Sermon: John 7:10-24: Why do people reject Jesus? (Part 2)


Remember that this is part two of a two part sermon on John 7:1-24. I had hoped to cover all 24 verses last week in a single sermon but simply ran out of time. That’s why I decided to break our consideration of this passage into two sermons. You might be thinking to yourself, why not simply preach two sermons? Why say that they are parts one and two? The answer is this: it seems to me that a single theme runs throughout these 24 verses, therefore I think it is best to keep them together.

The theme is this: We are told of men and women who reject Jesus. Many do not believe in him – they will not identify with him, or trust in his name. Notice that verses 1-24 not only reveal that this is true, the text also has something to say about why this is true.  The question why? was our focus last week, and it will remain our question this week. Why do people reject or deny Christ? That is the thing that this passage addresses, I think.

Here is what is revealed in this text:

Jesus’ own siblings did not believe. Why? Because they were in love, not with God, but with the things of the world!

The crowds, as we will see, also refused to openly identify with Jesus. Why? Because they were in love with the approval, not of God, but of others.

And the Jews also (that is to say, the leaders of the Jews) did not believe. Why? Because they loved bringing glory, not to God, but to themselves.

And why did John reveal these things? On one level we might say that he simply wanted to report the facts of what happened. The Jew’s, the crowds, and even Jesus’ own siblings did not believe – it’s a fact! But I’m sure there was deeper reason as to why John told us of these things. Remember, and do not forget, that John’s objective is to persuade us to believe! And so as he records for us these facts, they are not bare facts. No, John is seeking to persuade us to not make the same mistakes that the Jews, the crowds, and even Jesus’ own brothers made as they engaged with Jesus. Read the rest of Sermon: John 7:10-24: Why do people reject Jesus? (Part 2) »

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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