Lesson 23: The Person and Work of Christ: The Work of Christ: Historical Perspectives


Read Know the Truth: Chapter 17: The Work of Christ: Historical Perspectives (Pages 224-237)

Questions for Discussion

1. Discuss the relative place of subjective and objective theories of the atonement. Why is the objective indispensable?

2. ‘Truth, but not the whole truth.’ Is that a fair estimate of the ‘classic’ theory of the atonement?

3. Find a biblical text which conveys the essence of each of the primary atonement models. Rough out a presentation of the gospel on the basis of each of the texts. Consider in each case how you would illustrate your exposition to help your hearers grasp its truth. Consider in each case the moral, spiritual and psychological needs in your hearers which each model could address.

4. What are the indispensable features for ‘a theory of atonement for today’?

Milne, Bruce (2012-11-28). Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (pp. 236-237). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

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Lesson 22: The Person and Work of Christ: The Work of Christ: Biblical Teaching (Part 2)


Read Know the Truth: Chapter 16: The Work of Christ: Biblical Teaching  (Pages 216-222)

Questions for Discussion

1. What is meant by ‘propitiation’? Support your answer from biblical texts. Is ‘expiation’ a viable alternative term?

2. Examine the place of (a) substitution, (b) ransom price, in the atonement. Support your conclusion with biblical texts.

3. What is meant by Christ’s ‘kingly office’? How does (a) the resurrection, (b) the ascension, relate to the understanding of the atonement? Examine the implications for (a) the church and its mission, (b) Christian living and evangelism, (c) Christian involvement in society, (d) Christian hope.

4. What are the points of contact between the incarnation and the atonement?

Milne, Bruce (2012-11-28). Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (pp. 223-224). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

Please visit emmauscf.org/passages to view a suggested Bible reading plan, suggested scripture memory verse, and Emmaus’ catechism. Once there, please select the appropriate week of the year.

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Lesson 21: The Person and Work of Christ: The Work of Christ: Biblical Teaching (Part 1)


Notice: This chapter will be covered in two parts. Do not read the entire chapter this week.

Read Know the Truth: Chapter 16: The Work of Christ: Biblical Teaching  (Pages 205 – 215)

Questions for Discussion

1. What are the points of continuity and discontinuity between OT and NT atonement teaching?

2. What is meant by Christ’s prophetic office? ‘I am the truth’; ‘in [Christ] are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’: explore the implications of these biblical statements for (a) Christian discipleship, (b) Christian doctrine, (c) human investigation in the arts and sciences, (d) forms of political and social organization, (e) human culture, (f) the home and family life.

3. Why is Christ our ‘great high priest’? What are the implications for (a) cleansing from sin, (b) a guilty conscience, (c) temptation and other trials, (d) Christian worship, (e) Christian fellowship? Find and study passages on each in the letter to the Hebrews.

4. State as precisely as you can the meaning of justification, supporting your definition from Scripture. Why can God not just ‘overlook’ our sin?

5. What is meant by the ‘imputed righteousness of Christ’, and what are its implications for the Christian’s attitude to failure?

6. How may ‘penal substitution’ be defended against the suggestion that it is unjust?

Milne, Bruce (2012-11-28). Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (p. 223). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

Please visit emmauscf.org/passages to view a suggested Bible reading plan, suggested scripture memory verse, and Emmaus’ catechism. Once there, please select the appropriate week of the year.

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Lesson 20: The Person and Work of Christ: The One Person


Read Know the Truth: Chapter 15: The One Person (Pages 195-204)

Questions for Discussion

1. State the major heresies concerning the person of Christ. Can you identify contemporary expressions of some of these errors?

2. ‘No Christology can ever go back on Chalcedon.’ Discuss.

3. What is meant by ‘kenosis’? To what extent does the concept help or hinder in understanding Christ’s person?

4. Consider the importance of a correct Christology for (a) our view of God, (b) the gospel of redemption, (c) our view of humankind, (d) our approach to Scripture.

