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Discussion Questions: Exodus 7:14-8:19

Published on October 17, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org What was the purpose of the plagues according to the text? Why is it significant that water, earth and sky were struck? What can we learn from Pharaoh about the sin of unbelief? Why were the magicians able to reproduce the …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 6:1-13

Published on September 26, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org Does Moses portray himself as strong or weak in this book? Why do you think this is? The LORD was merciful, kind, and patient with Moses in this moment. How so? How has God been patient with you? How does God …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 5:1-6:1

Published on September 19, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org How are God’s people helped by the advanced notice that life will not always be easy for them (Pharaoh’s heart would be hard, and Christ’s disciples will suffer tribulations)? What  can we learn from Moses regarding what to do in the …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 4:18-31

Published on September 12, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org Is the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart a minor or major theme in the Exodus story? Discuss.  Why did God harden Pharaoh’s heart? Was it wrong for God to harden Pharaoh’s heart? Was Pharaoh unique? In other words, are the hearts of …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 3:10-22

Published on August 29, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org Put yourself in Moses’ place. What would you be concerned about if God were calling you to accomplish this mission?  Why should we consider it a good thing that Moses’ initial reply to God’s call was, “who am I?” Why didn’t …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 2:11-25

Published on August 15, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org Discuss the things that Moses must have forfeited when he decided to side with the Hebrews and forsake the Egyptians.  According to Hebrews 11,  what drove him to this decision? What evidence is there in the passage that Moses had the …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 1:1-2:10

Published on August 8, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org Why is it important to see that Exodus picks up where Genesis left off and continues that story?  The Exodus story begins with the powers of this world oppressing God’s people. Trace that theme as far back as you can into …Read More

Discussion Questions: 1 Timothy 6:20-21

Published on February 28, 2021 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org What was the deposit that Timothy was to guard? How is the deposit to be guarded to this present day? What did Paul mean when he described the false teaching as “irreverent babble” and “contradictions”? How is this a good description …Read More

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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