GCG Questions for Sermon on 12/28/2014

1. John has introduced many themes in the first three chapters of his gospel. Six of those themes are found in the story of Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well. What three themes were mentioned on Sunday (three more will be discussed next Sunday in part 2)? In other words, what were the three points of the sermon?

2. In what way does this story illustrate the truth that Jesus is Savior of the world? There are two ways in which the woman at the well represents the world. Discuss. 

3. Talk about the theme of water in John’s gospel. How does Jesus use water to communicate spiritual truths with the woman at the well? What did Jesus offer to her?

4. In what way does the story of the woman at the well pick up the theme of Jesus as the light of the world? How did Jesus go about shinning light into her soul?

5. Does Jesus still work this way today? Through whom? How? Discuss.

6. Can you share similarities between your life journey with Christ and the experience of the woman at the well? Discuss.

7. What does this passage say to us concerning prejudice (means to pre-judge) and/or racism in relation to the Christian and to the proclamation of the gospel?  Discuss.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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