TOPICS » Marriage

The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Timothy Keller

Publisher’s Synopsis: “Based on the acclaimed sermon series by New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller, this book shows everyone—Christians, skeptics, singles, longtime married couples, and those about to be engaged—the vision of what marriage should be according to the Bible.

Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that your spouse is there to help you realize your potential; that marriage does not mean forever, but merely for now; and that starting over after a divorce is the best solution to seemingly intractable marriage issues. But these modern-day assumptions are wrong. Timothy Keller, with insights from Kathy, his wife of thirty-seven years, shows marriage to be a glorious relationship that is also misunderstood and mysterious. The Meaning of Marriage offers instruction on how to have a successful marriage, and is essential reading for anyone who wants to know God and love more deeply in this life.”

Nerd Factor: Low

Emmaus Staff Comments: Timothy Keller’s, “The Meaning of Marriage”, is easy to read, and it provides a rather broad treatment of the biblical principles that ought to undergird the Christian marriage. The chapter headings are as follows: 1. The Secret of Marriage, 2. The Power for Marriage, 3. The Essence of Marriage, 4. Loving the Stranger, 5. Embracing the Other, 6. Singleness and Marriage, and 7. Sex and Marriage. I would recommend this book to those not yet married, to newlyweds, and to those who are looking for a marriage “tune up”.

Purchasing Options: Amazon, Monergism Books

Posted in Books, Family, Marriage, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. No Comments

When Sinners Say “I Do”: Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage by Dave Harvey

Publisher’s Synopsis: “Marriage is the union of two people who arrive at the altar toting some surprisingly large luggage. Often it gets opened right there on the honeymoon, sometimes it waits for the week after. The Bible calls it sin and understanding its influence can make all the difference for a man and woman who are building a life together. When Sinners Say “I Do” is about encountering the life-transforming power of the gospel in the unpredictable journey of marriage.

Dave’s writing style embraces the reader as he speaks honestly, and sometimes humorously, about sin and the power of the gospel to overcome it. He opens the delightful truth of God s word and encourages the reader to see more clearly the glorious picture of what God does when sinners say ‘I do.'”

Nerd Factor: Low

Emmaus Staff Comments: I (Joe) would recommend this book to couples who are working through a marriage situation where one, or both, of the spouses have sinned against the other. In a way, this applies to all married couples, doesn’t it? And for that reason, I would encourage all married couples to read it. But in my opinion, the book would most beneficial to couples in crises – to couples who need to extend grace and mercy to one another in their marriage relationship. The subtitle of the book is, “Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage”, and this indeed is the thrust of the book. We, as Christians, have been forgiven much. Are we not also to extend mercy and grace to one another, especially to our spouses, with whom we have entered in to covenant? The chapter heading are as follows: 1. What Really Matters in Marriage, 2. Waking Up With the Worst of Sinners, 3. The Fog of War and the Law of Sin, 4. Taking it Our for a Spin, 5. Mercy Triumphs over Judgement, 6. Forgiveness, Full and Free, 7. The Surgeon, the Scalpel, and the Spouse in Sin, 8. Stubborn Grace, 9. Concerning Sex, and 10. When Sinners Say Goodbye. The chapter on sex was solid. The chapter on the death of a spouse was a great conclusion to the book. It put everything in to perspective, and was rather moving.

Purchasing Options: Amazon, Monergism Books

Posted in Books, Family, Marriage, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. No Comments

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that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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