Week of December 14th, 2014

SUNDAY > 2 Chr 16, Rev 5, Zech 1, Ps 119:145‐176
MONDAY > 2 Chr 17, Rev 6, Zech 2, Ps 120‐122
TUESDAY > 2 Chr 18, Rev 7, Zech 3, Ps 123‐125
WEDNESDAY > 2 Chr 19‐20, Rev 8, Zech 4, Ps 126‐128
THURSDAY > 2 Chr 21, Rev 9, Zech 5, Ps 129‐131
FRIDAY > 2 Chr 22‐23, Rev 10, Zech 6, Ps 132‐134
SATURDAY > 2 Chr 24, Rev 11, Zech 7, Ps 135‐136

“And Samuel said, “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king” (1 Samuel 15:22b–23a, ESV).

Baptist Catechism #44:
Q. What is the duty which God requireth (requires) of man?
A. The duty which God requireth (requires) of man, is obedience to His revealed will.

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The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World

One of my habits is to listen to podcasts throughout the week as I drive in the car and run. I plan to grow more consistent in passing along the good stuff to you so that you can also be edified.

As of late I have enjoyed listening to The Reformed Forum podcast. There are so many wonderful issues covered, and so many top-notch scholars interviewed in this broadcast – I would highly recommend that you listen in.

In particular, I would commend an episode entitled The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World. This is one of their “less academic” programs, but the content is so deeply practical – I think it would be worth your time to have a listen.

Blessings, church. I look forward to gathering with you all on the Lord’s Day.



The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World


Communicating the Claims of Easter

Certainly the teaching of the bodily resurrection of Christ is at the heart of orthodox Christianity. I do wonder how many Christians really believe this doctrine today, let alone have the ability to defend its historicity, and explain its centrality, and significance to the Christian faith. Here are a couple of links to resources that might help! I do hope to see you this Sunday as we gather for worship to celebrate Christ’s resurrection!

Communicating the Claims of Easter

Risen Indeed!

Do you have questions about the doctrine of salvation?

Do you have questions about the doctrine of salvation? If so, I would highly recommend this seminar series from Dr. John Piper that a friend of mine made me aware of today. The teaching is well presented, thorough, clear, and deeply devoted to the Holy Scriptures – also, it’s free! There’s about 8 hours of teaching here in audio or video form with lecture notes available. Perhaps you could find a way to work this in to your schedule in the next month or two. I trust that you will be blessed by it as you grow in your understanding of what it means to be saved by grace alone through faith alone. May your love for Him increase!


TULIP, Part 1: Introduction

TULIP, Part 2: Assumptions – Irresistible Grace

TULIP, Part 3: Irresistible Grace – Total Depravity

TULIP, Part 4: Total Depravity – Unconditional Election

TULIP, Part 5: Unconditional Election

TULIP, Part 6: Unconditional Election

TULIP, Part 7: Limited Atonement

TULIP, Part 8: Perseverance of the Saints

TULIP, Part 9: Ten Effects of Believing the Five Points of Calvinisim



Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism

Hello Church,

I noticed that Russell encouraged you in the O.I.A. discussion questions to do some research on “Covenant Theology” in preparation for your Gospel Community Groups. It seems that I am a little behind on this (it is Thursday already and most of you have met) but here is a good resource on that subject. I assume that this will be useful for your discussions next week as well.

I recently came across this chart put together by a Pastor friend of mine from Murrieta Valley Church. I met with him shortly after we started Emmaus Christian Fellowship and he was a great encouragement to me. It was nice to see his work pop up when I Google searched, “Covenant Theology Chart”.



Recommended Reading on The Doctrine of Salvation

For those of you who are desiring to study the doctrine of salvation I would like to suggest three resources.

One, please start by reading the blog post “What I Believe Concerning the Doctrine of Salvation” as this will provide you with quick overview of the issue.

chosen-by-godTwo, I would recommend “Chosen by God” by R.C. Sproul. This book clearly explains the biblical doctrine and also deals with some of the questions that typically arise.

Three, I would recommend “The Five Points of Calvinism” by Steele, Thomas, and Quinn. This books explains the history of this doctrine and then provides a great deal of scripture references for you to explore.

In all of this study remember that the scriptures are our authority for truth! The Lord has blessed the church with teachers throughout church history and many of them have put their teaching in writing. We should read much in the same way that we would listen to a sermon. We are to honor and respect these teachers all the while testing them against the authority of God’s Word.

Remember that we plan to offer a class in the summer dealing with this issue. It is possible that “The Five Points of Calvinism” will serve as our textbook for the study.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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