OIA Questions for GCG’s based on 01/01/12 sermon
Thoughts for Observation, Interpretation, and Application on Sermon given 01/01/12
This week all of the questions are application questions, as several passages of scripture were used in the sermon. Be sure to refer to your notes from the sermon in answering these questions with your group. Joe addressed three areas: past, present, and future; the application questions will address each of these.
1. The sermon’s first point was on thanksgiving. God has done a lot in the life of Emmaus these past 7 months. In the midst of life it is easy to forget how many blessings God has given us as a community and individuals. Take some time and give thanks for all that God has done for Emmaus. Take some time and share with one another the things in which you are truly thankful for in your own life. (Psalm 9:1-2)
2.The sermon addressed our identity as a “new calvinism church”. As you know, the only reason Emmaus takes on such an identity is that Emmaus is fully convinced that scriptures teach the doctrine of election and ECF desires to be true and faithful to the scriptures. Share with your group your thoughts on being a church that stands for the accuracy, holiness, and authority of the scriptures, even in the midst of opposition. Also, discuss your thoughts on the new calvinism video that was shown during the sermon. (Phil 1:12-14; Romans 8:28)
3. The new sermon series is titled “On Mission Together; Understanding Our Mission In Light Of The Mission Of God”. What are your thoughts on this new series we are embarking on as a church? How can you as an individual use your gifts to become more effective with the Mission Of God? Spend some time in prayer in your group for the future of Emmaus Christian Fellowship. Pray that God will use Emmaus to bring about his glory and our joy.