Discussion Questions | Baptist Catechism 65: How Is The Sabbath To Be Sanctified?

  1. What is the fourth commandment?
  2. What does it mean to keep the Sabbath day holy?
  3. Why should we not work on the Sabbath day?
  4. Why should we not recreate on the Sabbath day?
  5. Does this mean that no fun or joy is allowed on the Sabbath day?
  6. If we are to rest from these common things, what are we to do instead?
  7. What is public worship? 
  8. What is meant by private worship?
  9. Are there any exceptions?
  10. In Isaiah 58:13-14 God tells us to consider the Sabbath a delight. What is meant by this? What are we to delight in on the Sabbath day?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions | Baptist Catechism 65: How Is The Sabbath To Be Sanctified?

Discussion Questions | Luke 1:1-5: The Time Had Come

  1. Why is it significant that the announcement concerning the imminent birth of the forerunner to the Messiah was announced at the temple to a priest who was ministering at the altar of incense at the hour of prayer?
  2. Why was it significant that the angel Gabriel delivered this announcement?
  3. What prophesy from the Old Testament did Gabriel directly quote?
  4. What miracles are mentioned in this text? Why are the miracles important?
  5. What was Luke’s stated purpose for writing (Luke 1:3-4)? How does he go about accomplishing this task in this first section of his Gospel?
  6. How can we grow in the certainty of our faith, in hope, and in love?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions | Luke 1:1-5: The Time Had Come

Discussion Questions | An Introduction To The Gospel According To Luke: Peace To You | Luke 1:1-4

Questions For Discussion At Home Or In Gospel Community Groups

  • Who was Luke? 
  • What does the name Theophilus mean? Who might he have been? What might Luke have dedicated his Gospel to him? How might he represent the whole church (given the meaning of his name)?
  • What was Luke’s stated purpose for writing? 
  • How did Luke go about writing his Gospel? What is meant by eyewitnesses? What is meant by ministers of the word? 
  • What is meant by the words “orderly”, “narrative”, and “accomplished”?
  • Why is it important to see that Christ did not just do and say great things – he accomplished things? What did he accomplish? 
  • Given what has been said in this introductory sermon, what do you expect to get out of our study through the Gospel of Luke?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions | An Introduction To The Gospel According To Luke: Peace To You | Luke 1:1-4

Discussion Questions: Do Not Be Anxious,
Matthew 6:25-34

  1. Why is it important to have a category for anxiety that is natural and not sinful?
  2. When does anxiety become sinful? When is it sinful from the start?
  3. Why must entering into faithful prayer be the first thing we do? What is meant by “faithful” (dual meaning)? How is the Lord’s Prayer particularly helpful? Are we to start with prayer and then leave prayer behind, or take it with us? Discuss.
  4. How does remembering God’s goodness, his covenant promises, and his power to accomplish all of his purposes, help us to be at peace? 
  5. Should the non-believer be at peace? 
  6. What are examples of practical steps that can be taken to alleviate anxiety? Should we take these steps in our own strength? Why is it important to say, “if possible”. What are we to do in those situations where there is nothing practical to be done?
  7. What is meant by, “think about your thinking?”
  8. Why does anxiety thrive on idolatry? What are we to do with the idols if we find any?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Do Not Be Anxious,
Matthew 6:25-34

Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 60 & 61

  1. What is the third commandment?
  2. The first four commandments are about the worship of God. The first tells us who is to be worshiped. The second tells us how. What aspect of worship does the third commandment address?
  3. What do you think most people would say if asked, what does the third commandment forbid?
  4. What does it mean to profane or abuse something, generally speaking? And what does the third commandment forbid us from profaning? 
  5. How has God made himself known (there are two ways, in general)?
  6. Discuss ways in which men and women might profane or abuse God’s revelation of himself to us.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 60 & 61

Discussion Questions: True Faith vs. Dead Faith, James 2:14-26

Questions for Discussion At Home or in GCG

-What is “Dead Faith”?

-What is “True Faith”

-What are some ways to tell if someone is a True Christian?

-How can someone distinguish between someone with “dead faith” and someone who has “true faith”, but is just really struggling in their faith? 

-Does making determinations about someone’s salvation based on their actions mean that you are judging them? When is it ok to judge? When is it not okay to judge? Discuss. 

-How does Abraham display True Faith? 

-How does Rahab display True Faith? 

-Explain and discuss the final application point of the sermon that says “Works will never produce true faith, but True Faith will always produce godly works (fruit)”

Posted in Study Guides, Posted by Mike. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: True Faith vs. Dead Faith, James 2:14-26

Discussion Questions: The Church As Temple: Its Growth, John 17

  • Describe the growth of God’s kingdom/temple from Genesis 1 through Revelation 22. Tell the story. 
  • When did God’s eternal temple/kingdom arrive with power? When will it be consummated?
  • How does God’s temple/kingdom grow now?
  • What are some ways that men (and women) might try to grow the church according to human wisdom and methods?
  • Why are these methods a waste in the end?
  • Though it is true that salvation is of the Lord, what must we do if wish to be used by the Lord for the furtherance of his kingdom?
Posted in Study Guides, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: The Church As Temple: Its Growth, John 17

Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 58 & 59

  • What is the third commandment?
  • The first four commandments are about the worship of God. The first tells us who is to be worshipped. The second tells us how. What aspect of worship does the third commandment address?
  • What do you think most people would say if asked, what does the third commandment forbid?
  • How does question 59 of our catechism help us to see that the third commandment is about more than not using God’s name, or the name of Christ, as a swear word?
  • What does it mean to take the name of the LORD? And what does it mean to do so in vain?
  • Instead of taking the name of the LORD in vain, what should we do?
  • Have you kept this law perfectly? What then must we do to be saved?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 58 & 59

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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