AUTHORS » Russell Schmidt

GCG Questions for Sermon on 01/04/15

Text: John 4:19


1. Discuss the main applications and points from the woman at the well story in John 4.

2. What are things that our culture sees as “authoritative” for knowledge and living life? Explain. Share.

3. What were the 4 reasons listed in the sermon for why scripture is interpreted differently? See sermon notes.

Family Application: What does the Bible teach about “authority” within the household? Share and support with verses.

Evangelism Application: What can be learned from the story of the woman at the well that can be applied to modem day evangelism? Explain. Share.

Posted in Study Guides, Gospel Community Groups, Russell Schmidt, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on GCG Questions for Sermon on 01/04/15

GCG Questions for Sermon on 04/13/14

Text: Matt 21:1-11

Sermon notes:

1. What is the overarching biblical message of “Passover”? Explain in detail, both the Old Testament practice and Christ’s fulfillment in the New Testament.

2. How do you acknowledge and observe Holy Week each year? Share with one another ways to engage oneself and/or ones family during this special and symbolic week.

3. What is the primary purpose and message of the Bible? State in one sentence and discuss.

4. What does “the kingdom inaugurated but not yet consummated” mean and how does it apply to the church? Explain.

5. How are you doing with your struggle with pride? Are you acting in a state of humility as Christ has called us to? Share and pray.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 03/23/14

Bible Text: Psalm 51

1. When you sin, have you learned to repent and run to God? Or do you struggle with shame and hiding from God as Adam and Eve did? Share and explain.

2. In the case of David, one sin leads to a series of other sins, as he attempted to cover his sins rather than repent and confess. Have you seen this progression in your life? Why do we often try to cover our sins rather than confess and repent?

3. According to Psalm 51, what are the appropriate biblical steps to proper repentance? Discuss. See sermon notes at

4. Have you recently reflected on what Christ has truly done for us on the cross? Or have you grown slack in daily confessing, repenting, and trusting? Share.

5. What is the most profound thing you learn in Psalm 51 when looking at David’s repentance? Why? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 03/16/14

1. Are you currently content in all your circumstances? Do you envy the wicked at times? Why? Share with your group.

2. Why is it that the righteous are the ones who are ultimately blessed. In other words, why is it ultimately better to do good rather than bad? Explain and support with scripture.

3. What does it mean to live in light of eternity? How does one practically do this?

4. “Delight yourself in The Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart”. How have you seen this verse to be true in your life?

5. Remember to pray for one another this week.

GCG Questions for Sermon on Psalm 42

1. What specific thing does this psalm teach you about God? (For example, look for signs of His character, His attributes, His works, His promises.) Share.

2. How could you use Psalm 42 to minister to a Christian who is experiencing a difficult time? What specific aspects about Psalm 42 should you emphasize? Support and share.

3. Why is it often so difficult to be honest with God in times of difficulty? Or, if it is not difficult for you, why do you think it is difficult for others? Share with your group.

4. How can one “seek God’s face” in times of trouble. I am sure most of us have heard this phase, but what does it mean practically? share and support.

5. What is one area in your life that you could improve in trusting God more with? (finances, family, status, purpose, health) How can your group pray for you this week? Remember: on our own we will fail, but in Christ and through the church, we can succeed.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 03/03/14

1. Do you have a favorite Psalm? Which one? Why is it your favorite? Share.

2. How are you daily bringing glory to God? How is God being glorified through your life? Remember: it is not boasting if you give all the glory to God.

3. Are there any idols of the heart that have been above the glorification of God in your life? If yes, what needs to change to put Gods glory first again?

4. Are you currently trusting in the Lord for all things? Are you content in your current situations (work, home, health, family)? Great trust displays great faith.

5. Name at least 3 things in your life right now that you can praise God for. (Yes, I know, we should praise God for all things. But you know what I mean.) Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 02/23/14

1. What is your main motivation for life? Don’t just give a simple and conditioned response. Really think about it and try to put it in one sentence.

2. Do you have any idols that have over taken the reign of Christ in your life? Anything we are not willing to hand fully over to God is a potential idol.

3. Are you being faithful in standing for and sharing Christ outside of church (home, work, school, etc.)? Share.

4. How has pride been a hinderance in your Christian Faith during the last few weeks. Think about some specific examples and share with your group.

5. Paul’s toils and persecution for the Christian faith is an example to us all. How are you living for Christ and furthering His kingdom in all you do? What is your ministry?

Posted in Study Guides, Russell Schmidt, Posted by Joe. No Comments

GCG Questions for Sermon on 02/16/14

1. What is a biblical method for determining how much one should tithe? Discuss but do not debate. Support with scripture.

2. Tithing is a personal act of worship. One not need share how much they tithe. However, is your heart right in the area of giving or tithing? Or are you struggling with Gods commands in this area and his provision of your life?

3. What valuable concepts has God taught you about finances over the last few years? Share with your group some of the main, important, and practical lessons you have learned.

4. How have you been blessed by some of the ministries of Emmaus over the last year? Share with you group.

5. Parents: how can you effectively teach your children to manage their money in a godly way? Share.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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