SCRIPTURE REFERENCES » Revelation 11:15-12:6

Sermon: Framing the Pieces of the Puzzle: Revelation 11:15-12:6


Brothers and sisters, this will be the last sermon devoted to introductory remarks concerning the book of Revelation. In the first, I sought to challenge the presuppositions of the futurist. I questioned if the book of Revelation itself will allow us to think that what it says pertains mainly to events yet in our future. I proposed that the book really tells us about things past, present, and future from our vantage point. In the second and third sermons I presented you with seven general observations which, if remembered, will help us in our interpretation of the book. The principles were these:

  1. Revelation is given to reveal.
  2. Revelation is a book to be seen.
  3. Numbers count in Revelation.
  4. Revelation makes sense only in light of the Old Testament.
  5. Revelation concerns what must soon take place (from the 90 A.D. perspective).
  6. Revelation is for a church under attack.
  7. The victory belongs to God and to his Christ.

These principles are simple, obvious, and clear. We must not forget them when we come to the challenging portions of the book of Revelation. Consistency in regard to the basics is key.

Today I wish to focus upon the structure of the book of Revelation. We’ll thumb through it together. I’ll present a basic outline to you, and say a few things the repetition and progression that we see in the book.  Read the rest of Sermon: Framing the Pieces of the Puzzle: Revelation 11:15-12:6 »

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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