Author Archive

GCG Questions for Sermon on 10/26/14

Text: John 1:35-51


1.  in what ways does our culture misunderstand who and what Jesus is? Why do you think? Give examples. Share.

2. What is Johns main point in vs. 35-51? What does he want his readers to understand through this portion of scripture? Explain.

Family Application: As Jesus shows in this passage, names have meaning behind them. As a parent, the naming of a child is often significant. Share the name of your child(ren) and the significance. (It’s ok if you just liked a name with little meaning too!)

Evangelism Application: In John 1:35-51 four people become followers of Christ. What lessons about personal evangelism can we learn from these stories?

GCG for Sermon on 10/19/14

Text: John 1:29-34


1. In light of the sermons content, how are you doing in your battle with sin? Do you make confession of your sins a regular habit? Share with your group.

2. What does john mean when he uses term “world”? Share and support with other scriptures.

3. What has stuck out to you most thus far in the first chapter of John? Why? Share.

Family Application: What methods have you (will you) use to teach your children the concept of sin? Share.

Evangelism Application: Our church contributes to heart cry ministries. What is this ministry and what is their model for missions? What do you think about this model? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 09/21/14

Text: John 1:6-13


1. What did Jesus come to accomplish in His coming to earth? (note: there are multiple answers to this question) discuss.

2. Who are the “seven witnesses” that bare witness to who Christ is? List and discuss. See sermon notes.

3. Is Christ central to your life? If yes, share how you keep your self focused and humbled. If not, share why not.

Family Application: Are you being faithful and diligent in your family devotions? Share.

Evangelism Application: How can the words and information given in John 1 be useful in your personal evangelism? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 09/14/14

Text: John 1:1-5


1. What does John want his readers to know and understand about Christ in the first verses of chapter 1? (The sermon listed 8 points…see sermon notes) List each point and discuss each. Also, share which point stood out to you the most and explain why.

Family Application: Teaching one’s children about the person and divine nature of Christ can be difficult (to say the least). What advice could you give to other current (or future) parents on how to teach children about who Jesus is?

Evangelism Application: How has contemporary culture distorted the true person and work of Christ? What other religions are founded on a distortion of the person and work of Christ? Discuss and explain.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 08/31/14

Text: Acts 2:42-47


1. What is the danger of believers continually looking for God to work the extraordinary in their lives? Have you even been guilty of wanting God to do the extraordinary, when in fact God was working in the ordinary? Explain. Share.

2. What are the “means of grace” mentioned in this portion of scripture? Are you devoted to these means of grace in your own life? Share.

3. What are the names of the 12 apostles? 🙂 It would serve you well to have these memorized, as we are to devote ourselves to their teaching.

Family Application: How are you doing in your family devotions? Share with your group.

Evangelism Application: Staying true to the theme of the sermon, what ordinary and plain things can you do in your life to evangelize to the people around you on a regular basis? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 08/24/14

Text: James 5:19-20


1. Are you allowing others to help you in your Christian walk, or have you been more prone to try to do things on your own strength and wisdom? Give examples.

2. Is there a Christian you know who has been living or acting in intentional sin or who has wandered from the truth? Do you believe that God is calling you to be involved in confronting or exposing their sin in some way? Share.

3. Are you living with intentional affection for your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ around you? Are you living with a love for those who are lost? Share.

Family Application: How is sin be addressed in your household? How are you keeping your family engaged in the Christian faith, so that they do not fall into sin?

Evangelism Application: As Christians, it is our job to be the light of the world, not to convict the world. What can you do (or what have you been doing) to try and reach out to worldly and sinful individuals. Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 08/17/14

Text: James 5:13-18


1. How has this potion of scripture been taken out of context and improperly applied throughout church history? Explain.

2. Does God still heal today? How? Share.

3. Do you run to God or away from God when difficulties take place in your life. Explain. Share.

4. Do you have any sins that need to be confessed to your group? Confess, share, and pray.

5. Spend time as a group paying expectantly for prominent issues and topics in your group.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 08/10/2014

Text: James 5:12-17


1. Are you being patient in the midst of a fallen and broken world? Explain. Share.

2. None of us respond perfectly to the difficulty of suffering. Some of us fight back or lash out at others. Others of us complain or blame God or attempt to escape our pain through pleasurable distractions. Of these sinful responses, which are you most likely to fall into when you suffer? Try to describe your own typical pattern of responding to suffering. Share with your group.

3. Patience requires hope. Grow your hope by reading each of the following passages that describes what life will be like when our King returns. What do you learn about your future in each of these passages?

      • Isaiah 11:1-9

      • Isaiah 65:17-25

      • Revelation 21-22

4. How are you doing with your struggle of judging others (both believers and non believers)? Share.

5. How can you practically apply James 5:7-12 in this upcoming week? Share.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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