AUTHORS » Russell Schmidt

GCG Questions for Sermon on 02/09/14

1. How are you doing with your struggle with pride? Be open and honest.

2. How are you doing with your struggle with envy? Are you being “content in all circumstances”? Be open and honest.

3. Have you ever had to rebuke another believer? What was the outcome? Share.

4. Are there people in your life in which confrontation is needed? Are you being held back by fear? What are you (would you) be afraid of? Why?

5. How can your group pray for you this week? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 02/02/14

1. How can you tell if you are living by the flesh or by the Spirit? What evidences will confirm which is prevalent in your life? Share.

2. What would you say to a professing Christian who was openly living in particular sin, yet claimed that he was saved by the grace of God? Share.

3. Are you currently depending on the Spirit? Or have you reverted back to depending on your flesh? Share.

4. Why is it always so tempting to return to the ways of the law under Moses, rather than resting and living under the grace of the new covenant? Explain and share.

5. Don’t forget to pray for your group throughout the next week.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 01/26/14

1. What does it practically mean to “walk in the spirit”? How are you currently doing in walking in the spirit on a daily basis? Explain and share.

2. How would you respond if a new believer asked you “What is sanctification”? Answer in 1 sentence.

3. How has the Holy Spirit been renewing you over the last several months? In other words, what deep spiritual lessons has God been teaching you over the last several months. Explain and share with your group.

4. Have you been bold is sharing your faith or have you been more timid when evangelizing? Why? Share.

5. How would you respond if a new believer asked you “What is Regeneration”? Answer in 1 sentence.

See Sermon notes at for more information.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 01/19/14

1. Take a moment to asses your current relationships. Are they filled with unity? Do you have a particular relationship that needs attending to? Why? Share with your group.

2. What is a godly and biblical way to deal with an individual who claims to be a Christian, yet has strong beliefs that are contrary to scripture? What theological issues should divide and what issues should be dismissed for the sake of unity? List and share.

3. How is your faith? Are you strong or struggling? Why? Explain and share.

4. Are you clearly and consistently “loving one another” in your GCG group? How so/ how can you tell? Discuss.

5. What is “love” according to Paul in Galatians 5? Define, explain, and share. See sermon notes at for more information.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 01/12/14

1. What role do works have in the process of Salvation? ( We know the ultimate answer is none, but is there any role we play?) Explain.

2. Are you currently fully trusting in the accomplishments of Christ for your salvation or have you been struggling with guilt and/or doubt? Share with your group.

3. Why is Galatians 5:3-4 NOT a verse that supports the teaching that one’s salvation can be lost? See sermon notes at for more information.

4. Why is just believing in Jesus really not completely sufficient for proper salvation? In other word, why does theology matter in salvation? Explain.

5. Remember to pray for your group throughout the week, that you may fully trust in Christ and from that produce good works for His Kingdom.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/22/13

1. What are you most grateful/thankful for during this holiday season? Share.

2. How are you sharing the gospel with others during this holiday season? (At work, home, community, etc.)

3. Has your attention and focus been on Christ’s birth this holiday season? Or has the ways of the world distracted you in some way? Explain and share.

4. Have you ever reverted back to worshiping the “elementary principles” of the world? Why? What happened? Share.

5. How has the “Law” helped you grow in your faith? Explain. Share.

Sermon audio and manuscript can be found at

GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/15/13

1. What are the differences and similarities between Old Testament and New Testament Saints. See sermon manuscript for further information.

2. Was God really concerned with Old Testament Sacrifices? What sacrifices are pleasing to God today? Explain.

3. Why was the law of God given? Note: there was more than one reason. Share and support.

4. What does Paul mean when he says we now have “freedom in Christ”? Explain and support.

5. Are you currently living a life focused on godliness? Or have you lost perspective on your identity and freedom in Christ? Share and pray for one another.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/08/2013

1. Have you ever had major differences with another Christian (friend, coworker, family member)? What happened? What was the outcome? How did you find unity in Christ? Share.

2. What does it mean to be clothed in Christ? Really think about it and support your answer.

3. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being far away and 10 being very close) where is your heart this week in walking with God. Share.

4. Do you ever struggle with seeing other believers as second class citizens in Christ? What causes you to see others this way and why? Share.

5. What can you do in your daily and current life to bring more unity to Christ’s church? Think about it and share.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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