Milne, Bruce (2012-11-28). Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (p. 204). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

Please visit emmauscf.org/passages to view a suggested Bible reading plan, suggested scripture memory verse, and Emmaus’ catechism. Once there, please select the appropriate week of the year.

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Lesson 19: The Person and Work of Christ: The Deity of Jesus Christ


Read Know the Truth: Chapter 14: The Deity of Christ (Pages 177-193)

Questions for Discussion

1. Outline your response to the statement, ‘The NT nowhere states that Jesus is God.’ (It would be worthwhile to memorize the main NT passages where his deity is asserted.)

2. Marshal the main biblical evidence for the identification of Jesus Christ with Yahweh.

3. What are the implications for Jesus’ person of (a) his claims, (b) the virgin birth, (c) his resurrection?

4. Why is it important to insist on the bodily resurrection of Christ?

5. Explore the implications of Jesus’ deity for (a) the human search for truth, (b) the search for salvation.

Milne, Bruce (2012-11-28). Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (p. 194). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

Please visit emmauscf.org/passages to view a suggested Bible reading plan, suggested scripture memory verse, and Emmaus’ catechism. Once there, please select the appropriate week of the year.

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Lesson 18: The Person and Work of Christ: The Humanity of Jesus Christ


Read Know the Truth: Chapter 13: The Humanity of Christ (Pages 173-176)

Questions for Discussion

1. Summarize the NT evidence for Christ’s true humanity. Which aspects appear to you the most convincing and why?

2. How would you respond to the accusation that Jesus’ (a) temptations, (b) confession of ignorance, were unreal, or else irreconcilable with his deity?

3. Consider the theological implications of the true humanity of Christ for (a) the Christian doctrine of humanity, (b) the Christian doctrine of redemption.

4. How would you seek to use the fact of Christ’s true humanity to help someone who was experiencing (a) acute temptation, (b) a sense of having been forsaken by God, (c) intense physical suffering?

Milne, Bruce (2012-11-28). Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (p. 166). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

Please visit emmauscf.org/passages to view a suggested Bible reading plan, suggested scripture memory verse, and Emmaus’ catechism. Once there, please select the appropriate week of the year.

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Lesson 17: Review & Application from Part 3


Briefly review the content of Part 3 (Pages 119-171)

Read Know the Truth: Application (Pages 166-171)

Questions for Discussion

1. What in Part 3 has been most impactful to you?

2. Discuss the points of application made by Milne on Pages 166-171. Which one applies to you the most?

3. Can you think of any other applications that can be drawn from Part 3?

4. What questions do you have about the teaching you have encountered in this section?

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

Please visit emmauscf.org/passages to view a suggested Bible reading plan, suggested scripture memory verse, and Emmaus’ catechism. Once there, please select the appropriate week of the year.

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Lesson 16: Humanity and Sin: Humanity in Grace and Glory


Read Know the Truth: Chapters 11 and 12: Humanity in Sin; Humanity in Glory (Pages 161-166)

Questions for Discussion

1. What do you understand by the reference to Christ as ‘the second Adam’? Explore the implications of this title.

2. Marshal the biblical evidence which supports the Christian claim that Jesus was the perfect and normative human being.

3. At which points does Christ’s perfect humanity most sharply challenge present experience and attitudes, (a) in your local church/Christian group, (b) in your own life?

4. Consider ways in which the future glorification of humankind should affect our present attitudes.

5. Explore the implications of the Bible’s teaching about humankind for (a) Christian social and political attitudes, (b) racial discrimination, (c) economic development in the Majority World, (d) the women’s movement, (e) abortion, euthanasia and organ transplants, (f) the campaign for the conservation of the environment and the protection of endangered species.

Milne, Bruce (2012-11-28). Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (p. 166). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.

Scripture Reading, Scripture Memory and Catechism

Please visit emmauscf.org/passages to view a suggested Bible reading plan, suggested scripture memory verse, and Emmaus’ catechism. Once there, please select the appropriate week of the year.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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