Dec 23
- What is temptation?
- What are the different ways that temptation comes to us?
- What does our catechism mean when it says, “that God would either keep us from being tempted to sin, or support and deliver us when we are tempted”? What is the “either… or” all about? In other words, why might God allow us to be tempted?
- Does God tempt us? (see James 1:13)
- What does the conclusion to the Lord’s Prayer teach us (in your own words)?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Dec 23
- How does this story regarding the raising of Jairus’ daughter serve as a little picture of the overall mission of the Son of God incarnate?
- How should the fact of Jesus’ ability to raise the dead lead his people to “fear not”?
- Just as Jesus delivered a message of hope and peace before raising Jairus’ daughter, so too we must deliver a message of hope and peace before Christ raises all. Discuss.
- On the last day, there will be a great and universal resurrection. What will those in their sins be raised unto? What will those in Christ be raised unto? Baptist Catechism Q’s 40-43 are helpful.
- How should this passage change the way that you think, speak, and act?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Dec 23
- Who is this Jesus? How does this story demonstrate that he is truly man and truly God?
- What are demons? Where did they come from? What power do they have to possess? Discuss their cruelty from this text.
- What does this story reveal concerning Jesus’ mission? Did he come to pay for sins only? Did he come to save sinners from hell only?
- What is the abyss that the demons begged to not be cast into? How does the abyss differ from the lake of fire mentioned in Revelation 20?
- Discuss Pastor Joe’s interpretation of the swine being drowned in the sea. What did this signify?
- What does this story (and the previous one) reveal concerning our salvation? What has Christ saved us from?
- How may this text be applied in thought, word, and deed?
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Dec 23
- Review the preface and the first three petitions of the Lord’s Prayer.
- What is the fourth petition?
- What is the main difference between the first three petitions and the fourth?
- Discuss the answer to Baptist Catechism 111 phrase by phrase and explain the meaning of each:
- In the fourth petition, which is, “Give us this day our daily bread,” we pray that
- of God’s free gift
- we may receive a competent portion
- of the good things of this life
- and enjoy His blessing with them.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Dec 23
- Discuss the two different ways we talk about the will of God. What are the theological terms we use to talk about the will of God in these two different ways?
- What is the will of God for you and me?
- Why does our catechism emphasize the need for God’s grace to know and obey God’s will?
- How are we to respond to God’s hidden or secret will for us? We need God’s grace for this too. Discuss.
- Give examples of things we can pray for under the third petition of the Lord’s Prayer.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Dec 23
- Who is this Jesus? How does this story demonstrate that he is truly man and truly God?
- Name Old Testament stories involving God calming or conquering stormy waters. Why is it important to think of these stories when considering this story about Jesus in Luke 8?
- Put yourself in the disciples’ shoes. How would this experience with Jesus have affected your understanding of Jesus and your faith in him?
- What “storms of life” have you experienced wherein God and Christ have proved faithful? How have these “storms” strengthened your faith?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Nov 23
- What does it mean for God’s kingdom to come? I can think of two ways of answering this.
- What is a kingdom?
- How many kingdoms (spiritually speaking) are there in the world today?
- Where is Satan’s kingdom? Who’s the king? Who are the citizens?
- Where is God’s kingdom? Who’s the king? Who are the citizens?
- How does God’s kingdom advance? Conversely, how is Satan’s kingdom destroyed?
- What is meant by “the kingdom of glory?” When will it be here?
- Give examples of things we can pray for under the second petition.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by
Nov 23
- Think about the parable of the sower, the soils, and the seed in Luke 8:4-15. Think also of the metaphor of light found in Luke 8:16. Both passages are about hearing or receiving God’s word in a good way. What have you learned from these passages regarding the good reception of God’s word?
- What is meditation? What is the Christian to meditate upon? Why is it important to not only read and listen to God’s word but to also meditate upon it?
- What is the meaning of Luke 8:18? “Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away” (Luke 8:18, ESV). Why is it dangerous to hear or receive God’s word in a bad way?
- What does it mean to “do” the word (see Luke 8:21; James 1:21)? It is only those who do the word who receive it truly. Discuss.
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by