Update on Emmaus Essentials – Making Sense of Salvation

I have a couple of announcements for those who have signed up for the Emmaus Essentials course starting this Sunday.

1) 25 people are signed up and I have come to the conclusion that there is no way we will all fit in the conference room at the church office. I will be looking for a new meeting location over the next couple of days and I will get back to you with another update.

2) Just to be clear, you should come to this first class having read chapter 1. There is not, however, a corresponding audio lecture to chapter 1. The lectures, available for free through iTunes, will come in handy starting with chapter 2.

Please check back on Thursday for further updates.



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Truly Encouraged

I just wanted to say that it was huge blessing to be able to get away with my wife for our 11 year anniversary and to not worry one bit about Emmaus. Lindsay and I shared with another couple that we were six weeks in to a new church plant, and they said, “Really! And you are on vacation? Do you think the church will be there when you get back?” To be honest, I hadn’t even thought about it until that comment was made, and even then it wasn’t a bother to me.

It is a huge blessing to be able to start a new church with so many good people contributing to the work of the ministry. I heard that the Angel Food distribution went very well. Thank you to all who pitched in and helped out with that ministry! Also, I thought that Russell Schmidt did a great job preaching on Sunday. If you missed it, I would encourage you to listen to the sermon on-line; it should be up in just a couple of days.

Ultimately, I know that you are not doing any of this for me; you are serving the Lord in all that you do. Never-the-less, I can’t help but feel personally grateful. It is an awesome encouragement for me to see others passionate about the ministry to the same degree that I am. It is evidence that this is indeed a God thing. He is in all of this, moving in each of our hearts, as He brings us together as the body of Christ.

From my perspective, this is definitely not my church. I say that knowing that it is a true statement from a Biblical perspective – this is Christ’s church indeed. But I also say this as I observe the reality of  what is happening at Emmaus. I do believe that God has called me to Pastor this congregation an I take that calling seriously, but I am only one of a plurality Pastors. I know that God has gifted me to play a particular role in this church, but I also see that everyone of you has been gifted, and you are using your gifts to edify one another and to bring glory to God. What a joy it is to watch all of this come together!



Posted in News, Posted by Joe. No Comments

Worship Service – July 31, 2011

Greetings Emmaus,

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday at 5:00pm in the Youth House at BFC. Remember, Russell Schmidt will be bringing the Word from 1 Peter 1:22-25. Please pray for him this week as he continues to prepare.



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Worship Service on July 24th

Just a heads up that we will still be meeting in BFC’s Youth House on Sunday, July 24 at 5:00pm. Please continue to pray for our future meeting location. We have a couple of very good options but we are not quite ready to make the move yet.



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Gospel Community Groups 1st Meeting

Hello Gospel Community Group Leaders and welcome. What an exciting time for Emmaus Christian Fellowship. Below is a basic guide for the structure of our first meeting. Each week I will update the blog with a new guide and information for that particular week. Feel free to use this guide as much as you feel comfortable. However, please do not disregard it completely, as I would like all of the groups to be on the same page. So please make it a point to check the blog at least once a week.

Sample outline for 1st  meeting

1. Prior to meeting with your group, make sure to review the handouts given at the GCG training. This will help you remember the priorities of the group. Review Cloud and Townsend’s Part 4 if you have not already done so. Reflect on the picture model that I handed out and ask the Lord to guide you and give you wisdom as we begin these groups. A recap of the top 7 group priorities are

-Think Life Change

-Cultivate Relationships

-Promote Group Involvement

-Identify Replacements

-Provide Guidance and Care

-Monitor Environment for Love, Acceptance, and Honesty.

-Don’t Neglect Your Personal Spiritual Life

2. Before you start your group, be sure to spend some time in deep and thoughtful prayer. Pray for your group members, the direction of the group, Gods changing power within the group, etc.

3. Begin the group with an introduction of yourself and all the others in the group.

4. Spend the first portion of the group explaining what we tend to accomplish throughout the duration of these groups. Feel free to refer to any of the handouts from the training.

5. Next, spend some time explaining what is expected of each group member by referring to Cloud and Townsend part 5. Allow this to be a time of open discussion as we want everyone to understand their role in the group. A suggestion would be to use each of Cloud and Townsend’s topics one by one; introduce the topic, explain the topic, and get feedback on how the group feels about each topic. Cloud and Townsend list 13 topics beginning on pg. 193

6. Finally, spend some time in open fellowship. Just hang out for a while and get to know one another. Remember, our focus is not on strict curriculum or firm structure, it is about molding oneanother into the image of Christ by oneanothering and truthing in love. Relationships are central.

