AUTHORS » Russell Schmidt

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 07/21/13

1. What are the proper motivations for evangelism? List and share. What are some improper motivations for evangelism? List and share.
2. How would you respond to an unbeliever if they were to ask you the question “what is the gospel?” Keep your answer as brief, yet as thorough, as possible.
3. Compare and contrast the gospel outlined in Luke and Acts with the common American gospel.
4. Recite by memory the GRACE acronym for evangelism.
5. Share evangelism stories from the past few weeks in which you were able to share the gospel.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 07/14/13

1. What is evangelism? Define in 1 sentence.
2. How can you “evangelize” on a daily basis? Give specific and practical details. (i.e. work, family, friends)
3. What are some clear signs that one has the gift of evangelism? Do you have this gift? Share.
4. Why should we evangelize? Support with scripture.
5. How can one be tactful and bold, yet gentle and humble in evangelism? Give specific details and examples.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 06/30/13

1. What does it mean to “honor” God with your prayers? Give an example.
2. How is God “glorified” in us praying? Is your prayer life bringing glory to God? Share.
3. Do you desire for God’s kingdom to come, or do you have an unhealthy attachment to worldly things? Share.
4. How does one pursue God’s will? What are the different forms of God’s will? Support with scripture.
5. What areas of your life are in need of prayer? Share with your group and keep each other accountable in prayer.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 06/23/13

1. What is the significance of approaching God as Heavenly Father in prayer?
2. Scripture clearly teaches that God is loving, intimate, and gentle to His children. Do you ever struggle with viewing God this way? Why or why not.
3. What scriptures supports the view of God as loving Father? Share and support.
4. How has your prayer life been this last week? Share with your group.
5. What have you done in your life to increase the quality and consistency of your prayer life? Share with one another.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 06/16/13

1. On a scale of 1-10, where is your prayer life? Share.
2. Why is prayer such an essential part of the Christian faith? Explain.
3. How would you explain to a new believer the answer to the question “how do I pray?” Support with scripture.
4. What is the purpose of prayer? Support with scripture.
5. Pray for one another, that we would pray for one another, on a regular basis.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 06/09/13

Bible text: Romans 8:29-30, et. al.

1. What is the covenant of Redemption? Discuss and share. Support with scripture.
2. What is the covenant of Works? Discuss and share. Support with scripture.
3. What is the covenant of Grace? Discuss and share. Support with scripture.
4. What is the covenant of Common Grace? Discuss and share. Support with scripture.
5. Are you currently growing in your faith? How are you doing with your spiritual disciplines? Share with your group.

Gospel Commuity Group Questions for Sermon on 06/02/13

1. Is your life reflecting the biblical teachings on unity? With friends? Co-workers? In your family? Share.
2. What changes could you make in your life to bring about more unity?
3. Are you currently exercising your spiritual gifts on a regular basis? Share and help each other identify each others spiritual giftedness.
4. Do you currently desire and regularly engaging in the listening to and study of scripture? Share.
5. Do you have any unconfessed sin that you would be willing to confess to your group this week? Share and pray.

Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 05/26/13

1. How do you feel about the move to diamond valley middle school?
2. What are the pros (and cons) of the move? Can you see why the move is in the best interest of the Church?
3. How have you grown over the last 2 years as a believer? Share details with your group.
4. Is your heart and mind prepared for the next chapter of Emmaus Christian Fellowship? Share.
5. Have you ever considered leading a GCG? Pray about it.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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