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GCG Questions for Sermon on 08/03/14

Text: James 5:1-6


1. Why does James abruptly direct his focus toward the unrighteousness in James 5? Why is this important for Christians reading the text?

2. As Christians, how should we approach the unrighteous wealthy individuals that surround us in our society? What does scripture teach on this topic? Share.

3. How are you doing with your struggle with acquiring finances, yet not being controlled by them. Share.

4. What advice would you give a rich man (whose idol was his wealth) who came to you wanting to learn about God and come with you to church? Explain.

5. How are you (or how will you) (or how did you) teach(ing) your children a Godly concept of money and finances? Share with your group.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 07/27/14

Text: James 4:13-17


1. What are three of the main points James wants his readers to understand thus far in his book? Discuss.

2. Are you approaching the future with humility? Or have you been planning future events with little to no regard for God’s will?

3. How would you respond if a brother or sister in Christ asked you the question, “what is God’s will for my life?”

4. Do you trust God with the future? Share with your group.

5. Has there been a time in your life that you became certain God was calling you to do something, so you did it? Explain.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 07/20/14

Text: James 4:1-12


1. Are you currently growing closer to God? Or do you feel you are being distracted and pulled away from God? Share with your group.

2. In what areas of your life are you committing  spiritual adultery” with God? Share.

3. What advice would you give to a brother or sister in Christ who felt that they were falling away from God and did not know how to grow close to Him again.

4. Do you experience grief over your sins? Why or why not. How. Explain share.

5. When you commit sins, do you run to God in light of His promises and Love? Or do you run and hide in your shame? Share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 07/06/14

Text: James 3:13-4:3


1. What “wars” are currently raging around you? (Family, work, society) How does Christ want you to respond to these situations? Share.

2. How does the English definition of the word meek differ from the Greek definition? Which definition more closely applies to how you live? Share.

3. Compare and contrast heavenly wisdom with worldly wisdom. Give specific examples from our society. Give specific examples from scripture.

4. Is there an area of your life that tends to be more dominated by worldly wisdom than heavenly wisdom? Share.

5. What passions drive you? Do you passions overtake your godliness and submission to God? Share.

GCG Questions For Sermon on 06/29/14

Text: James 3:1-12


1. How have you been doing in the “taming of your tongue”? Share.

2. Why does James state, “not many of you should become teachers” in beginning his teaching on the taming of the tongue? Explain this correlation.

3. Respond to this famous childhood statement in light of James 3. “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me”.

4. Why are words both so powerful and dangerous? Share and support.

5. What practical applications can be applied from James 3 in daily learning to be careful and wise with your words? Explain and share.

GCG Questions for Sermon on 06/22/14

Text: James 2:14-26


1. What are the differences between a living faith and a dead faith? Contrast the two and discuss.

2. According to the sermon, what are the three traditional aspects of a true faith? See sermon notes and discuss.

3. How do you combine faith with works in your Christian walk? (don’t worry, it’s not boasting if someone else asks you) Share personal experiences with your group.

4. Is your faith currently living and growing? Or has it been more on the dead side? Explain and share with your group.

5. How could you explain to a new believer the concept that works do not bring about salvation or a better standing before God, but that works should be a central part of ones faith? (Remember: many false religion err on this one topic)

GCG Questions for Sermon on 06/15/14

Text: James 2:1-13


1. What “injustices” in our society bother you most? Why do they bother you? Explain and share?

2. Is judgement/prejudism of others something that you struggle with? Why or why not? If yes, what can you do to correct this issue? Share with your group?

3. Has hatred been an issue for you in the recent past? Do you need to confront or confess to anyone in order to make things right and honoring to God? Share with your group.

4. How has God blessed you this last week? Share your blessings with your group.

5. How can your group pray for you this week? Share?

GCG Questions for Sermon on 06/08/14

Text: James 1:20-27


1. How could you respond to someone who says to you, “I want to go to church, but it is just filled with a bunch of hypocrites”?

2. Are you being diligent in your personal bible study? What are you currently studying/learning? Share with your group.

3. According to the sermon, what are the three primary uses of God’s law? What is God’s law not to be used for? Share.

4. How can one practically meditate on God’s law day and night? Share thoughts and ideas.

5. How could/should you respond to a fellow believer who says, “Christianity is a relationship not a religion”? Support with scripture. Share.

"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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