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Discussion Questions: Exodus 22:28-23:19

Published on July 17, 2022 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org How do the civil laws of Exodus 22:28-23:19 relate to the Ten Commandments?  What is the central concern of the collection of laws in Exodus 22:28-23:19? It is true that Old Covenant Israel was in a special and unique covenantal relationship …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 21:12-22:20

Published on July 10, 2022 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org All nations are called to uphold justice by the principle of life for life, eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. Old Covenant Israel was no different in this regard. Discuss from Exodus 21:12–22:20. Some extreme forms of immorality were punishable …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 21:1-11, 22:21-27

Published on July 3, 2022 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org In what ways were the civil laws of Old Covenant Israel unique to them (and are not for us)? The civil laws of Israel are similar to our civil laws in this: they served to restrain evil and promote justice. Like …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 21:1-23:19

Published on June 26, 2022 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org How does recognizing the literary structure of a text help us correctly interpret it?  Where is the emphasis placed in the case laws section of Exodus 21:1-22:27? Where is the emphasis placed in the imperatival laws section of Exodus 22:8-23:19? Though …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 20:18-26

Published on June 12, 2022 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org Why did Israel fear God at Sinai? See Hebrews 12:20. Why did Israel request that Moses mediate? How does this prefigure Christ?  Why did God give Israel preliminary instructions for worship when instructions for the construction of the tabernacle were forthcoming? …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 20:17

Published on June 5, 2022 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org What are the three parts of the human soul? How do body and soul interact? Why is it helpful to understand how human behavior works? The first nine commandments are to be kept from the heart, but the tenth is about …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 20:16

Published on May 29, 2022 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org What does the ninth commandment have to do with loving and honoring our fellow man? Why is truth and trust vital to relationships? What does the ninth commandment require and forbid? You may find Baptist Catechism 82 & 83, Westminster Larger …Read More

Discussion Questions: Exodus 20:15

Published on May 22, 2022 By Joe

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AT HOME OR IN GOSPEL COMMUNITY GROUPS Sermon manuscript available at emmausrbc.org How does the eighth commandment relate to the fifth which establishes that honor is to be shown to all human beings? What does it mean to steal? The eighth commandment establishes that personal property is to be respected. Discuss.   What are …Read More

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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