be a light to a dark nation during this dark time. Give realistic and practical examples.
3. Assume you are out in the public and are able to start up a conversation with a non believer. Assuming you are concerned for their salvation, how would you respond if the individual says to you “I have always been open to the idea of a God, but I just can’t allow myself to follow a God that would allow such a horrible tragedy”?
4. What is the biblical relationship between God and evil?
5. Do you trust that God will completely “work all things for good” (Rom 8:28) or does your heart struggle with this truth? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/09/12

1. What points does Matthew emphasize to confirm the Messiahship of Christ in Matt chapters 1 and 2? Discuss.

2. What was the background and cultural context in which Christ was born? Do a little background study of this time period. Why is it important to understand the cultural context in which Christ was born?

3. Who were the Wise Men? What did they do? What role did they play in the birth of Christ and why were they important?

4. Who was Herod and what was his response to Christ’s birth? Why would he respond this way?

5. The Lord came to earth in complete humility. Are you being humble in your walk or are you struggling with pride? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/02/12

1. Why was it so important that Jesus came from the “line of David”?
2. What does the name “Jesus” mean? What is the significance of this name?
3. What are some Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled by Christ’s birth? List and share.
4. Are you approaching this Advent Season with awe, reverence, and joy, or are you buying into the stress and anxiety of our culture? Share.
5. What does the title “Emmanuel” mean. Why is it important?

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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