Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 16

  1. Who are our first parents?
  2. What is meant by “estate”?
  3. What is the short answer to the question, Did our first parents continue in the estate wherein they were created?
  4. What estate (state of being or condition) did Adam and Eve fall from and into?
  5. How is it that Adam and Eve could fall given their perfect, pure, innocent, and upright condition at the time of their creation?
  6. What is free will? (You may want to read Second London Confession chapter 9). Did Adam and Eve have free will in the garden before sin entered the world? Was free will (properly defined) lost when Adam fell into sin? What was lost?
  7. Will we have free will in eternity? Why will we not be able to sin in eternity?
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Discussion Questions: Luke 10:38-42

  1. What does the story about Mary and her sister Martha have to do with the first and second greatest commandments mentioned in Luke 10:27?
  2. Compare and contrast Mary (in Luke 10:39)  with the lawyer (in Luke 10:25). What is similar about them? What is different?
  3. All who love God truly must sit at the feet of Jesus to receive, believe, and obey his word. This is a bold statement. Why is it true now that the Christ has come? Related to this, we know that the lawyer did not keep the second greatest commandment. Did he keep the first? Why or why not?    
  4. Why does Jesus say that Mary chose the good portion? What is meant by this?
  5. Does Jesus criticize Martha for her service and hospitality? If there is anything wrong with her service and hospitality, what is it?
  6. How might Mary and Martha represent the responsibilities of the church and the two offices of the church, elder and deacon?
  7. How does this text apply to your life today? How should this text change the way that you think, speak, and act?
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Discussion Questions: Luke 10:30-37

  1. In the previous sermon and this one, I mentioned three uses of God’s law. The first use of God’s moral law is to restrain evil in the world generally by God’s common grace. Here we may compare the law to a curb or guardrail. What are the other two uses of the law? To what can we compare these?
  2. In Luke 10:25-37, how did Christ use the law as a disciplinarian or mirror to show the lawyer his sin? 
  3. How is the law used as a light to our feet or as a guide in this same passage?
  4. The law commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Who is our neighbor?
  5. What does it mean to love our neighbor? What will this look like in practice?
  6. How should the Christian view God’s law? How should we read, interpret, and apply it to ourselves? 
  7. What is legalism? What is antinomianism? Why are these to be avoided?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Luke 10:30-37

Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 14

  1. What is God’s works of providence?
  2. What do we mean when we say that God preserves all things?
  3. What do we mean when we say that God governs all things?
  4. What does God preserve and govern?
  5. Why does our catechism say God’s providence is “most holy, wise, and powerful?” What previous Q&A should this remind us of? What is meant by the word “most”?
  6. How should we think of God’s relationship to evil, sin, and suffering? (Reminder: You will find a much more thorough statement about God’s providence in Second London Confession, chapter 5. Please read it sometime soon.)
  7. How is this truth about God’s providence a comfort to the Christian? 
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 14

Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 13

  1. Why does our catechism give special attention to the creation of man?
  2. What is meant by “man”?
  3. How did God create Adam? How did God create Eve? What is the significance of this?
  4. What do men and women share in common? How are they different?
  5. What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
  6. Was the image of God lost after man’s fall into sin?
  7. What does Jesus do for the image of God? In other words, what does he fix in those who trust in him? What does he redeem and restore?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 13

Discussion Questions: Luke 10:25-29

  1. Why is the question, what must I do to inherit eternal life, a good question? Why it is a good question to ask personally? Why is it a good question to ask when assessing someone’s theological understanding?
  2. What is the correct answer to the question, what must I do to inherit eternal life? In other words, what does the gospel of Jesus Christ say?
  3. Why then did Jesus say, “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live”, when the lawyer said that eternal life was to be obtained through law-keeping?  
  4. How did Jesus inherit eternal life for himself? How did Jesus inherit eternal life for his elect? 
  5. Why did Luke decide to tell this story about the lawyer who tested Jesus at this point in his gospel? In other words, what does this story have to do with the previous passage?
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Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 11 & 12

  1. When considering the works of God, why is it important to talk about God’s eternal decree before considering his work of creation and his works of providence? 
  2. What did God create?
  3. What did he create from or out of?
  4. How did God create?
  5. How long did God take to create?
  6. Why did God take six days to create?
  7. What was the condition of God’s creation when he finished his work?
Posted in Study Guides, Joe Anady, Posted by Joe. Comments Off on Discussion Questions: Baptist Catechism 11 & 12

Discussion Questions: Luke 10:23-24

  1. The disciples of Jesus were blessed to see what they saw and hear what they heard in two senses. Explain and discuss. 
  2. Why did Jesus draw attention to the fact that prophets and kings longed to see these things?
  3. Is there a sense in which the faithful prophets and kings of old did see Jesus?
  4. The disciples of Jesus (except for one) believed that Jesus was the Messiah but their understanding of him increased with time. What was the main thing they struggled to comprehend? When did they finally see clearly?
  5. Read Ephesians 1:15–23. How will our understanding of Jesus, his person, and work, grow over time?
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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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