Gospel Community Groups

What are Gospel Community Groups?

Gospel Community Groups are small group Bible studies. They are designed to provide an opportunity for the members of Emmaus to build deeper relationships with one another. Groups meet throughout the week to discuss the sermons from the previous Sunday, to share life, and to pray. 

Who is able to join a Gospel Community Group?

Members of Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church may join a Gospel Community Group by speaking to the leader of the group or a Pastor. If you are not yet a member of Emmaus, we ask that you move through the membership process before joining a Gospel Community Group.

What is the focus of the conversation? 

The discussion within Gospel Community Groups will center around sharing life and discussing the sermons from the previous Sunday. GCG Study Questions are posted each Sunday on the website (see homepage and below).

How should Gospel Community Group meetings be led?

Groups should appoint a leader, begin and end at an agreed-upon time, strive for consistency week after week, keep the conversation focused on the sermons from the previous Sunday and life concerns, avoid gossip, and spend substantial time in prayer.  

What is the desired effect of Gospel Community Groups?

Beyond the obvious desire to see individuals encouraged in Christ, we would also like Gospel Community Groups to encourage members to use their spiritual gifts within the church, community, and nations. Our hope is that group members grow in their love for God, their love for one another, and as witnesses for Christ in the community.

What should I do if I am new to Emmaus, desire to connect with others, but am not ready to commit to the church as a member?

As you can see, Gospel Community Groups require commitment. They are for the members of Emmaus (or, under certain circumstances, those clearly committed but not yet members  – please talk with a Pastor). Please keep in mind that there are many other ways to get connected at Emmaus. For example, you can come to worship on the Lord’s Day regularly and stay afterward to visit with others. You can attend Emmaus Essentials (Sunday School) classes before the service at 9:00 AM. You can begin to meet with a Pastor for further guidance concerning involvement at Emmaus or set up an appointment for counseling. You may attend men’s or women’s events. You might also benefit from progressing through An Introduction To The Christian Faith with a Pastor or another guide. The reason we typically require membership for involvement in GCG’s is to maintain an environment where members can share openly, knowing that those in the group have formally committed themselves to this local church.

Why don’t Gospel Community Groups concentrate on topical studies?

Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church offers a more “academic” study of the scriptures through the Emmaus Essentials classes offered throughout the year. We separate the academic emphasis from the relational emphasis, not because the two are contrary to one another, but because we believe that greater depth will be experienced in both areas when separated in this way. We encourage regular involvement in Corporate Worship, Gospel Community Groups, and Emmaus Essentials.



» GCG Diagram
» GCG Covenant


Discussion Questions: Luke 18:15-17
posted on Sunday, February 9th by Joe

  1. Some who believe that the infants of those who have faith in Christ should be baptized attempt to use this passage to justify their practice. How so?
  2. Should Christian parents bring their children to Jesus? If so, how? Does this mean that infants and children must be baptized before they make a credible profession of faith and show evidence of their conversion?
  3. What do we learn about our Savior given that he received little children? 
  4. What does this passage teach us about what is required to enter the kingdom of God?
  5. What about children is worthy of emulation? In other words, what are the childlike qualities that Christ puts forth as requirements for entering the kingdom of God? 

Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 44
posted on Sunday, February 9th by Joe

  1. How many questions and answers is our catechism made up of? How many major parts are there to our catechism? What are they? Which questions belong to each of these parts?
  2. The gospel of Jesus Christ is presented in two ways in our catechism. What are they?
  3. What does it mean to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a redemptive-historical way?
  4. What does it mean to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a law/gospel way?
  5. Beginning with Q 44, are you able to demonstrate that this third portion of the catechism is about the law and the gospel? In other words, where is the law taught? Where is it used to condemn? And where is the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed?
  6. Why is it helpful to recognize this structure in our catechism? How might it help parents to teach their children the Christian faith using this document?

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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