GCG Questions for Sermon on 01/19/14

1. Take a moment to asses your current relationships. Are they filled with unity? Do you have a particular relationship that needs attending to? Why? Share with your group.

2. What is a godly and biblical way to deal with an individual who claims to be a Christian, yet has strong beliefs that are contrary to scripture? What theological issues should divide and what issues should be dismissed for the sake of unity? List and share.

3. How is your faith? Are you strong or struggling? Why? Explain and share.

4. Are you clearly and consistently “loving one another” in your GCG group? How so/ how can you tell? Discuss.

5. What is “love” according to Paul in Galatians 5? Define, explain, and share. See sermon notes at www.emmauscf.org/sermons for more information.

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"Him we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
(Colossians 1:28, ESV)

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