Ministry to Youth

Emmaus’ youth ministry does not take the place of our regular Sunday worship service. We believe that our young people are a valuable and significant part of the congregation, and therefore, should regularly attend our Sunday worship services where they will learn from the teaching of the scriptures, worship, and interact with the adults of Emmaus.


  • Upcoming Events

    Youth Ministry Add to google calendar
    Wed, October 30, 2024
     at 6:30 pm

    The youth of Emmaus (grades 6-12) gather on Wednesday nights (except the 4th Wednesday of the month) for a time of fellowship and to discuss the morning and afternoon sermons from the previous Sunday. The location will vary.

    You may reach out to Pastor Joe if you have any questions: [email protected].

    Wed, January 29, 2025
     at 6:30 pm

    The youth of Emmaus (grades 6-12) gather on Wednesday nights (except the 4th Wednesday of the month) for a time of fellowship and to discuss the morning and afternoon sermons from the previous Sunday. The location will vary.

    You may reach out to Pastor Joe if you have any questions: [email protected].

    Wed, April 30, 2025
     at 6:30 pm

    The youth of Emmaus (grades 6-12) gather on Wednesday nights (except the 4th Wednesday of the month) for a time of fellowship and to discuss the morning and afternoon sermons from the previous Sunday. The location will vary.

    You may reach out to Pastor Joe if you have any questions: [email protected].


Discussion Questions: Luke 14:25-35
posted on Sunday, October 20th by Joe

  1. These words of Jesus are shocking: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). How do we know that Jesus does not literally mean that we are to hate these. 
  2. What then does Jesus mean when he commands his disciples to hate parents, spouse, children, and even their own life?
  3. What does Jesus mean when he says, “Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:27)?
  4. In Luke 14:28-35, Jesus presented three illustrations urging the multitude to count the cost and to avoid making a false profession of faith. Discuss the meaning of each one.
  5. Jesus was not interested in having a large following. He was interested in having a faithful and sincere following. The same is true today. Discuss. 
  6. Not all disciples are called to die the death of a martyr, but all are called to bear their cross daily. Not all disciples are called to give up everything they own, but all are called to “renounce all” they have (Luke 14:33). How can a disciple renounce all they have without actually giving it up?
  7. Read Philippians 3:7-11. Have you counted the cost of following Jesus and do you agree with the Apostle that it is worth it?

Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26.2, The Local Church: Its Membership
posted on Thursday, October 17th by Joe

  1. What does the word church mean?
  2. What is the catholic or universal church? 
  3. What is a local or particular church?
  4. The members of the catholic church are the elect who have or will be united to Christ by faith. Who are to be received as members of local churches? Notice, our confession does not say “the elect”! Why?
  5. What are the qualities or characteristics of visible saints? Remember, our confession states these qualities positively and negatively. 
  6. Why did the doctrine of the church expressed in 2LCF 26 seem radical to most Christians when it was written in the 17th century? Why does this doctrine seem radical to many professing Chritsians today?
  7. Why is it vitally important for the elders and members of our churches to know who the members of the local church are to be?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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