AUTHORS » Russell Schmidt

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 03/17/13

1. What particular area of your life is God
working on the most? (e.g. Fear, control, pride, etc)Share with your group.
2. Do you struggle with trusting God to work everything for good in your life? What particular things do you struggle trusting God with?
3. Do you have an example of God working a difficult circumstance/situation in your life for good? Share.
4. How are you doing in your role as a husband/wife? If you are not married, how are you doing in your singleness?
5. How can your group pray for you this week? Share.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 03/10/13

1. Read through the entire book of 2 Peter with your group. After, have each member share which portion of the book was most impactful and why.
2. Which verse do you think best summarizes the book of 2 Peter? Share with your group.
3. What has God been teaching you through the study of 2 Peter? Share.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 03/03/13

1. Have you ever been embarrassed to stand for the belief in the return of Christ? Why do you think? Share.
2. Why do you think mainstream Christianity has become so fascinated and overly focused on end times?
3. What key things does scripture clearly teach about the return of Christ? Support with scripture.
4. How could you minister to a new believer or non believer that is fearful of end times and the return of Christ?
5. If Christ were to return today, would you be ready for Him? Why or why not? Share with your group.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 02/24/13

2 Peter 2:17-22

1. How would you respond to a Christian friend who believed that one’s salvation could be lost and asked you the question “Because of the sin in my life, I think I may have lost my salvation. How can I know for sure?”

2. What is the proper biblical view on eternal security? What scriptures support this view? Share.

3. What advice would you give a Christian brother or sister who continually fell into a pattern of habitual sin, yet did not know how to stop?

4. How is your current battle with sin? Remember, we are all sinners saved by grace! Use this time to confess and encourage.

5. You are saved by the grace of God. Read Romans 8:35-39 as a group. What thoughts come to mind after hearing this passage? Share.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 02/17/13

1. How should a christian go about determining the fine line between a false teacher and an uninformed teacher? What is the difference between the two? How should each be approached? Give practical examples.

2. What are some tell-tale signs of modern day false teachers? How would you approach a brother or sister in Christ who was listening to the teachings of a popular false teacher?

3. If the biblical gospel has so much power, then why do you think false teaching is so popular in our culture? Explain.

4. If we were to be completely honest with each other, we all are tempted to believe in some form of false teaching at one time or another. What popular false teaching(s) has/have been the most appealing/tempting to you? Why do you think? Share.

5. What does it mean to have “freedom in Christ”? Explain.

Posted in Study Guides, Russell Schmidt, Posted by Russell. No Comments

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 02/10/13

2 Peter 2:10-16

1.How much attention should Christian’s give to the spiritual and demonic? Why? Support with scripture.

2.What evidence supports the view that “the glorious one” in 2 Peter 2:10 refers to the demonic? Why is this important?

3.What power(s) do demons have over the life of believers? Do some research, but be careful, there are some weird views out there. Support your view with scripture.

4.What are the schemes of the evil one and are you daily aware of them? Do you need to take a different daily perspective? Share.

5.Do you have any sins in your life in which the enemy continually lies to you and deceives you? Do you need prayer? Do you need to confess?

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 02/03/13

2 Peter 2:4-9

Why is it “worth it” to follow Christ? Don’t just answer with the textbook answer, really think about it… Why is Christ really “worth it”? Share.

How has God recently “rescued” you from a trial? Share with your group.

How does this passage of scripture bring Trust and Encouragement to believers? Explain and share.

How is God already active in His Judgement of the wicked? Support and share.

Have you ever been tempted to walk away from your faith? Why? How did God work through your doubts? Share with your group.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 01/27/13

1. What are the general characteristics of “false teachers”?

2. What do we need to know in order to guard against the false teachers of today?

3. Do you have any examples or stories of being exposed or involved in false teaching? Share with your group.

4. What were the “four quick points to know” in regards to false teaching that Joe listed at the end of his sermon? See if you can remember them…

They are…

-Know the gospel
-Judge a teachers way of life
-Don’t be gullible
-Trust in God

Discuss the importance of each point with your group.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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