Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26.13

  1. Will you ever find a church without problems? (see Second London Confession 26.3)
  2. When offended or sinned against, what is the “duty required” of church members?
  3. What does it mean to “disturb… church-order”? What does it mean to “absent” oneself “from the assemblies of the church” or the administration of the ordinances”?  Why would it be tempting to do this when offended? Why must this behavior be avoided? 
  4. Why does our confession say that offended members are “to wait upon Christ, in the further proceedings of the church”? What do the proceedings of the church (in discipline) have to do with Christ, and what does Christ have to do with the proceedings of the church? (See Second London Confession 26.4, Matthew 18:20; Matthew 28:20) ​​       
  5. When it comes to  dealing with difficulties and sin in the church, what is lost by abandoning the process laid out in Scripture? What is gained by the one who is sinning, those sinned against, the church as a whole, and the honor of Christ’s name by following the process laid out in Scripture in obedience to the command of Christ?
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Discussion Questions: Luke 17:20-25

  1. How should a believer express gratitude for the grace that God has shown to them in Christ Jesus?
  2. When did the kingdom of God arrive? 
  3. When the kingdom of God first arrived, it was hardly perceivable. When the kingdom is consummated, everyone will see. Discuss. 
  4. What should we expect life in Christ’s inaugurated kingdom to be like?
  5. What does it look like to honor Christ as Lord and King? What does honoring Christ as King look like on the Lord’s Day? What does it involve on the common days? What does it mean to honor Christ as King in thought, word, and deed?
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Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26.12

  1. Is church membership (joining a church) optional for a follower of Christ?
  2. What are some possible scenarios in which a Christian might not have an opportunity to join a church? What should a Christian do in such situations?
  3. What are the privileges of church membership?
  4. What are the responsibilities of church membership?
  5. What does it mean to be under the censures and government of the church?
  6. Why is it important to say that all Christians are under the censures and government of the church they have joined? Hint: Should those who are wealthy or politically powerful be exempt from the censures and government of the church?
  7. What is meant by the words, “according to the rule of Christ”?
  8. Why is church discipline good for the believer, the church, and the glory of Christ?
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Discussion Questions: Luke 17:11-19

  1. What is a leper? How does knowing the Old Covenant ceremonial laws regarding leprosy (Leviticus 13 & 14) help us to understand the situation here in Luke 17:11-19? 
  2. Why did Christ tell the ten lepers to go and show themselves to the priests? (see Luke 17:14). Why are we to interpret this statement to imply the promise of healing? (see Leviticus 14) 
  3. Of the ten, only one returned to give thanks to Jesus and he was a Samaritan/foreigner. Why is this point emphasized?
  4. Those who are cleansed from their sins and saved by Jesus ought to give praise to God and live a life of gratitude before Christ Jesus. If we are not moved to give thanks and praise to God and Christ, what does this reveal about our souls?
  5. What are ways we can give thanks and praise to God and Christ?
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Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26.11

  1. What does our confession mean when it says that “the bishops or pastors of the churches” are “to be instant in preaching the word, by way of office”? 
  2. According to our confession, is the work of preaching to be strictly confined to those who hold the office of bishop or pastor? 
  3. Who may preach the word of God (publically; formally)? What are the standards or qualifications?
  4. Who must approve and call a man to preach the word?
  5. Why does our confession say, “may and ought to perform it”? Why the word “ought”?
  6. What are some potential reasons why a man might be called to preach the word but not hold the office of elder (at least not yet)?
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Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26.10

  1. What does Second London Confession (2LCF) 26.10 say about the work of pastors? What are they to devote themselves to?
  2. Given the hard and important work that pastors are called to do, what obligation do church members have to their pastors? If you could choose only one word, what would it be? Church members must show ___________ to their pastors.
  3. 1 Timothy 5:17-19 says that church members are to give double honor to their pastors/elders, especially to those who labor in preaching and teaching. What is meant by double honor? What are the two kinds of honor to be shown to pastors or elders?
  4. Do the Scriptures teach that pastors are to be compensated financially? Which passages teach this?
  5. If you were to argue from the “light of nature” for the support of minsters who labor in the ministry of the word, what would you say?     
  6. Paul and Barnabas decided not to receive compensation from the people to whom they ministered (1 Corinthians 9:1–14). Why did they not make use of this right? Is this approach to be regarded as the ideal?

Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26.10

Discussion Questions: Luke 1:67-80

  1. Why is it good to give special attention to the birth of Christ and to the doctrine of the incarnation once a year? Not every doctrine found in Holy Scripture warrants this kind of attention. Why does this one?
  2. How is the prophecy of Zechariah a window into the Old Testament? How does his prophecy help us to understand what the saints of old knew and what they were expecting concerning the coming Messiah?
  3. What are some of the Old Testament texts quoted or alluded to by Zechariah? 
  4. What does this passage teach us about who Jesus is and what he came to do?
  5. How might this text be applied by us today?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Luke 1:67-80

Discussion Questions: Second London Confession 26.9

  1. Who fits and gifts a man for his office? What is meant by “fitted”? What is meant by “gifted”.
  2. How is the church to choose those Christ has gifted and fitted? How do they know what to look for?
  3. Who is to set the man apart (ordain) the elders and deacons the church has chosen?
  4. How are men to be ordained to their office? What is this process to involve?
  5. Why is the ordination of elders to involve fasting and prayer?
  6. Why is the appointment of officers to be regarded as a solemn (weighty) matter? 
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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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