Aug 24
- Who effectually calls? Who is effectually called?
- Why is this calling called “effectual”? Is there a kind of gospel call that is not effective?
- What does the Spirit of God do in the sinner to effectively call them? (Hint: Focus on the phrases that start with words ending in -ing)
- Who must “embrace Jesus”? In other words, who must place their faith or trust in him?
- How does the Spirit persuade and enable the elect to embrace Jesus Christ by faith?
- How is Jesus Christ offered to sinners?
- Why does our catechism use the word “freely”, stating that Jesus Christ is “freely offered to us in the Gospel”?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Aug 24
- We have been considering the person of Christ and his work – the work that he did to accomplish our redemption. What is the topic that is introduced here in Baptist Catechism 32?
- The Father sent the Son to accomplish our redemption. Who applies the redemption that Christ has earned to the elect in due time?
- In Baptist Catechism A. 32, what is meant by the word “effectual”?
- Are the elect of God born saved or justified?
- How does a person come to be saved?
- What does Baptist Catechism A. 33 mean when it says that the Spirit works faith in us?
- What does it mean to be united to Christ? How does union with Christ bring about our redemption?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Aug 24
- The people in Jesus’ day were good at interpreting signs about the weather. What did those who rejected Jesus fail to interpret?
- Why did Jesus call the people hypocrites for their ability to interpret the weather and their inability to interpret the signs that pointed to him as the Messiah? What was hypocritical about this (especially for the religious leaders)?
- In particular, the people were good at predicting when rain and scorching heat would come, but they failed to see that Jesus the Messiah came to bring rain and scorching heat, spiritually speaking. Discuss.
- What did Jesus mean when he exhorted the people to judge rightly and to settle with their accusers before being brought to the judge? Who are our accusers, spiritually speaking? Who is the judge? What does it mean to settle with our accuser, spiritually speaking?
- The unbelieving Jews in Jesus’ day were rebuked by Christ for not properly interpreting the times in which they lived. Does this mean that we seek to interpret the times in which we live as it relates to Christ’s second coming? What do we need to know about the times in which we live? What should our focus be in these last days? When did the last days begin?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Aug 24
- Expectations are powerful. How might unrealistic expectations for others lead to disappointment?
- Why is it important for the Christian to have correct expectations of God and Christ? Where do we find the information we need to develop proper expectations concerning our life in this world?
- What did Christ mean when he said, “Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” (Luke 12:51, ESV)
- How does the above saying agree with the teaching of Christ that Christians are to be peacemakers? (see Matthew 5:9)
- Describe what life in this present age will be like for the Christian. What should we expect to experience in general?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Aug 24
- What is meant by Christ’s exultation? Where was the person of Christ exulted from? Where was Christ exulted to?
- What does it mean that Christ is sitting at the right hand of God the Father?
- Why does our catechism mention the return of Christ and the judgment as the last step in Christ’s exultation?
- How is Christ our great prophet, priest, and king both in his humiliation and exultation?
- What comfort should come to the believer to know that Christ is exalted?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Jul 24
- In the previous passage, Christ commands his disciples to not seek what they are to eat or drink, nor be anxious, but to seek the kingdom of God. What does it mean to seek the kingdom of God? What does this passage have to do with the previous one?
- Discuss ways that a disciple of Jesus might be tempted to be slothful, inattentive, or distracted from his or her devotion to Christ and his kingdom.
- Why did Peter ask the question he did in verse 41? What was the answer that Jesus gave to Peter? Who do the servants of Luke 12:35-37 represent? Who does the manager of Luke 12:42 represent? What is the special responsibility that the apostles, and later, elders have in Christ’s church (see 1 Peter 5:1-4)? What does it mean that pastors/teachers will be judged with greater strictness (see James 3:1)?
- What is required of all Christians to be found faithful (what responsibilities do we all share in common)?
- What is required of you to be found faithful given your particular situation, giftedness, and calling?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Jul 24
- What is meant by Christ’s humiliation? Where did the person of Christ come from? How low did the person of Christ descend?
- What is meant by, “Christ’s humiliation consisted in His being born, and that in a low condition…”?
- What is meant by, “Christ’s humiliation consisted in His being… made under the law…”?
- What is meant by, “Christ’s humiliation consisted in His… undergoing the miseries of this life…”?
- What is meant by, “Christ’s humiliation consisted in His… undergoing… the wrath of God”?
- What is meant by, “Christ’s humiliation consisted in His… undergoing… the cursed death of the cross, in being buried, and continuing under the power of death for a time”?
- Why did the Son of God humble himself in this way? For what purpose? In other words, what work did he perform? (Do not forget about the offices of Christ!)
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Jul 24
- What is anxiety? How does it differ from reasonable concern?
- What is the best the world can offer to relieve anxiety?
- Christ’s teaching about anxiety begins with the word “therefore.” This directs our attention to the previous passage which warns against covetousness. What does covetousness have to do with anxiety?
- What does Christ command us to consider?
- What does Christ command us to seek?
- What reason does Christ give us to fear not?
- According to 33, how should we handle the good things of this life that Christ has blessed us with?
- What does it mean to “Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.” (Luke 12:33, ESV)
- Christ gets to the heart of the issue in verse 34. And what is the heart of the issue?
- How does the teaching of Christ provide a remedy to anxiety and not just the ability to manage or mask it?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by