Sermon Text: Misc
Link to Sermon Notes:
1. Have you been through, or are you going through, the membership process at Emmaus? How was your experience? What did you like and what would you change?
2. What are the biblical requirements for being received as a member of the church? See sermon notes, support with scripture, and discuss.
3. Imagine you are a believer seeking a new church. What particular things would make you feel comfortable and received when coming into a new church? List specifics (I.e. Greeted by leadership, welcome to visitors in announcements, new visitor handouts, etc.)
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups
Posted by Russell
1. What is your testimony. Share your brief (2-3 minutes) testimony with your group. Make sure it is brief so all members are able to share.
2. How is Christ central to your testimony? How can you share your testimony with others and ensure that all the credit and glory is given to Christ?
3. How is your testimony compared to that of Paul’s in Galatians 1? Do you see similarities? What are some main aspects of Paul’s testimony that point toward Christ?
4. Why and when should one share their testimony? All the time? Only in certain situations? For what purpose? Share.
5. Are you currently growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ, or has your Christian growth grown more stagnate? Share.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups Russell Schmidt
Posted by Russell
1. Describe the character of Paul. What does scripture say about his personality and nature?
2. It is clear that the teaching of JWs or Mormonism is a false gospel. But what false gospel teaching seems to be prevalent within the modern Christian church? Share and explain.
3. How are you tempted to “distort the gospel” in your own faith. What parts of God or the Bible to you find yourself wanting to alter? Why do you think?
4. When is the biblical gospel no longer the biblical gospel? What specific alterations must be made for the gospel to no longer to be biblical? Be specific.
5. Do you know what you believe and why? Could you thoroughly explain your faith with biblical support to another? Share.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups Russell Schmidt
Posted by Russell
1. How was your experience in our first day at our new location? Share.
2. Who was Paul? Discuss his character, history, and conversion.
3. In relating to Paul, share with one another some of the highlights of your conversion experience.
4. What type of false teaching was Paul referring to in Galatians 1? What would be some examples of this type of false teaching today?
5. Why do so many believe that salvation is by their own works when the Bible says it is by grace alone? Do you ever struggle with this belief? Share.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups Russell Schmidt
Posted by Russell
1. What is the primary task of the “pastor” according to scripture? Support with scripture.
2. Do you believe Emmaus has been faithful in “preaching the word”? Be honest. Why or why not?
3. Have you daily been living with a holy reverence for Gods word? Why? Share.
4. How has your recent desire for God and his holiness been for you? Have you grown tired and slack in your faith? Or are you going strong? Share, encourage, and support.
5. What are the top 3 prerequisites for preparing to listen to a sermon? Support and share.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups Russell Schmidt
Posted by Russell
1. What are the three spheres of biblical jurisdiction and what are the primary responsibility of each?
2. What does a biblical family look like in practical application? Briefly define the role of the father, mother, and children. Support with scripture.
3. What practical actions can parents do on a regular basis to help shape the hearts of their children? Share.
4. How are you currently doing in your walk? Do you have any unconfessed sin you would be willing to share with your group?
5. How can your group pray for you this week?
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups Russell Schmidt
Posted by Russell
1. What was your initial response to hearing the news that children’s ministry as we know it will end? Why?
2. What are the biblical reasons for this change? Support with scripture.
3. What needs to change in order to properly function as a multi-generational church?
4. How are you currently doing in your biblical family role (I.e. Husband, Wife, Child, etc)?
5. What is your biggest concern with this transition? Share with one another.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups Russell Schmidt
Posted by Russell
1. Which of the 7 points about accountability stood out to you the most in the sermon? Why?
2. What Christian relationship do you believe you are most accountable to (outside of Christ)? Spouse, Father, Child, Brother/Sister in Christ? Why do you think you have the most accountability to this person? How are you doing according to the sermon’s 7 points?
3. What do you think defines when and how to confront another believer if you see him/her in sin? Share and support with scripture.
4. What guidelines should be used on forgiving others? What should constitute as a legitimate reason to forgive someone?
5. Do you actively engage in biblical counsel with fellow believers? Share your experiences. If not, why not?
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups Russell Schmidt
Posted by Russell