Dec 14
Read Know the Truth: Chapter 13: The Humanity of Christ (Pages 173-176)
Questions for Discussion
1. Summarize the NT evidence for Christ’s true humanity. Which aspects appear to you the most convincing and why?
2. How would you respond to the accusation that Jesus’ (a) temptations, (b) confession of ignorance, were unreal, or else irreconcilable with his deity?
3. Consider the theological implications of the true humanity of Christ for (a) the Christian doctrine of humanity, (b) the Christian doctrine of redemption.
4. How would you seek to use the fact of Christ’s true humanity to help someone who was experiencing (a) acute temptation, (b) a sense of having been forsaken by God, (c) intense physical suffering?
Milne, Bruce (2012-11-28). Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief (p. 166). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.
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