Discussion Questions And Guides For Sermon On Baptist Catechism 50 & 51

  • Why is the first commandment first?
  • The first commandment is stated negatively. “You shall not…”, it says. Why then are we asking what it requires (positively)? How can we know?
  • What does it mean to know God?
  • What does it mean to acknowledge him to be our God?
  • What does it mean to worship and glorify him accordingly?
  • Have you kept this law perfectly? What then should you do? 
  • By God’s grace, what can you do to keep this law in thought, word, and deed?

PM Service Buletin with Catechism Teaching Outline

Youth Study Discussion Questions

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Discussion Questions And Outline For Sermon On Baptist Catechism 48 & 49

  • What does “preface” mean? 
  • What was communicated to Israel in the preface of the Ten Commandments? 
  • What is a bad motivation for obeying God’s law? 
  • Where in the scriptures are we warned against using God’s law as a way to salvation?
  • Where in our catechism are we warned against using God’s law as a way to salvation?
  • What is the only way to be forgiven, made right with God, and to go to heaven?
  • If not for salvation, then why should we obey God’s law?

Click here for the teaching outline.

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Discussion Questions For Sermon, The Church As Temple: Its Foundation, 1 Corinthians 3:1–17

The sermon manuscript is available at emmausrbc.org/category/sermons

  • What does the word “church” mean?
  • What is the foundation of God’s eternal temple-church? In what sense are the apostles and prophets a part of the foundation? Who are these apostles and prophets?
  • Buildings depend on their foundations. In what sense does the true church, and all who are members of it, depend on Christ?
  • Buildings must align with their foundations. In what sense must the true church, and all who are members of it, align with Christ?
  • True saving faith involves knowledge, agreement with that knowledge (assent), and trust. If one of these is lacking, faith is not true and saving. Discuss. 
  • If it is true that Christ is the foundation of God’s temple-church, and if it is true that the church, and all who are in it, must depend on Christ and align with him, what are the implications for our doctrine of the church and our practice?
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Sermon Notes, Discussion Questions, And Active Listener Guide For Sermon On Ephesians 2:19-21, The Church As Temple: An Introduction


The sermon manuscript is available at emmausrbc.org/category/sermons

  • What does the word “church” mean?
  • God’s temple is present in the world under the New Covenant in a much greater way than it was under the Old Covenant. How so? Why would this seem backward to the non-believer?
  • What do we mean when we say that the church is God’s inaugurated worldwide and eternal new creation temple? What is meant by inaugurated? 
  • What are some possible implications for thinking of the church as God’s inaugurated worldwide and eternal new creation temple? How might this way of viewing the church affect our perspective concerning the nature of the church, the role of pastors, the purpose of the church, how she expands, etc?

Click here for the sermon notes and discussion questions handout.

Click here for the Active Listener Guide For The Children Of Emmaus.

The sermon manuscript is available at emmausrbc.org/category/sermons.

Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Sermon Notes, Discussion Questions, And Active Listener Guide For Sermon On Ephesians 2:19-21, The Church As Temple: An Introduction

Discussion Questions For Sermon On Baptist Catechism 44-47


  • Why is it most appropriate to ask the question, “What is the duty which God requireth of man?” at this point in the catechism? 
  • What is meant by “revealed will”? What is God’s “hidden” or “secret will”? Which one are we called to obey? Why are we to obey the one and not the other?
  • Where did God first “write” his moral law?
  • Where in the Scriptures should we go to find a summary of God’s moral law?
  • Why is it important that the Ten Commandments be said to contain a summary of God’s moral law? In other words, why should the Ten Commandments not be strictly equated with the moral law? 
  • What is the sum of the Ten Commandments? How do these two laws get to the heart of the first four and last six of the Ten Commandments, respectively?

Click here to view the bulletin for the afternoon service which includes an outline of the sermon.

Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions For Sermon On Baptist Catechism 44-47

Discussion Questions For Sermon On Baptist Catechism 44

  • After the introductory section (questions 1-6), what two things does our catechism mainly teach us about? Hint: see question 6.
  • Where does the second major section of our catechism begin? Go there and read the Q&A. Where does the third major section begin? Go there and read the Q&A.
  • Why is it most appropriate to ask the question, “What is the duty which God requireth of man?” at this point in the catechism? Hint: think of everything that has been taught to us in questions 7-43. 
  • What will we be learning about in questions 45-89? How will this prepare us to hear the good news about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ in questions 90-92?
  • I taught that the gospel is presented twice in the catechism but in two different ways. Can you explain this? Can you identify the two places where faith in Jesus Christ is said to be the way to salvation?
  • How should understanding the structure of the catechism help us to better appreciate the great truths that are taught in this document?

Click here to view the catechism lesson outline.

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Sermon Notes, Discussion Questions, And Active Listener Guide For Sermon On 2 Corinthians 8:9, Why The Incarnation?


The sermon manuscript is available at emmausrbc.org/category/sermons

  • What does “incarnation” mean? To what does it refer in Christian doctrine?
  • Where in Scripture would you go to demonstrate the fact of the incarnation?
  • Where in Scripture would you go to answer the question, how did the Son of God become incarnate?
  • What does it mean to consider the incarnation in a theological way? Should we be dogmatic concerning this doctrine? Read the Nicene Creed and discuss its usefulness.
  • Why was it necessary for the Messiah to be God, and not a mere man?
  • What was it necessary for the Messiah to man, and not only God, an angel, or a beast? 
  • Gregory of Nazianzus (329-390 AD) famously said, “What has not been assumed has not been healed.” He said this to stress the necessity of Christ’s full humanity. What did he mean by this?
  • How does understanding the “why” of the incarnation help you to better appreciate the “fact” and the “how” of the incarnation? 
  • What difference should this doctrine make in your life?

Click here for the sermon notes and discussion questions handout.

Click here for the Active Listener Guide For The Children Of Emmaus.

The sermon manuscript is available at emmausrbc.org/category/sermons.

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Sermon Notes, Discussion Questions, And Active Listener Guide For Sermon On Exodus 40


  • Why were we redeemed by Christ? For what purpose? To what end?
  • How is the purpose of our redemption made clear by comparing and contrasting Genesis 1 and 2 with Revelation 21 and 22?
  • How is the purpose of our redemption in Christ prefigured in the book of Exodus, and especially in the filling of the tabernacle with the glory of God in Exodus 40?
  • In the new heavens and earth it will be said, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God” (Revelation 21:3, ESV). In what sense was this true in Israel under the Old Covenant? In what sense is this true now under the new covenant? In what sense will this be true in the new heavens and earth?  
  • Westminster Shorter Catechism question 1 asks, “What is the chief end of man?” Answer: “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” What does this mean and how does it pertain to the sermon you have heard?
  • How can we enjoy God now? How will we enjoy him in eternity?

Click here for the sermon notes and discussion questions handout.

Click here for the Active Listener Guide For The Children Of Emmaus.

The sermon manuscript is available at emmausrbc.org/category/sermons.

Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Sermon Notes, Discussion Questions, And Active Listener Guide For Sermon On Exodus 40

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church