7. End in prayer.

*Contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am praying for you all and am so excited to see how God is going to change lives in our Gospel Community Groups. To God be the Glory. Grace and Peace to you all.


Announcements for the Week of July 17, 2011

Gospel Community Groups are Starting 7/17/2011

Emmaus will offer a handful of Gospel Community Groups starting this week with more groups coming soon. If this initial batch of groups fills up, or if the times do not work for you, please understand that more groups will launch in the coming months. Our goal is to have everyone involved in a GCG’s, but we are also requiring that all GCG leaders go through a rather intense training process. Training leaders takes time but we do not want to rush this training process. Thank you for your patience as we strive to provide Emmaus with enough GCG’s for everyone to be involved, and yet maintain a high standard and a sense of continuity amongst our group leaders. If Gospel Community Groups fill up before you sign up, you can also join the Emmaus Essential class mentioned below.

Youth Ministry Change Starting 7/19/2011

Beginning this Tuesday, both Jr. and Sr. High youth will be meeting on Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30pm at the Zerebny’s house located at 26419 Old Agency Road. The youth will continue at this location at least until we find a new location for Emmaus.

Angel Food Ministries Distribution 7/30/2011

Angel Food Ministries will be distributing food boxes from the church office at 717 E. Florida Ave. on Saturday, July 30th. Distribution runs from 9 – 10:30am with set up beginning at 8:00am. Glen and Anna would love to have you come and serve along side them as they package food, walk folks to their cars, and pray for them. Please call Anna at 951•293•4145 or visit the “Ministries” page on our website for more information.

Emmaus Essentials Starting 8/7/2011

We will be studying the Doctrine of Salvation starting August 7th at 10am at the church office. We will be using “Making Sense of Salvation” by Wayne Grudem. This is one part of a seven part series that was taken from his large volume called “Systematic Theology”. You can order the text on Amazon or request that the church order the book for you. The book costs $11.24. Please come to the first meeting having read chapter one and having answered the questions in the back of the chapter. Also, I noticed that Wayne Grudem has free lectures corresponding to the chapters in his systematic theology available on ITunes. I thought that these might be helpful for commuters or for those who are a little lest than enthusiastic about reading this much every week.

Location Update

We will likely be meeting at BFC for at least one more week, if not more, but there is a possibility that we experience a move in the not to distant future. Please check the website regularly this week for an update on meeting location.



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Scripture Memory at Emmaus

Hello Emmaus,

Just a quick reminder that our scripture memory for the week is 2 Timothy 3:16 which says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” The children will have an opportunity to recite this verse in front of the congregation this week just like we did last week.

The idea here is that young and old memorize scripture together, and that parents teach their children this discipline within the home. Please, do not let your children memorize scripture without helping them to understand what it means and how it should change their lives. It is a very dangerous thing to pack a young persons mind full of scripture, and then to send them off into adulthood thinking they “know” the Bible, when in fact, they don’t understand it. Scripture should be memorized, understood, and applied; anything less is potentially destructive. The scriptures should be stored up in the mind, but it also needs to sink down into our hearts where it can truly transform us.



Posted in Devotional Thoughts, News, Posted by Joe. 2 Comments

Angel Food is here at Emmaus!

I am pleased to announce that Emmaus Christian Fellowship will be hosting Angel Food Ministries as an outreach to the San Jacinto Valley. Glen and Anna Dalbey lead the ministry with a passion to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of those who are struggling financially. Folks are able to purchase quality food at good price through Angel Food to help make their money go further in other areas. The ministry is meant to help not only people in the community but also the church. Please feel free to order a box of food if you feel it would help with your budget.

At Emmaus, we would like to encourage each Gospel Community Group to find a family to bless with a box of food on a monthly basis. We will leave it to your group to identify someone in need (in the church or outside), order the box, and deliver it to the family. What a great opportunity to bless someone in Jesus’ name! We want for this ministry be more than just a food distribution service; we want to build relationships and to care for people on a personal level and we feel that this is a good way to accomplish that goal.

Glen and Anna would also like to request your assistance at the monthly distribution. We will be distributing from the church office on the last Saturday of every month from 9:00am-11:00am with set up starting at 8:00am. This will be a great way for the church to serve together and to get to know one another! Please contact Anna at 951-293-4145 with further questions.

Posted in News, Posted by Joe. 1 Comment

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

©2025 Emmaus Reformed Baptist Church