Discussion Questions: Luke 2:1-21

Questions For Discussion At Home Or In Gospel Community Groups

  • Who makes it into the history books of the world — what kinds of people? Which part of history does the Bible focus on? What kinds of people play a central role in this story? Who is the central figure? What are the implications of these observations for us?
  • Why does Luke spend two chapters tellings us about the things that happened in the world before Jesus was fully aware of and able to articulate his messianic mission (see Luke 2:52)?  
  • Why was there so much angelic activity in the days of Jesus’ birth (and throughout his whole ministry)? Are the angels always active? What do they do? Why don’t we see them?
  •  Discuss the implications of the lowliness of Christ’s birth for the Christian life.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Luke 2:1-21

Discussion Questions: Luke 1:67-80

Questions For Discussion At Home Or In Gospel Community Groups

  • Hermeneutics is the science of interpretation. Have you learned anything about how to properly interpret Scripture in our study of Luke thus far?
  • Compare the beginning and end of Luke’s Gospel. What theme is present at the beginning and end? 
  • How was Zachariah moved from a place of doubt to certainty? What evidence did he consider that pointed to the fact that Jesus is the Messiah?
  • Look through Luke 1:67-79 and discuss the quotations and allusions to the Old Testament that you find there (allusions are not direct quotations, but given the presence of keywords and themes it is clear that a particular passage or story from the Old Testament is in mind). 
  • What difference will being certain that Jesus is the Messiah make in our lives, practically speaking?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Luke 1:67-80


  • What is the sixth commandment?
  • Some English translations say “kill” while others say “murder”. How can each of these words be misunderstood?
  • What is it about human nature that makes the unjust taking of human life so wrong? 
  • What does the sixth commandment require and forbid?
  • What does it mean to seek to preserve your own life?
  • What does it mean to seek to preserve the life of others?
  • How can both of these principles be misused and abused by individuals and even governments?
  • How does the sixth commandment apply to the issue of abortion?
  • What do we need if we are to apply this law in a way that truly honors God and man? I’m thinking of a word that starts with a “W”.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: BAPTIST CATECHISM 72-74

Discussion Questions: Luke 1:57-66

Questions For Discussion At Home Or In Gospel Community Groups

  • What is Luke’s method for bringing greater certainty to Theophilus (and to us)? In other words, what evidence does he present to support the claim that Jesus is the Messiah, and how does he present that evidence? I mentioned two types of evidence in the sermon.
  • What was miraculous about the birth of John the Baptist and the loosing of Zachariah’s tongue so that he could speak again? How did these events function as signs that John (and Jesus) were no ordinary men?
  • How might Zachariah function as a kind of model for a person who lacks certainty? In other words, how does his experience (over 9 months) show us how we can move from doubt to confidence concerning the claims of Christ?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Luke 1:57-66

Discussion Questions: Luke 1:39-56

  • It was noted that Mary’s saying, as found in Luke 1:46-55, is very similar to Hannah’s saying as found in 1 Samuel 2. Why is it important to notice the similarities? How does this observation affect our interpretation of Luke?
  • How should we view Mary? Ought we to pray to her, venerate her, or regard her as a kind of mediator? Why or why not?
  • Mary refers to God as “God my Savior” in verse 47. What does this have to do with the things that were happening to her? How did she describe the salvation of the Lord? In what terms? Did she know how exactly the Messiah would accomplish our salvation at this point in her life? What did she know?
  • What does it mean, ultimately, that God had (and would) bring down the mighty from their thrones? (verse 52)
  • What does it mean, ultimately,  that God would exult those of humble estate, etc (verses 52-55)
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Luke 1:39-56

Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 68-71

  • What is the fifth commandment?
  • What is the most obvious and direct thing this commandment requires and forbids?
  • Does the fifth commandment only require children to honor their parents? What else does it imply?
  • Does the fifth commandment only require those with an inferior position to honor those who are over them? What else does it imply? 
  • Give examples of how a superior is to show honor to an inferior (from the Bible and from real-life experience). 
  • Why is it important to note that the fifth commandment is the first of the second table of God’s moral law?
  • What is another word we could use instead of honor? Hint: Matthew 19:18-19; 22:39.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 68-71

Discussion Questions: Luke 1:26-38

Questions For Discussion At Home Or In Gospel Community Groups

  • Compare and contrast the setting of the announcement made to Zechariah and the setting of the announcement made to Mary. What should be noted about Nazareth? What theme does this introduce that will be developed by Luke?
  • Discuss how every phrase in Gabriel’s announcement (vs. 28-33) is rooted in Old Testament promises and prophesies regarding the coming Messiah. Why is this important?  
  •  What was the difference between Zechariah’s question and Mary’s? Why was Zechariah rebuked and punished while Mary was not?
  • According to Gabriel, how would the Son of God become incarnate? See also Baptist Catechism 25. 
  • What can we learn from Mary’s response? How should we emulate her?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Luke 1:26-38

Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 66 & 67

  • What is the fourth commandment?
  • What does it mean to keep the Sabbath day holy?
  • What is legalism? 
  • What is antinomianism?
  • Is it legalistic to say that the Sabbath day is to be kept holy? Why or why not?
  • How would you argue for the permanence of the Sabbath and the change of the day from day seven to one from the Scriptures?

Posted in Study Guides, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 66 & 67

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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