AUTHORS » Russell Schmidt

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 05/19/13

1. What practical benefits does the Sabbath offer? List and explain.
2. In one sentence, answer the question “what is the Sabbath for?”
3. What insight does Psalm 92 give on Sabbath observance?
4. What additional Sabbath questions come to mind after listening to this week’s sermon? Share.
5. What activity have you experienced as being the most beneficial on the Sabbath for you spiritual development? (i.e. Reading, praying, writing, singing, visiting, family time…) Share.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 05/12/13

1. What biblical evidences are there that the sabbath changed from Saturday to Sunday? Why is this important? Support your answer.

2. How have you been blessed in the recent focus on the sabbath? Share.

3. If you were encouraging a brother or sister in christ to observe the sabbath, yet they responded saying “isnt observing the sabbath legalistic?” How would you respond?

4. How can your group pray for you this week?

5. What areas in your life do you find most difficult to rest from? (worry, work, homework, projects, finances, etc.)

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 05/05/13

Scripture Passage- Luke 13:1-17
1. What individual activities are appropriate for the sabbath? Share.
2. What family activities are appropriate for the sabbath? Share.
3. What bible passages shed light on how the Christian sabbath should be observed? Read and share.
4. What specific and particular things did Jesus do in the NT as a way to observe the sabbath? Support and share.
5. What was Jesus talking about in Matt 5:17-20? Share and discuss with you group.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 04/28/13

1. What, why, and how should Christians observe the Sabbath? Explain and support.
2. What are the three types of “Laws” found in the Old Testament and what is their relationship to the sabbath? Give examples of each type of Law.
3. Why do you think the fourth commandment has been relatively removed while the other nine commandments have been upheld in main stream Christianity?

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 04/21/13

Scripture Passage- Isa 58:13-14

1. Are you currently observing the sabbath? Share.
2. Why is the sabbath so important to the Christian Life?
3. What is your current perspective on the sabbath? Support with scripture and share.
4. How can you and your family engage in the sabbath together? Share ideas with each other.
5. What questions do you have about the sabbath? Share with your group.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 04/14/13

1. On a scale of 1-10, how are you doing with your individual Bible Studies? Share.
2. Is your current daily life bringing glory and honor to Christ? At work, school, home, etc? Try to be as honest as possible. Share and encourage.
3. What relationships are you currently doing the best in bringing glory and honor to Christ? (Marriage, students, strangers, children, bosses, etc.) What relationships are you doing the worst? Why? What needs to change?
4. Do you need to seek out forgiveness from anyone for you actions or behaviors toward them? If so, what is keeping you from seeking forgiveness?
5. What “fruits” are being produced in you life? What “fruits” are lacking? Share.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 04/07/13

1. Can you relate to Pastor Seth’s story about how he reacted to “the needy” man in the wheelchair? How have you reacted in similar situations? Share.
2. Are there currently people in your life that you tend to avoid because you see them as “less important” than others? Why? Who? How would Christ want you to treat this person?
3. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being bad and 10 being great, how would you rate your current relationship with Christ? Are you growing intimately with him or merely “thronging about”? Share.
4. Are you or someone you know in need of Christ’s healing (physical, mental, or spiritual)? Pray for them.
5. Are there any sins in your life that need confession? If you are willing, confess with your group.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Easter Sermon

Bible Text: 1 Cor 15

1. Why is the resurrection of Christ so significant? Really think about it…
2. Have you ever really contemplated the fact that Christ literally rose from the dead? Have you ever struggled with this doctrine?
3. Why is the bodily resurrection the core of the Chrustain faith? Support with scripture.
4. Is your hope currently founded in the truth that our true rewards will be found in our life to come, or are you overly attached to the things of this world? Share.
5. How are you currently teaching your children the importance of Christ and His word (if applicable)? Share.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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