Sep 24
- To review, what are the main, “fountainhead”, benefits that Christ gives to his people in this life?
- In your own words, what is justification?
- In your own words, what is adoption?
- In your own words, what is sanctification?
- Why is sanctification called a “work of God’s free grace” instead of an “act of God’s free grace”?
- Chapter 13 of our confession of faith is about sanctification. I’d encourage you to read it ( Discuss some of the ways that God sanctifies his people. What means does he use?
- Will our sanctification ever be complete in this life? What is our sanctification preparing us for?
Posted in Study Guides, Posted by
Sep 24
- In what sense was the man’s question for Jesus as stated in Luke 13:23 a question about God’s kingdom? Why do you think he asked the question?
- Why would a yes or no answer from Jesus have been insufficient?
- Christ did not ignore or dismiss the man’s question, but he gave him more than he asked for. Discuss.
- Why did Christ answer the man’s question with the command, “strive to enter through the narrow door”?
- Who or what does the narrow door symbolize? Who is the master of the house? What does the closing of the narrow door symbolize?
- Why will those on the outside not be able to enter the kingdom? Is it because they sincerely tried to enter the narrow door but were hindered? Or is it because they never cared to enter the narrow door and waited until it was too late? Discuss.
- In what sense is this passage about the transition from the Old Covenant to the New and the partial hardening that would come upon Israel under the New Covenant era (see Romans 11:26)?
Posted in Study Guides, Posted by
Sep 24
- Why is it important to recognize the prominence of the theme of the kingdom of God in Luke’s Gospel? What was mainly communicated about the kingdom before Luke 13:18? What does Christ teach us about the kingdom after Luke 13:18?
- In general, what is a kingdom? What elements make up a kingdom?
- Who is the King of God’s kingdom? Where is it located? Who are its citizens? What are its laws?
- What do we learn about the nature of the kingdom of God through Christ’s comparison of it to a mustard seed?
- What do we learn about the nature of the kingdom of God through Christ’s comparison of it to leaven?
- How should this teaching affect your life as a citizen of Christ’s kingdom?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Sep 24
- Why is it important to recognize the prominence of the theme of the kingdom of God in Luke’s Gospel? What was mainly communicated about the kingdom before Luke 13:18? What does Christ teach us about the kingdom after Luke 13:18?
- In general, what is a kingdom? What elements make up a kingdom?
- Who is the King of God’s kingdom? Where is it located? Who are its citizens? What are its laws?
- What do we learn about the nature of the kingdom of God through Christ’s comparison of it to a mustard seed?
- What do we learn about the nature of the kingdom of God through Christ’s comparison of it to leaven?
- How should this teaching affect your life as a citizen of Christ’s kingdom?
Posted in Study Guides, Posted by
Sep 24
- To review, what are the main, “fountainhead”, benefits that Christ gives to his people in this life?
- In your own words, what is justification?
- In your own words, what is adoption?
- What scene should we picture when thinking about justification?
- What scene should we picture when thinking about adoption?
- What is the connection between justification and adoption? Why must justification precede adoption?
- How should the doctrine of adoption affect you in your Christian walk?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Aug 24
- What is religious hypocrisy?
- Why did Christ observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy? What did he do on the Sabbath day?
- Why was the ruler of the synagogue angry that Christ healed this woman on the Sabbath?
- Did Christ actually profane the Sabbath when he healed that woman? What did he violate or transgress?
- Why was the Sabbath day a most fitting day for Christ to perform this miracle?
- Did Jesus intend to do away with the Sabbath when he inaugurated the New Covenant? Why then did he enter into so much conflict with the religious leaders of his day over the Sabbath?
- Why should we think that the practice of Sabbath keeping remains for the people of God under the New Covenant? On what day are we to keep the Sabbath? Why has the day changed?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Aug 24
- If I were to ask, what benefits come to those who trust in Christ, I do believe that many people would think first of the heavenly and eternal benefits. Why do you think our catechism asks, “ What benefits do they that are effectually called, partake of in this life?”
- What are the main, “fountainhead”, benefits that Christ gives to his people in this life?
- Without looking ahead in our catechism, what is justification, adoption, and sanctification? And what blessings do you think flow from these?
- What is justification?
- How does a person come to be justified?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Aug 24
- According to Christ, is all suffering the direct result of personal sin? In other words, are we to assume that those who suffer greatly are necessarily great sinners, or that every suffering we experience is the direct result of some particular sin that we have committed?
- Pilate would also shed Christ’s blood (his blood would be offered up as a sacrifice). The wrath of God would fall on him to crush him. How are we to interpret the sufferings of Christ? Did Christ suffer because of sin? (I can think of two ways to answer this question)
- True faith in Christ and true repentence always go together. Discuss.
- What is the relationship between faith and spiritual fruit (obedience, good works)? In other words, will those who have faith in Christ bear good fruit? Why?
- How did the lesson about the barren fig tree especially apply to the people in the crowds who were alive during Jesus’ earthly ministry? How might this lesson apply to us today?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by