Text: John 5:31-47 (read as group)
Notes: emmauscf.org/sermons
1. How has Jesus fulfilled OT prophecy in ways that were different than many people expected? Share.
2. What “proofs” did Jesus give to confirm his Messiahship?
3. Where in scripture have you come to see Christ as being central, where maybe at first read it is not overtly apparent? Share examples from scripture where Jesus is central.
Family Application: Discuss this week’s Catechism questions and share how to communicate these truths to your family.
Evangelism Application: Discuss the major points of Jehovah’s Witness theology and share how you could evangelize to a Jehovah’s Witness and support with scripture.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups
Posted by Russell
Text: John 5:19-30 (read as group)
Notes: emmauscf.org/sermons
1. How has Christ given us “Life” as believers? Explain. Share.
2. Discuss the connection between faith and works in detail. Support with scripture.
3. Why did so many people during the time of Christ struggle with accepting Him as the Messiah and Christ. Discuss.
Family Application: Discuss this week’s Catechism questions and share how to communicate these truths to your family.
Evangelism Application: Share about recent evangelism encounters. Also, encourage one another to come next week with at least one evangelism encounter to share.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups
Posted by Russell
Text: John 5:1-18 (read as group)
Notes: emmauscf.org/sermons
1. Are there any “religious” superstitions that are commonly held amongst Americanized Christians? Share.
2. How can non-biblical superstitions be detrimental to ones faith? Explain.
3. What is the biblical relationship between physical illness and sin? Support with scripture.
Family Application: Discuss this week’s Catechism questions and share how to communicate these truths to your family.
Evangelism Application: Share about recent evangelism encounters. Also, encourage one another to come next week with at least one evangelism encounter to share.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups
Posted by Russell
Text: John 3:22-30
Notes: emmauscf.org/sermons
1. Compare and contrast godly ambition with worldly ambition. What does each look like and how does one distinguish the difference between the two? Give examples.
2. Are you daily driven by a holy ambition being concerned about the wellbeing of others? Share.
3. Are you currently being entangled with worldly things or do you feel rather victorious in the power of Christ? Share. Support and encourage each other.
Family Application: What is your family doing to celebrate the advent season? Share with your group.
Evangelism Application: Who can you share the gospel with during this holiday season? Share and hold accountable.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups
Posted by Russell
Text: John 3:16-21
Notes: emmauscf.org/sermons
1. How has John 3:16 been misquoted or misinterpreted over the past century?
2. What did Christ come to accomplish?
3. How does one benefit from what Christ has accomplished?
Family Application: What effective tactics have you used in communicating the gospel to your children? Share.
Evangelism Application: How could you communicate to an individual that beloved that John 3:16-21 says that all will go to heaven in the end. Articulate your response to your group and support your response.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups
Posted by Russell
Text: John 3:9-15
Notes: emmauscf.org/sermons
1. Which side of the pendulum to you most often find yourself: making God too small or making yourself too large. Explain. Share.
2. What is needed for someone to enter into the kingdom of God? List the points from the sermon and discuss.
3. In what ways can you relate with Nicodemus in John 3? Share and discuss.
Family Application: If God is the one who changes hearts and saves souls, then what role does the family play in a child coming to a saving knowledge of Christ? Explain and support with scripture.
Evangelism Application: Scripture clearly teaches that regeneration is needed in order to enter into the kingdom of God. Utilizing the scriptures listed in the sermon, how could you help a new believer understand and accept this Biblical concept? Discuss.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups
Posted by Russell
Text: John 2:23-3:8
Notes: emmauscf.org/sermons
1. According to this passage, “how” is one purified and cleansed from their sins? Support and give detail.
2. Discuss the “kingdom of God” as Jesus presents it. What is it and how does one enter it?
3. You were once dead, but God alone gave you life. Dwell on this and share your thoughts.
Family Application: encourage one another to be faithful in making time for family and personal devotions.
Evangelism Application: how was this sermon helpful in your evangelism efforts? Share and be specific.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups
Posted by Russell
Text: John 2:12-23
Notes: emmauscf.org/sermons
1. Why does John place the cleansing of the temple at the beginning of his Gospel, where Matthew, Mark, and Luke place this event at the end of their Gospels? Discuss and support.
2. Discuss the meaning, symbolism, and significance of Jesus’ statement: Destroy this temple and in 3 days I will rebuild it.
Family Application: how are you doing in your family devotions? What things have worked for you and your family? Share with your group.
Evangelism Application: today members from Emmaus will go into the local community to evangelize. How can you support Emmaus in our evangelism efforts? Share with your group.
Posted in Study Guides Gospel Community Groups
Posted by Russell