Gospel Community Group Questions for Sermon on 05/08/13

1. Which of the 7 points about accountability stood out to you the most in the sermon? Why?

2. What Christian relationship do you believe you are most accountable to (outside of Christ)? Spouse, Father, Child, Brother/Sister in Christ? Why do you think you have the most accountability to this person? How are you doing according to the sermon’s 7 points?

3. What do you think defines when and how to confront another believer if you see him/her in sin? Share and support with scripture.

4. What guidelines should be used on forgiving others? What should constitute as a legitimate reason to forgive someone?

5. Do you actively engage in biblical counsel with fellow believers? Share your experiences. If not, why not?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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