Mar 25
- Why is the first commandment first?
- What is the difference between knowing that God is the only true God and acknowledging God to be the only true God?
- Why does our catechism add that to keep the first commandment, we must also “worship and glorify Him accordingly”? What does this mean?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Feb 25
- Why is it most appropriate to ask the question, “What is the duty which God requireth of man?” at this point in the catechism?
- What is meant by “revealed will”? What is God’s “hidden” or “secret will”? Which one are we called to obey? Why are we to obey the one and not the other?
- Where did God first “write” his moral law?
- Where in the Scriptures should we go to find a summary of God’s moral law?
- Why is it important that the Ten Commandments be said to contain a summary of God’s moral law? In other words, why should the Ten Commandments not be strictly equated with the moral law?
- What is the sum of the Ten Commandments? How do these two laws get to the heart of the first four and last six of the Ten Commandments, respectively?
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Feb 25
- Some who believe that the infants of those who have faith in Christ should be baptized attempt to use this passage to justify their practice. How so?
- Should Christian parents bring their children to Jesus? If so, how? Does this mean that infants and children must be baptized before they make a credible profession of faith and show evidence of their conversion?
- What do we learn about our Savior given that he received little children?
- What does this passage teach us about what is required to enter the kingdom of God?
- What about children is worthy of emulation? In other words, what are the childlike qualities that Christ puts forth as requirements for entering the kingdom of God?
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Feb 25
- How many questions and answers is our catechism made up of? How many major parts are there to our catechism? What are they? Which questions belong to each of these parts?
- The gospel of Jesus Christ is presented in two ways in our catechism. What are they?
- What does it mean to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a redemptive-historical way?
- What does it mean to present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a law/gospel way?
- Beginning with Q 44, are you able to demonstrate that this third portion of the catechism is about the law and the gospel? In other words, where is the law taught? Where is it used to condemn? And where is the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed?
- Why is it helpful to recognize this structure in our catechism? How might it help parents to teach their children the Christian faith using this document?
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Feb 25
- According to Second London Confession (2LCF) 26.14, how should local churches relate to each other?
- What does mean for churches to hold communion together?
- How can churches in formal association help each other when difficulties, differences, or disturbances arise?
- Practically speaking, how should churches “meet to consider, and give their advice in or about that matter in difference…”
- When the messengers consider an issue and give their advice, who should the avise be reported to?
- What does our confession mean when it says, “howbeit these messengers assembled, are not intrusted with any church-power properly so called; or with any jurisdiction over the churches themselves, to exercise any censures either over any churches or persons; or to impose their determination on the churches or officers.”
- This paragraph contains the phrase, “according to the mind of Christ.” What does this phrase mean? Why is this such an important principle? Hint: see 2LCF 26.4.
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Feb 25
- Am I right with God? There is no question more important than this. Discuss.
- There are only two ways to be right with God. What are they? Why is one of these ways useless to us now?
- True faith always involves true repentance. Why must true faith and repentance always accompany each other?
- What did the tax collector really ask God for when he asked to be shown mercy at the temple?
- What does it mean that the tax collector went to his house justified?
- Have you turned from your sin to trust in Jesus? If so, what do you trust in Jesus for?
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Jan 25
- What is the one thing all the members of a church can do for the good and prosperity of other churches?
- What, in particular, is the good and prosperity we should seek for our church and other churches? Hint: the last line of this paragraph defines what the good and prosperity is.
- What are other ways (besides prayer) that one church can seek the good and prosperity (peace, increase of love, and mutual edification) of other churches?
- How can elders, deacons, and gifted brothers from one church be used to bless other churches?
- What does it mean for churches to “hold communion together”?
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Jan 25
- How might disciples of Jesus be tempted to lose heart?
- What are remedies for a discouraged heart?
- Why is a widow a fitting symbol for disciples of Jesus?
- Why does Christ compare God to an unrighteous and loveless judge in this parable? How is this judge like God? How is this judge not like God?
- The judge was motivated to act by the persistence of the widow because he did not wish to be bothered by her anymore. What “motivates” God to act on behalf of his elect?
- What reason do we have to approach God in persistent prayer?
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