This Week’s Catechism – 6/9

Doctrinal Standard #70 & 72

  • Q. What is the seventh commandment?
  • A. The seventh commandment is: You shall not commit adultery.
  • Q. What does the seventh commandment forbid?
  • A. The seventh commandment forbids thinking, saying, or doing anything sexually impure.

Memory Verses

  • “For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy” (1 Corinthians 7:14, ESV).


  • Study Passage: Matthew 19:3-12
  • Support Passages: Matthew 5:31-32; Mark 10:2-12; Deuteronomy 24:1-4; I Corinthians 7:8-16;
  • Bible Story: John 8:1-11


  • Below is take from Training Hearts, Teaching Minds catechism question 72
  • “When people break this commandment and commit adultery, they never do it suddenly, with no warning. People break this commandment because they have been thinking about what it would be like to break it. What we do always comes after what we have been thinking. God requires us to be pure in our thinking. That means that the things we put into our minds need to be pure things. Read Philippians 4:8. This verse describes the kinds of things with which we should fill our minds. We should choose the music we listen to, the books we read, and the television shows we watch based on how well this verse describes them. When we first see or hear something that we know is not pure, we do not like it and we think that it is wrong. The more we watch or listen, though, the less it bothers us. Little by little, we change our idea of what is pure and what is not. Instead of using God’s Word to decide these things, we let the shows we watch and the music we hear tell us what is right and what is wrong.”
  • “We help each other think pure thoughts when we are careful about how we look. God made husbands and wives so they are attracted to each other when they look at each other. That is right and good. But we need to be careful that we do not invite people to whom we are not married to look at us and think about our bodies. Some clothing draws attention to our bodies. Tight clothing or clothing that does not cover enough of our bodies may cause other people to look at us and think thoughts they should not think. We should always be sure that our clothing is modest and does not draw attention to our bodies. Read 1Timothy 2:9-10. This verse is speaking to women, but men (and boys) also fail to dress modestly sometimes. They should also take care how they dress, not trying to draw attention to their bodies.” [1]

Discussion Questions

  • What is the seventh commandment?
  • What does the seventh commandment forbid?
  • What type of things might happen before some breaks the seventh commandment?
  • How does music, movies, and television shows influence our behavior, thoughts, and decisions?
  • How is the way we dress related to being sexually pure?

[1] Meade, Starr (2000). Training Heart, Teaching Minds. Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA; P&R Publishing Company.

This Week’s Catechism – 5/26

Doctrinal Standard #70 & 71

  • Q. What is the seventh commandment?
  • A. The seventh commandment is: You shall not commit adultery.
  • Q. What does the seventh commandment require?
  • A. The seventh commandment requires us and everyone else to keep sexually pure in heart, speech, and action.

Memory Verses

  • “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24, ESV).


  • Study Passage: 1 Corinthians 7
  • Support Passages: Genesis 1:26-28, 2:23-24, 39:1-18; Matthew 5:27-32, 19:3-12; Hebrews 13:4; Ephesians 5:22-33
  • Bible Story: Matthew 5:20-30


  • Parents, I encourage you to begin this healthy discussion with your sons and daughters earlier than later. It is important that we instill a strong biblical worldview about sex early on as our children will be pressured in so many ways to adopt a secular worldview.
  • “Emphasizing the fact that sexual desire, and the proper satisfaction of it, is not wrong. This is evident from the account of creation. When Adam was first created, ‘there was not found a help meet for him [that is, a mate fit for him]’ (Gen. 2:20). And it was God who said, ‘it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a help for him’ (v. 18). Then, when God had created Eve and brought her to Adam, he prophesied, saying, ‘Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh’ (v. 24). Thus we see that even in a sinless state there was sexual urge. It was divinely created. And there was nothing evil in it then, for we read that ‘they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed’ (v. 25). From this we learn that sex desire is not wrong in itself. Neither is it wrong to satisfy or fulfill this sex desire if this is done in the way that God has ordained. The Bible frankly recognizes the fact that it is this need which draws people together in marriage.”
  • We do well, then, to realize the depths of sinful corruption to which men go. God recognized this, and therefore spoke out plainly about these sins in His Old Testament law. What we need to realize is that we ourselves are – by nature – inclined to these same sins (all sexual sin). We need to realize that it is only by the grace of God that we ourselves can escape the corruption that is in the world (2 Peter 1:4). Let us consider, then, the way in which the Lord enables men to rule the impulse of sex to His glory, and then own good. (1) The Bible says that God gives to some the gift of continency. By this we mean that God enables some to live without having sexual relations, by giving them the strength to resist temptation to adultery. Jesus said, ‘there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there are eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it let him receive it’ (Matt. 19:12)… (2)For others, however – and this includes most people – this is not possible. ‘Every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn’ (1 Cor. 7:7-9). Thus, for most, marriage is the God-given means of controlling sexual desire. Even then, however, marriage must be ‘only in the Lord’ (1 Cor. 7:39), that is, between two believers.” [1]

Discussion Questions

  • What is the seventh commandment?
  • What does the seventh commandment require?
  • What are practical ways to keep sexually pure?
  • What are the two ways the Lord enables us to rule the impulse of sex?(refer to thoughts section)
  • Read Matthew 5:28 and discuss Jesus’ teaching about this commandment.
  • Explain why Jesus is not only concerned with our actions but with our heart?

[1] Williamson, C.I. (2003). The Westminster Shorter Catechism – 2nd Edition. Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA; P&R Publishing Company.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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